Never Be The Same Read online

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  "Don't fight it baby,” Roxy smiled. "You gon be my bitch," she said as she stroked Paige's hair. "Oh and we going to have a lot of fun together," she said flicking her tongue like a snake.

  Paige swallowed hard as she balled up her fist. She wasn't just going to sit there and let the two dike bitches have their way with her. If they wanted her pussy then they were going to have to fight for it. Just as Paige got ready to swing, she noticed a female C.O. enter the shower room.

  "Is everything alright in here?" the C.O. asked suspiciously eyeing Roxy and Shawn.

  "Yeah everything is fine,” Roxy answered quickly.

  "I wasn't talking to you mufucka" the C.O. growled! "I was talking to the new girl."

  "Yes I'm fine," Paige said as she exited the shower room and headed back to her bunk. When she reached her bunk, she saw her bunky eating some Oodles of Noodles and tuna fish. Paige turned up her nose as she quickly put her clothes back on and hopped back up on her bed. As she lay on her bunk, she noticed Roxy and Shawn walking through the dorm undressing her with their eyes.

  "On the chow," a C.O. yelled. Paige hopped off her bunk, got in a single file line with the rest of the women inmates, and headed down to the mess hall.

  "I hope they are serving something good today," the chick who stood behind Paige said. When Paige reached the mess hall, it was filled with other women inmates already eating. As she waited in line to receive her food, she still couldn’t believe that she was really in jail. It all felt like a dream to her, not a dream, but a nightmare. When Paige stepped up to the counter with her food tray the inmates who served the food tossed two slices of bread on her tray. As she went down the line, another inmate food server slapped a scoop of mashed potatoes down on her tray and last but not least a piece of meat that looked like a burger patty was placed on her tray. Paige sat down, and picked over her food while all the other girls dug into their food as if it was a meal from a 5-star restaurant.

  "This bitch must think she's too good to eat this food,” an inmate wearing a du-rag commented.

  "What are you talking about,” Paige said looking at the girl? "Do I even know you?"

  "No you don't know me and trust me, you don't want to get to know me either," the woman threatened raising her voice!

  Paige knew if she was going to survive in this kind of environment that she would have to smack the shit out of a few bitches and stoop down to their level. She had heard all the stories about what went down in jail, but she assumed the stories were exaggerated. Now she was finding out that not only were the stories real, but so were the female inmates.

  "Just keep your eyes off my shit a’ight," Paige said looking the other chick in her eyes. Before Paige could see it coming, the woman jumped across the table and clothes lined Paige out of her chair.

  "OOOOOOH SHIT!" Another inmate cooed as the whole cafeteria gathered around to see what was going on.

  The woman had a tight grip on Paige's long hair as she went to work on her with her free hand. Paige struggled to break the woman's grip from her hair, but it was no use. She swung and clawed as best she could until finally several C.O.'s came and separated the two.

  "Bitch this shit ain't over with!" The woman yelled holding a few strands of Paige's hair in her hand. Paige was escorted back to her dorm where she went without food for the rest of the night. For the entire night, Paige just cried. No matter how bad she wanted to pick up and leave, she knew she was stuck there. This was only day one. Now she had 1,094 days left to go.

  Two Months Later

  Jeezy sat in the back of the strip club, watching Pink handle her business. She worked the johns and other dancers in the club like a professional. For the past two months, business had been booming thanks to Pink. She appeared out of nowhere and saved Jeezy's life. Jeezy was thankful to have Pink as a business partner, but on top of just being partners, Jeezy was also Pink's protector. Any problems, Pink looked to Jeezy to handle them and that's what Jeezy did best.

  Pink walked over, gave Jeezy a hug, and slipped a hand full of cash in his hands on the low. "Shit popping in here tonight."

  Jeezy pulled Pink down onto his lap so the two blended in with the rest of the crowd. "Tell me about it," he said discreetly slipping the money in his pocket.

  "You see that African nigga over there in the cut," Pink asked gyrating her hips to the beat that blasted through the speaker.

  "That clown over there in the suit," Jeezy asked looking over in the African's direction. He saw an African man sitting all alone tossing plenty of money in the air as he watched it rain down on the strippers.

  "He’s coked up out of his mind and spending money like its water," Pink told him.

  "Think this risk will be worth the reward," he asked taking one more look over at the African man.

  "No doubt,” Pink answered with a smile. She knew a come up when she saw it and the African was just that, a quick come up.

  "Fuck it.” “I'm on it," Jeezy said, downing the rest of his drink in one gulp.

  Pink walked past the African man and he quickly grabbed her wrist. "You are so beautiful. Why on earth are you in here belittling yourself?"

  "Being beautiful doesn't pay the bills,” Pink replied.

  "If you were my woman you wouldn’t want or need for anything. In my country you would get treated like royalty," the African said as he kissed the back of Pink's hand.

  "I mean that sounds cool and all that, but I don't think I'll be going to the motherland anytime soon,” she said as she turned to walk away.

  "Wait,” he said grabbing her wrist again. "Please stay with me for the night."

  "Nah.” “I don't think so" Pink declined.

  "Name your price,” the African man smiled. He knew American woman did anything in the name of the old mighty dollar and he had to have Pink.

  "$10,000" Pink said waiting for a response.

  "Done,” the African man said as if she had said two dollars.

  "Up front,” Pink said with her hand out. For some reason she didn't trust the man.

  "Not a problem" the African man said as he stood to his feet. "My limo is parked out front. Go change your clothes and meet me out front. That’s where the money is."

  "I'll be out in twenty minutes baby." Pink smiled as she disappeared in the back.

  Jeezy sat in the cut as he watched the African man exit the club. He quickly stood to his feet and did the same thing. When Jeezy made it outside, he saw the African man hop in an all-black limousine. He quickly made his way over to his BMW and grabbed his 40 caliber from under the seat and his hoodie from out the back seat. "Here we go," Jeezy said to himself as he threw the hoodie over his head and headed towards the limo.

  The African man sat in the back of the limo counting out $10,000. He didn't have a problem paying for the finer things in life. When the limo door flung open the African thought, it was Pink entering. His eyes almost popped out his head when he saw the big gun in his face. Seconds later Pink hopped in the front seat with her .380 pointed at the driver's head. "Drive,” she told him.

  "What's going on here?" the African asked in a heavy accent?

  "Shut the fuck up" Jeezy huffed snatching the $10,000 from his hands! "Where’s the rest of the money?"

  "You are making a big mistake.” If you leave now I promise, I will forget about everything and you won't have to deal with the consequences later," the African said in a calm tone. WAK!

  Jeezy smacked the African across the face with his gun. "Last time I'm asking you. Where's the rest of the money?"

  The African man smiled before he replied. "It's in the trunk."

  "Pull this mufucka over" Pink ordered. The limo driver quickly did as he was told.

  "Pop the trunk" Jeezy ordered as he hopped out and made his way to the trunk. When Jeezy hopped out the limo, Pink aimed her gun at the African's head.

  "I'm a very, very wealthy and powerful man in my country," he said. "I promise you, you will be hearing from me and my people again."

/>   Pink didn't reply. It was no need because she held the gun which meant it was she who was in control. She just looked at the African man and smiled.

  "It's all here," Jeezy said as he leaned his head back in the limo. "Come on let's go."

  "Are you crazy?" Pink yelled! "He has seen our faces we have to kill him!"

  Jeezy thought about it for a second and she was right. Not only did he see their faces, but he also knew where Pink worked. Jeezy quickly raised his arm and pulled the trigger. Pink watched as the African's brains splattered over the back window.

  "Do the driver so we can get out of here," Jeezy said in a hurried voice. Pink aimed her .380 at the driver's head and paused for a few second before she finally pulled the trigger taking the innocent man's life.

  "Come on we gotta go," Jeezy said as he helped Pink up out of the limo. The two jogged down the street and quickly flagged down a cab. "The London hotel,” Jeezy told the cab driver. He noticed that Pink wasn't shaken up and seemed unmoved about the whole situation. He didn’t say anything because he figured she must have killed before.

  "What?" Pink asked noticing Jeezy looking at her.

  "Nothing you just seem a little too calm," Jeezy pointed out.

  "It was either him or us.” “I did what I had to do," Pink said as if it was no big deal. In her mind she felt like if the tables were reversed the African would have did the same to her so why not do it to him? Jeezy paid the cab driver as he and Pink entered the London hotel. The two hurried over to the elevators and hopped on one.

  "Do you think they noticed the blood on my shirt?" Pink asked looking down at her shirt.

  "I hope not," Jeezy answered quickly as they walked down the hall to his room.

  "So this is where you've been living,” Pink asked as she stepped through the door?

  "Gotta do what I gotta do," Jeezy answered as he turned the duffle bag upside down and watched the piles of money fall on the bed. He looked over at Pink and smiled.

  "Do I know how to pick 'em or what?" Pink laughed loudly as she poured her and Jeezy a drink. The next hour, the two spent counting the money they had just lifted from the African man. At the end of their counting, Jeezy and Pink had $180,000 to split between the two of them.

  "What you gone do with your half?" Pink asked as she removed her bloody shirt and bra as she lay down on the bed letting her breast hang freely?

  "Saving mines,” Jeezy replied.

  "Oh you saving for the big wedding you’re having in three years right?"

  "Not only that, but I don't even have a place to live,” Jeezy told her. "I’m tired of living out of a room. This shit is whack. I'mma probably get me a one bedroom apartment just so I can have somewhere to rest my head."

  "It ain't no way I’mma let you be living in some dirty apartment when I got that big ass house that I live in all alone,” Pink told him.

  "I'm saying I don't wanna be invading nobody’s space or nothing like that." Jeezy knew she probably had several men that she dealt with and didn't want to mess anything up for her. Moreover, he was the type who always had to have his own for just in case reasons.

  "Okay well just think about it,” Pink said as she hopped off the bed and headed for the bathroom so she could take a shower. As Jeezy sat on the bed, he wondered what Paige was doing at that moment and wondered if she was all right. He knew she was a strong woman and would be able to survive jail, but he worried about her safety and well-being at times. Jeezy had spent time in prison in his past. He knew how hard it could be in there, so he prayed that Paige stayed strong physically and most of all, mentally. Jeezy's thoughts were interrupted when Pink came out of the bathroom butt naked.

  "What you over here thinking about,” Pink asked with a smile as she picked up her cup and sipped it slowly? She knew Jeezy was checking out her body and she loved the attention.

  Jeezy sighed loudly. "I got a lot on my mind right now."

  Pink pushed Jeezy down on the bed and straddled him. "Anything I can do to take your mind off of your problems?"

  "Come on I told you from the beginning I got a girl," Jeezy reminded her.

  "I don't want to be your girl.” “I just want some of this dick," Pink said massaging Jeezy's manhood through his jeans. She had been trying to downplay the feelings she had for him, but she could no longer control herself.

  "Chill,” Jeezy said, putting up a weak protest. His mouth was saying no, but his dick was saying something else. Pink leaned down and sloppily kissed Jeezy in his mouth as she grabbed his hands and placed them on her soft firm breast. The two kissed sloppily as Jeezy's hands explored Pink's firm curves. Pink reached down and unbuckled Jeezy's belt. From how hard Jeezy's tool was she knew he wanted her just as bad as she wanted him. Just as Pink unbuckled his pants Jeezy's phone went off.

  "Don't answer it baby,” Pink said in a muffled voice as she kissed up and down his chest. Jeezy reached down and grabbed his phone and saw that the number was blocked which meant it was Paige calling.

  "I gotta take this,” he sat up and answered. "Hey baby what’s up?"

  Pink rolled her eyes as she got off of him, dressed, and packed her money away.

  "Nothing and I miss you so much," Paige said on the other line. "I wanna come home,” she whined.

  "I know baby I miss you too" Jeezy said fixing his pants. He felt bad about what had just happened, but he did his best to fight off Pink. "How are they treating you in there?"

  "A bunch a bum bitches in here running they mouth all day,” Paige huffed. "I don't know how people can go back and forth to jail like its all fun and games."

  "Well just know after this you will never have to see the inside of a jail ever again," Jeezy told her.

  "How's everything going on the outside?" Paige asked.

  "On my grind,” Jeezy replied as he noticed Pink packing up all of his belongings. "I'll be up there to see you sometime this week."

  "I can't wait to see you" Paige said as she heard the operator on the phone notifying her that she only had 60 seconds remaining before the call would disconnect. "I guess that’s my cue.” “I love you so much baby please be good."

  "I love you too baby and you know I’mma hold it down out here,” Jeezy said just as the phone disconnected. Jeezy placed his phone back in its case as he watched Pink continue to pack up his things. "What you doing?"

  "You're coming home with me," Pink said. "I'm not gone just sit around and let you live out of a hotel when I got a big ass house that I live in all by myself. That’s crazy."

  Jeezy knew this was a bad idea for him to be moving in with Pink, but he figured he could save more money this way and it would be more convenient for him in the long run especially now that they were making such good money together. Jeezy helped Pink pack up the rest of his things as they went downstairs and caught a cab.

  "We'll just pick up our cars tomorrow," Pink said with a smile when they arrived at her house. Instead of taking Jeezy's things to the guest room, Pink took them up to the master bedroom. Jeezy sat the rest of his things down in the living room and walked over to the kitchen to get him a drink. After everything that had went down, he definitely needed a strong drink.

  Jeezy sat down on the couch and turned on the TV when he heard his cell phone ringing. He looked down and saw Montana's name flashing across the screen. "Fuck outta here,” he huffed as he hit the silent button on his phone and stuck it back down in its case. Whatever Montana was calling Jeezy about he didn't want to hear it. After how he had kicked Jeezy to the curb he had cut all ties with his former connect.

  Twenty minutes later, Pink returned down to the living room butt naked. She walked up to the couch and stood directly in front of Jeezy. She cocked her leg up and planted it on the couch exposing her freshly waxed pussy. Pink reached down and guided Jeezy's head towards her pussy. As Jeezy's head got close, he noticed that whatever she had put on smelled like cotton candy.

  Jeezy firmly grabbed Pink's ass pushing her closer to his mouth as he sucked and li
cked all over her clit. Pink moaned loudly as she stood up on the couch and began riding Jeezy's face. She used a few of her stripper moves as she gyrated her ass and hips grinding her pussy all over Jeezy's face.

  Jeezy then effortlessly flipped Pink upside down, as he continued to eat her pussy as if it was the last super. Pink moaned loudly as she pulled Jeezy's dick from out of his pants and began sucking on it nice and slow while she jerked it at the same time. After ten minutes of sucking, Jeezy could no longer take it anymore. He made Pink get on all fours on the plush carpet as he entered her from behind. Pink winced when she felt Jeezy enter her walls. Jeezy started with slow strokes until he got into a nice rhythm.

  "Ahhh...Ahhh" Pink moaned as she felt Jeezy spread both of her ass cheeks apart. "Tear this pussy up!"

  "Argggggg,” Jeezy groaned as he pulled out and released all over Pink’s round ass. When it was all over, Jeezy laid on his back feeling stupid. He felt as if he had betrayed Paige. Jeezy knew what Pink was up to, but he couldn't resist her for some reason.