Business is Business PT 4 Read online

  Business is Business - Part 4

  A Novel by Silk White

  Editor: Kesha Buckhana

  Cover design: Davida Baldwin

  Copyright ©2015 by Silk White

  Published 2015 by Good2Go Publishing

  7311 W. Glass Lane • Laveen, AZ 85339


  [email protected]

  ThirdLane Marketing: Brian James

  [email protected]

  All rights reserved, therefore no part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission expert in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For more information, contact publisher. This novel is a work of fiction. All the characters, organizations, establishments, and events portrayed in this novel are either product of the author’s imagination or are fiction.

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  Chapter 1


  “I’m Eric and this here is my partner Pistol Pete,” Eric said with his hands raised. “I’m looking for The Black Dragon.”

  The man dressed in all black kept both of his guns trained on the two men that stood before him. “Remove your weapons slowly and place them on the floor.” He watched as Eric and Pistol Pete did as they were told.

  “Now kick them over to me,” the man dressed in all black ordered. Eric slowly kicked both of the guns over towards the man.

  The man placed one of his silenced gun in its holster, then bent down and picked the two guns up from off the floor. He tossed the guns behind him inside the apartment and holstered his other gun. “Nice to meet you gentlemen,” he extended his hand. “I’m The Black Dragon.”

  The men shook hands, and then The Black Dragon invited them inside of the apartment. “Sorry about that, but you can never be too careful. Now how can I help you two gentlemen?”

  “I would like to hire you to take out the family of a very powerful man,” Eric began. “I’m in the middle of a war right now and the only way to stop it is let the other side know that the war isn’t one sided. Each day this war goes on the more money and bodies I lose,” Eric explained.

  “How many bodies are you asking for?” The Black Dragon asked. He needed a head count so he could know how much to charge. “And who is the target?”

  “The target is a man that goes by the name Chico, and he’s a cartel leader out in Columbia,” Eric informed. He knew a job like this would be pricey, and not to mention difficult with the amount of security that more than likely guarded Chico’s estate.

  “I need a head count.” The Black Dragon said in a smooth tone.

  “Two-to-five bodies should be good,” Eric said. “I want the people that’s the most close to him taken out.”

  “But not Chico?”

  “No not Chico, just the people closest to him,” Eric said. He knew that by hitting Chico’s loved ones it would definitely let Chico know that he wasn’t fucking around and meant business besides. Chico was the only one that could call the war off if Chico was killed then the war would more than likely continue on forever.

  “My price is three million,” The Black Dragon said without blinking an eye. He knew that in order to kill two-to-five of Chico’s closest family members that he would more than likely have to kill over thirty-to-forty guards first just in order to get them.

  Eric’s face crumbled up. “Don’t you think that price is a little steep?”

  “My price is my price,” The Black Dragon said with a straight face. “Depends on how bad you want this job done. It’s up to you either you take it or leave it.”

  “Can I have a second to talk it over with my partner?” Eric stood to his feet.

  The Black Dragon nodded as he watched Eric and Pistol Pete step off to the side and talk in hushed tones.

  “His prices are way higher than I expected,” Eric admitted. “Plus what happens if he can’t get the job done?”

  “You gotta pay to play,” Pistol Pete countered. “Even if he can’t get the job done at least Chico will still get the message that we not just sitting back waiting for him to kill us.”

  “Good point,” Eric said. He knew without risk there would be no reward and at the moment, he didn’t really have too many options to choose from. Eric walked back over to The Black Dragon and looked him in the eyes. “Are you sure you can get the job done?”

  The Black Dragon kept a straight face and replied. “I’m positive I can get the job done. This is what I do.”

  “You’re hired,” Eric said as the two men shook hands and closed the agreement.

  Chapter 2


  “Oh yes, right there baby!” Cherokee purred as she grabbed a fistful of the sheets on the bed. In between her thick thighs was Jimmy’s head and he was using his tongue as a deadly weapon. Jimmy slurped, licked, and kissed all over Cherokee’s love box. While eating Cherokee like a mad man, Jimmy slipped two fingers inside of her in an attempt to make her orgasm even more explosive. Seconds later, Cherokee’s body began to tremble as her legs locked firmly around Jimmy’s head and ears. She tried to escape from Jimmy, but he held on tight and he continue to suck on her clit as if he needed it to live. Cherokee gasped for air as she finally disconnected Jimmy’s face from in between her thighs. “You are a fucking animal!”

  Jimmy wiped his mouth with a smile on his face as he grabbed the bottle of Grey Goose that rested on the nightstand and turned it up to his lips. Jimmy was getting ready to go in for round two when he heard his phone vibrating on the nightstand. Normally, Jimmy would have ignored his phone but since he knew that the family was in a tight situation, he decided to answer it. “Yo,” he answered.

  “Jimmy it’s me.”

  “Pop?” Jimmy asked. He could barely hear due to all the noise in the background.

  “Yeah it’s me!” Derrick’s voice barked through the line. “I’m in jail!”

  “What?” Jimmy asked with a confused look on his face. “What happened?”

  “Mike has turned on the family,” Derrick said in a serious tone. “I need you son.”

  “Say no more I’ll take care of it,” Jimmy said as he hung up the phone. Jimmy knew exactly what Derrick was asking him to do the only problem was he still had a lot of love for Mike. The two men grew up in the same house and were brothers for as long as he could remember.

  “You alright baby?” Cherokee asked. “Looks like you just saw a ghost.”

  “Pack your things baby we going back to New York tonight.”

  Chapter 3


  Millie sat in her cell with a sad look on her face. After the brawl with Ebony in the shower room a C.O. That was on Millie’s payroll made it look like Millie’s best friend Pam was in the brawl and not Millie. Pam decided to take one for the team so Millie wouldn’t lose her release date. Sitting on Millie’s lap was a letter from Mike, but of course he didn’t mail the letter off in his own name. Inside the letter, he had broken down everything to Millie from how he had asked Derrick several times to let him go on and live a normal life. Ever since Mike was a child he had always loved and respected Millie she was the reason why he had joined the police academy in the first place she was also the reason he had joined the family business. It was Millie who saw something special
in him from day one. It saddened her to know that no matter how much she loved Mike that he had to go. Snitching was something that she didn’t tolerate nor condone, and if Millie were on the streets, she would have taken his life herself. She shook her head with a disgusted look on her face; ever since Millie had been incarcerated, she noticed that her entire family had been falling apart. “I gotta hurry up and get out of here and get things back in order,” she said to herself as she stepped out of her cell and headed down to the TV room so she could stretch her legs. Millie made it downstairs when two correction officers stopped her and threw her against the wall and began to frisk her. “Fuck is this all about?”

  The two correction officers didn’t answer Millie, they just handcuffed her and made her sit Indian-style on the floor. Millie sat on the floor as she watched several correction officers storm in her cell. She could hear them tearing her cell apart looking for some form of contraband. After a forty-minute search, the C.O.’s were upset that they didn’t find anything. Millie made sure she had her cell cleaned out after the big fight with Ebony. She had a feeling that the officers would be coming for her. A heavyset C.O. roughly pulled Millie up to her feet by her arm and forced her down the hall. “Where ya’ll taking me?” Millie asked but got no answer. After a brief walk, the C.O. led Millie into the warden’s office.

  “Have a seat,” The Warden said nodding towards the chair that sat directly in front from her desk. “So from what I hear you haven’t learned nothing from being inside my prison,” the warden said with a mean look on her face. “You’ve been running drugs in my prison all this time right under my nose.”

  “Huh?” Millie said with her face crumbled up faking ignorance. From what the warden was, saying, it only meant one thing; that someone had been talking.

  “Don’t play stupid with me!” the warden yelled with a finger pointed at Millie. “How were you getting your drugs in here?”

  “What drugs?”

  “I swear to god if you don’t tell me something I’ll make your last few months in here a living hell!” the warden threatened.

  “I really wish I could help you warden but I have no idea or knowledge of what you’re talking about,” Millie said with a straight face. She knew that the warden was just fishing for information and didn’t have any concrete evidence to hold her on. “May I go back to my cell now?”

  “Take this bitch to the box,” The Warden ordered. “And make sure she stays there until it’s time for her to be released.”

  Chapter 4


  Jimmy sat in the passenger seat of the Benz bobbing his head slowly to the music that pumped through the speakers as the rain tapped loudly against the windshield. Tonight, he wasn’t dressed in one of his expensive suits instead he rocked a pair of black jeans, black steel toe boots, and a black thermal shirt, on his head was a black skully and on his lap rested a P90. Jimmy slipped his hands inside a pair of latex gloves and began to screw the silencer on the barrel of the handgun.

  “That’s fucked up that Mike went out like that,” Murder said, keeping his eyes focused on the road. “I still can’t believe that shit.”

  “It is what it is,” Jimmy said with a serious look on his face. He needed to be focused for this job; he and Mike were brothers and had been close for over twenty years. Now the same man that he once used to play in the sandbox with was the same man that he was about to murder.

  Murder pulled up across the street from Mike’s apartment and killed the lights. “You sure you don’t want me to handle this one?” He asked since he knew how close Jimmy and Mike were. Murder knew something like this had to be hard for Jimmy.

  “Nah I have to do this myself,” Jimmy said as he stepped out the car and jogged across the street and entered Mike’s building. Jimmy entered the building and trotted up to the third floor. He stepped out into the hallway with a two-handed grip on his gun as he eased down the hall. When Jimmy reached the front door, he shot the locks off and let himself in. Inside the apartment was dark but the light from the TV could be seen shining from the backroom. Jimmy slowly eased his way towards the back room. The closer he got to the backroom the louder the TV could be heard. Jimmy reached the backroom and slowly stepped inside with the business end of his gun leading the way. Jimmy looked around the room and at first glance, it appeared to be empty. But just as he was about to check the closet he felt the cold steel of a gun barrel being pressed into the back of his head.

  “Drop the gun now!” Mike growled in Jimmy’s ear. Jimmy slowly dropped the gun down to the floor. “Kick it across the room.”

  Jimmy slowly raised his hands and kicked the gun out of arms reach.

  “So the old man sent you huh?” Mike said, as he patted Jimmy down and removed his back up weapon. “Sit down on the bed!” Mike ordered.

  “So why’d you do it?” Jimmy asked. “Why’d you rat out pops?”

  “I told that cocksucker I wanted out and he threatened to blackmail me,” Mike shrugged. “But I’d rather sit in a cell for the rest of my life before I live on my knees. So Derrick can tell the media whatever he wants. I could care less; I’m at peace with myself.”

  “Listen it’s not too late to make things right,” Jimmy said thinking of a way to kill Mike without using a weapon. “Let me help you.”

  Mike looked at Jimmy and smiled. “I’ve known you all my life. I know when you’re full of shit,” he said as he pulled out his phone and called in for back up. “Just keep cool and in five minutes this will be all over.”

  “You putting me in jail isn’t going to stop anything,” Jimmy said in a calm tone. “You’re still a dead man and you know it.”

  Mike looked at Jimmy and gave him a sad look. “Don’t you realize we’re all dead, there are no winners in this game this game ain’t nothing but a trap. I can’t believe I was dumb enough to stay involved this long I should of been got out!”

  “Ain’t no getting out Mike, you know the rules,” Jimmy looked him dead in the eyes. “Now put that gun down while you still have a chance to fix this.”

  * * *

  Downstairs Murder sat behind the wheel, texting some new girl he’d just met, when he spotted a police car pull up in front of Mike’s building. “Shit!” He cursed as he grabbed his 9mm from off his lap and stepped out the Benz out into the rain. Murder crept up on the two officers from behind and put a bullet in the back of both of their heads, killing them on the spot. Murder then quickly jogged back over to the Benz. “Come Jimmy hurry up,” he whispered to himself as he looked for any sign of any more cops.

  * * *

  “What the fuck?” Mike said out loud when he heard the two thunderous gunshots ring out coming from downstairs.

  Once Jimmy heard the gunshots, he quickly made his move. Without warning, Jimmy rushed Mike and tackled him down to the floor. As the two bothers wrestled and fought over the gun, it discharged several times by mistake putting huge holes in the wall. Jimmy landed two vicious blows to Mike’s chin forcing him to drop the gun. Jimmy quickly rolled off of Mike, scooped his gun up from off the floor, and came up firing.

  Pst! Pst! Pst! Pst!

  Mike swiftly rolled to his feet and took off around the corner just as four bullets decorated the wall just above his head.

  Jimmy placed his back up against the wall with a two-handed grip on his silenced weapon. He sprung from behind the wall only to see the front door left wide open. Jimmy ran out into the hallway and stopped short when he looked down and saw a trail of blood dots on the floor. He followed the trail over towards the staircase before he could grab the door handle, the door flung open. Jimmy halfway squeezed down on the trigger but stopped when he saw Murder step out into the hallway. “Did you see him?”

  “Nah he must of ran upstairs cause he ain’t pass me,” Murder said breathing heavily.

  “Come on let’s go catch this mother fucker. He’s been hit,” Jimmy said with excitement nodding down towards the blood trail.

  “We gon have to do that anoth
er day. I got two dead cops downstairs and more on the way,” Murder said quickly.

  “Fuck!” Jimmy cursed as him and Murder abandoned the mission and ran down the stairs skipping two and three steps at a time. They spilled out the building like mad men and quickly hopped in the Benz and peeled off.

  Chapter 5


  Derrick laid on his cot staring up at the ceiling with an aggravated look on his face. He was still upset and couldn’t believe that Mike, the same man he had raised since he was a child, had put him in jail. It didn’t feel right when Derrick put the hit out on him, but Mike had left him no choice. The situation still didn’t seem real; it needed a little more time to settle in. The more Derrick stared up at the ceiling, the angrier he became. Prison was starting to feel more like home then a place where, he tried his hardest to stay out of. At a time like this, it seemed as if anything that could go wrong did go wrong and if it weren’t for bad luck, he wouldn’t have no luck at all. Since his arrest, Derrick refused to eat the nasty prison food; at the moment food was the last thing on his mind right now his main focus was on finding a way to get back on the streets as soon as possible. Derrick replayed Mike arresting him over and over in his head and wished he had been more prepared. If Derrick were thinking straight, Mike would have never been able to get the drop on him the way he did. Now his only options were to either, spill the beans and tell the world about Mike’s involvement in the family business, or kill him. After giving the decision a lot of thought, Derrick decided it would be best to have Mike murdered, rather than go out like a chump and snitch on him. Derrick would be allowed to use the phone in a few hours and he couldn’t wait to call Jimmy and find out if he had taken care of business. Derrick’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard his cell door crack open. He immediately shot to his feet expecting the worst. Derrick didn’t become an O.G. by being stupid he didn’t know what to expect but he was prepared for whatever.