Business is Business PT 3 Read online

  Business is Business - Part 3

  A Novel by Silk White

  Editor: Kesha Buckhana

  Cover design: Davida Baldwin

  Copyright ©2015 by Silk White

  Published 2015 by Good2Go Publishing

  7311 W. Glass Lane • Laveen, AZ 85339


  [email protected]

  ThirdLane Marketing: Brian James

  [email protected]

  All rights reserved, therefore no part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission expert in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For more information, contact publisher. This novel is a work of fiction. All the characters, organizations, establishments, and events portrayed in this novel are either product of the author’s imagination or are fiction.

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  Chapter 1


  Derrick laid on his hospital bed catching up on some much needed rest. Doctors told him that he would be fine and would be able to return home in a few days, but for now, he needed to rest. The pills that the nurses gave Derrick, helped him sleep, and made his pain temporarily go away.

  Derrick was counting sheep when all of a sudden his eyes snapped open as he heard the sound of a machine gun being fired. He sat up and wiped his eyes thinking that maybe he had been dreaming but when he saw his bodyguard hop up from the chair that rested down by the foot of his bed and run out into the hallway with a gun in his hand, he realized that this was real. Derrick sat in his bed with a scared look on his face as the sound of multiple machine guns could be heard ringing out. Whoever had attempted to kill Derrick the first time was back to finish the job. Derrick winced as he reached over and snatched out all the tubes and wires that were all hooked up to machines. He slowly guided his legs off the bed and slowly eased his way over to the door. Derrick was moving as slow as a snail but at the moment that was as fast as his body allowed him to move. He snatched his room door open and saw dead bodies sprawled all throughout the hallway. Derrick quickly reached down and removed the gun from the cop who was guarding his door holster. The sound of the loud gunfire seemed to be getting louder and louder which meant whoever was coming for Derrick, was getting closer and closer. Derrick limped down the hall as fast as he could, when he heard the gunfire stop he knew he had ran out of time. “Shit!” He cursed as he heard the sound of several men in combat boots making their way down the hall at a fast pace. Derrick quickly entered the first room he saw on his left, placed his back to the wall, and aimed his gun at the door. If Derrick was going out, he promised himself that he wasn’t going alone. Derrick’s palms began to sweat as he heard the footsteps stop directly in front of the door of the room that he was in. “Come on motherfucker, open the door,” he whispered to himself. “Open the door.”

  Derrick saw the knob move as the door eased open. Without thinking twice, he pulled the trigger.


  Derrick dropped the first gunman with a bullet to the throat, when the man hit the floor, Derrick eyes opened wide in shock when he saw the police officer uniform on the dead man. It was at that moment that, Derrick knew he had fucked up. He dropped the gun on the floor and threw his hands up in surrender as several cops rushed inside the room and handcuffed, Derrick.

  Chapter 2


  “Somebody is trying to take out our family one by one,” Jimmy said as him and Mike sat in Mike’s apartment. “First they tried to murder pop, then they murdered, Big foot and Stoney.”

  “I have my ear to the streets so I’m sure we’ll find out who’s behind this sooner than later,” Mike took a sip from his beer.

  “Whoever is trying to murder our family is probably who’s behind our stash apartment building being robbed,” Jimmy said with an angry look on his face. The thought of somebody stealing something from him pissed him off even further, not to mention all the money they were going to miss out on. “When I find out who’s behind this and it’s off with their head.”

  “We may have to slow things down a little bit,” Mike said. “My department is really coming down on us they want Derrick to rot in a jail cell and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to get him off the streets.” He knew how dirty his department could get when they really wanted something; the last thing he wanted was for the entire family to have to go down from one mistake.

  “You know we can’t do that,” Jimmy told him. “We slow down and we could lose our territory. We’ve worked too hard to get to where we are today to just slowdown over a little heat.”

  “We have to be smart about this,” Mike said. “If this blows up in our face, the entire family is done.”

  Jimmy was about to comment when he heard his cell phone ring. “Yo, what up?” he answered.

  “Hey, Jimmy, Mr. Goldberg here,” the family lawyer said in a dry, worried tone. “A team of hit men just tried to murder your father in his hospital room.”

  “What? Is he…”

  “No he’s still alive,” Mr. Goldberg answered. “Your father snuck out of his room and tried to defend himself and wound up shooting a police officer by accident. I may be able to get him off on self-defense, but the DA wants your father so bad that he may have to sit for a little while until I can get this all settled out.”

  “So where is Derrick now?” Jimmy asked.

  “They have him in custody with no bail. They’re charging him with murdering a police officer,” Mr. Goldberg said. “I can get him off on self-defense but he may have to sit until the judge gives us a court date and it’s no telling when that could be.”

  Mike couldn’t hear what was going on but just from the look on Jimmy’s face, he could tell that it was bad news. Lately it seemed like nothing could go good for the Mason family. It felt as if someone had put a curse on the family.

  “Keep me posted,” Jimmy ended the call, turned and looked over at Mike. “Derrick is locked up.”

  Chapter 3

  Jack Mason

  Jack Mason sat in the strip club nursing a drink while bobbing his head to the music that blasted from the speakers. He was in good spirits due to the fact of how much money he made over the past month. He was slowly but surely taking over Derrick’s territory one block at a time and the payoff was lovely. While all the other men in the strip club were tossing bills all throughout the air, Jack had his eye on one chick in particular. When he made eye contact with the chick that he was looking for, he gave her a slight head nod signaling for her come over to where he sat.

  Kat walked through the strip club as if she owned the place. Every man in the place would love to have a shot at her in the bedroom and she knew it. Kat stood at 5’8” and weighed 160 lbs. She was thick in all the right places. She was a redbone that wore a long weave with the front of her hairstyle cut into a bang that stopped just above her eyebrows. “Jack Mason, long time no see. I heard you got hit with a ten-year bid a couple of years ago.”

  “Can’t believe everything you hear Kat,” Jack smiled as he sipped his drink. “Besides you know can’t no jail hold a nigga like me.”

  “I guess,” Kat said in an uninterested tone. She had heard plenty of stories about how grimy Jack was, so when she got a call from him her
antennas went up immediately. “So how can I help you?”

  “I have a job for you,” Jack began. “And it pays $50,000.”

  The large amount of money quickly grabbed Kat’s attention. “What do I have to do for that?” she asked with a raised brow.

  “Are you still in the disposal business?”

  “I am for that price,” Kat said quickly. “So who’s the target?”

  “Jimmy Mason.”

  “Isn’t he your nephew?” Kat asked with a disgusted look on her face. She knew Jack was a grease ball, but damn.

  “Was my nephew, but forget all that, you want to make this money or not?”

  “Yeah, I’m in,” Kat said with a thirsty look in her eyes. She had already spent the $50,000 in her head and couldn’t wait to get her hands on the cash.

  “Here,” Jack slipped Kat an envelope on the low. “That’s a $10,000 deposit. You’ll get the rest when the job is done.” He stuck out his hand. Kat thumbed through the cash then shook Jack’s hand.

  Jack exited the strip club and slid in the back seat of the Range Rover that sat curbside waiting for him.

  “How’d it go back there?” Black asked from behind the wheel.

  “Kat is in,” Jack said with a head nod.

  “Can she be trusted?”

  “Kat has taken down some of the biggest and baddest players in this game,” Jack told Black. “So Jimmy should be a piece of cake.”

  “So after Jimmy, who’s next?” Black asked glancing at Jack through the rearview mirror.

  “Mike,” Jack said as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Mike’s number.

  Chapter 4


  Eric, Pistol Pete, Jimmy, and Mike all sat at the Mason family mansion, having a drink. The family lawyer Mr. Goldberg told them he had a message from Derrick Mason that he had to deliver. As the trio waited the lawyer’s arrival, their minds began to wonder.

  “So I wonder what the message is.” Jimmy said out loud.

  Eric shrugged. “Hopefully it’s good news about pop being released soon.”

  “Or maybe he’s found a new connect on the inside and has a way for us to get some new product.” Mike said. Whatever the message was it had to be something big for Derrick to have all of them at the house. When Mr. Goldberg walked through the front door everyone’s eyes lit up in excitement.

  “Alright don’t waste our time, spit it out,” Jimmy said. He was tired of sitting around in suspense.

  “Okay,” Mr. Goldberg began. “I just came back from talking to Derrick Mason for over two hours and he had a lot to say.” Mr. Goldberg cleared his throat and poured himself a drink. “First and foremost he wanted you all to know that he’s very proud of you all and he has no idea how long he may have to sit behind bars, but no matter how long he has to stay in there he wants you all to not worry and he assured me that he would be fine. In his absence, he’s chosen one of you to take over for him. One of you will be the new leader and head of this family,” Mr. Goldberg took a slow sip from his drink. “Eric your father has chosen you to lead this family in his absence.”

  “Who me?” Eric looked around with a confused look on his face. “Why would he pick me to lead the family?”

  “You’re who he picked.” Mr. Goldberg shrugged with a dumbfounded look on his face.

  “You can’t be fucking serious!” Jimmy barked. “Pops has officially lost his fucking mind.”

  Mike turned and looked at Eric and extended his hand. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” Eric shook his hand. He still couldn’t believe that his father has picked him over Jimmy to be the head of the family business. This was a huge promotion but Eric knew since he had been chosen that now he would really have to step up to the plate. “Well we are going to keep things how they are for now,” he said. “Jimmy you are still in control of security and enforcement,” he turned to Mike. “Mike I’m going to need you to keep all of these nickel and dime hustlers off of our corners and give me the heads up before the heat comes down on us.”

  “And what exactly are you going to be doing?” Jimmy said with an attitude. He was furious that Eric had been picked over him to run the family business.

  “I’m going to find us a new connect and get us some product,” Eric said.

  “Can’t do that genius!” Jimmy snapped. “If Chico finds out that we have a new connect, he’ll send a million troops down here to kill us all.”

  “Fuck, Chico!” Eric barked. “We don’t need him or his product If we sit around and wait, we’ll lose all of our territory and I’m not about to sit around and let that happen.” He was the boss now and had to make the tough decisions and do what was best for the family.

  “You’re going to get us all killed!” Jimmy yelled as he stood to his feet and stormed out.

  “Jimmy is right,” Mike said. “We are not strong enough to go up against Chico.”

  “Chico doesn’t decide if our family eats or starves.” Eric said simply. “He doesn’t call the shots in this house.”

  “I hear you,” Mike said as he looked down at his cell phone and saw Jack’s name flashing across the screen. “I’m out of here. I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said then made his exit.

  Once everyone was gone, Eric walked around the empty mansion with a drink in his hand with Pistol Pete close on his heels.

  “So what’s the plan?” Pistol Pete asked.

  “I need you to go out and recruit as many soldiers as you can just in case we do have to go to war. This could get real messy.”

  * * *

  Eric walked through his front door and saw Kelly standing in the kitchen barefoot in a t-shirt, leggings, with her hair pulled up in a bun standing over the stove.

  “Hey baby, you hungry?” Kelly asked as she walked over and gave Eric a hug.

  “I’m not your baby.” He quickly corrected. Eric didn’t want to open that door back up, but he had to admit that ever since he allowed Kelly back into the house, she had been like a brand new person. She now treated Eric like her husband and not a stranger. It was seeming like she had really learned her lesson and decided to turn over a new leaf.

  “Sorry Eric,” Kelly apologized. “How was your day?”

  “Eventful,” Eric walked in the kitchen and poured him a shot of tequila. “My father chose me to run the family business in his absence.”

  “Are you serious?” Kelly couldn’t believe her ears. “Why did he pick you?”

  “I have no idea,” Eric replied honestly. But he knew if Derrick chose him it was for a reason and he refused to let him down. “Pack your things we have to move into the mansion.”


  “No right now.” Eric told her. He walked over to his floor to ceiling window and just stared out into the night. Eric knew he had to huge shoes to fill and was up for the challenge.

  Chapter 5


  Mike pulled over on a block that belonged to the Mason family and killed the engine. He had gotten a call from Jack asking him to meet him there. Mike looked around and noticed that Jack was nowhere in sight. Mike didn’t trust Jack one bit, but decided to come out and see what he had to talk about. He always believed in keeping his enemies close. Ten minutes later, Mike noticed a shiny black Benz pull up on the side of him. Mike had to take a double look when he saw Jack step out the Benz dressed in a tailored cream suit with a red tie.

  Mike stepped out of his car to greet the man that acted as an uncle to him for so many years. “I didn’t recognize you at first,” Mike nodded towards the new Benz and expensive suit.

  “I decided I should treat myself instead of cheat myself,” Jack laughed. Mike laughed but took notice and silently wondered where he got the money to afford such expensive things being as though he hadn’t been released from prison not too long ago.

  “What’s good though?” Mike asked.

  “I had rolled through here the other day and saw some young knuckleheads on one of y’all’s corners so I called y
ou down here so you could see for yourself and make sure I wasn’t bugging.” Jack said as he led Mike down the block. “I was thinking maybe you could arrest them.”

  Mike chuckled. “I thank you for calling me, but Jimmy is the enforcer so I’ll give him a call.”

  “But at least you can come and see what I’m talking about,” Jack prodded. All he needed was to get Mike on the block and the rest would take care of itself. “Shit only gon take a minute.”

  Going against his better judgement, Mike decided to walk to the block with Jack. As the two walked, Mike saw a black van pull up to a screeching stop he noticed Jack duck down before the first shot rang out. Three bullets then ripped through Mike’s chest taking him off his feet. The gunmen fired off twenty to thirty more shots before the gunfire came to an end.

  Jack quickly picked himself up off the ground and hopped in the van while one of the gunmen hopped out the van and jogged back to his Benz, hopped inside and peeled off.

  Mike laid sprawled out on the concrete leaking. He was thankful that he always wore his Kevlar vest. The bullets that hit his chest didn’t penetrate through the vest but he did take a bullet to the thigh as well as his arm. Mike rolled over to his side, grabbed his cell phone, and called for an ambulance. Then he texted, Eric before everything went black.

  Chapter 6


  Jimmy stepped foot in the nightclub with three of his most trusted henchmen on his heels. The club’s promoter immediately escorted Jimmy and his crew over towards his awaited VIP section. Jimmy needed to get out of the house and get some fresh air. He still couldn’t believe that Derrick had put Eric in charge of running the family business. All the work that Jimmy had put in over the years for the family business had him feeling like some type of way about not being chosen. He sat on the couch as four bartenders brought bottles with sparkles spraying from the top over to his section. Jimmy grabbed a bottle of Cîroc and turned it up to his lips. His new driver slash bodyguard a longtime friend that went by the name Murder, stood behind him looking over the crowd for any signs of trouble.