Never Be The Same Read online

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  Jeezy walked in and greeted Big Tone with a simple head nod. Big Tone returned the gesture. Jeezy thumbed through his iPhone as he waited for Montana to enter the sitting area. Three minutes later, Montana entered the sitting area with a glass of wine in one hand and a cigar in the other.

  "Jeezy, Big Tone it's great to see you two," he said with a smile. "Would y'all like something to drink?"

  "No thank you" Jeezy declined. "I can't really chat for long. I need my usual and I'mma get going. I gotta get back on my feet." Jeezy wasn't in a rush, but he didn't want to hang around Montana while Big Tone was present.

  "We need to talk" Montana said, taking a sip from his wine. "I'm afraid I can't sell you anymore work at this time."

  "Why not?” Jeezy asked confused.

  "You too hot right now. I think you may need to take a little time off until some of this heat dies down,” Montana told him. "This heat you got on you is bad for business. I'm sure you understand."

  "Too much heat?” Jeezy echoed. "My fiancé is sitting up in a jail cell right now and the Feds took my house and whatever they missed, the lawyer took. I need this please! You know I've never come up short or made one payment late. Look out for me this one time."

  "No can do," Montana said sternly. "Business is business and this ain't personal Jeezy. This is business," he told him. "Once this heat dies down then come back and we'll see what we can work out."

  Jeezy shook his head in disgust. "All this money out here and you ready to let it go to waste just because my house got raided?"

  Montana laughed. "I'm not letting any money go to waste. Big Tone here is going to pick right up where you left off."

  "I'm going to show you how to get it done and get it done right." Big Tone stood to his feet with a smile on his face. This was the moment that he had been waiting for. Now that it was here, there was no way he was going to fuck this up. "Stupid clowns like you don't know shit about hustling. Amateurs like you lead the Feds straight to your front door then wonder why you sitting in jail looking stupid."

  "I wasn't even talking to your fat ass,” Jeezy capped back. "Keep my name out of your mouth or else it’s going to be some problems," he warned.

  Big Tone laughed loudly. "Nigga please,” he said, walking towards Jeezy. "You are talking tough for a nigga that would rather his girl go to jail instead of him. You better go talk that tough shit to somebody else!"

  The two men stood face to face sizing one another up. Jeezy so badly wanted to smack Big Tone's soul out of his body, but he knew if he disrespected Montana's house he would have a bigger problem on his hands and at the time, Jeezy didn't need any more problems.

  "Do something,” Big Tone challenged.

  "Y'all two chill out and don't disrespect my house," Montana commanded.

  "I'm gonna see you again,” Jeezy smirked as he turned and exited Montana's house.

  "I can't stand that mufucka," Big Tone said once Jeezy was gone. "I don't know why you don't let me kill that clown."

  "We shouldn't have to worry about him anymore," Montana said. "He's got more than enough problems to deal with. You just focus on getting this money."

  Big Tone had left the conversation at that, but in his mind, he told himself that the next time he ran into Jeezy he was going to put him in his place for trying to talk tough like he was built like that.

  When Jeezy got back inside his car, he was smoking mad. He couldn't believe how Montana treated him, just because his house had been raided. Montana not giving Jeezy no work cause of the heat was like telling Jeezy that he wasn't giving him work because if he got locked up, he thought Jeezy might would have snitched. The more Jeezy thought about it, the angrier he became.

  The BMW tires screeched as Jeezy pulled away from the driveway. As Jeezy rode back to hotel, he listened to Fabolous' new album as he thought about what his next move was going to be. He didn't have a clue how he was going to make money or even where to start. Jeezy knew if he got some work from someone other than Montana, that the quality wouldn't be able to compare to the quality of what Montana was supplying. Jeezy always played things low key so that he didn’t have a big team or a lot of unnecessary niggas that he dealt with. He figured if he worked, alone he couldn't snitch on himself.

  Back in his hotel room, Jeezy had a few drinks as he thought about his next move. His thoughts were constantly interrupted as flashes of him fucking Big Tone up popped in his head.

  "I got to get up outta here," Jeezy said to himself, as he grabbed his keys and 40 caliber off the bed and headed out the door. Jeezy hopped in his BMW and just drove. He didn't have anywhere in particular to go, but if he stayed in that room any longer, he was going to go crazy.

  As Jeezy cruised the streets, he ran across a strip club that seemed like it was popping. He quickly pulled his BMW into the parking lot. Jeezy placed his 40 caliber under his seat as he hopped out and headed towards the entrance of the strip club. After a quick pat down, the bouncer allowed Jeezy to enter the strip club. Jeezy stepped in the strip club and immediately he was in a better mood. He needed something to take his mind off of his problems and this was the perfect distraction. A new Rick Ross song blared through the speakers as Jeezy made his way over to the bar. He ordered a bottle of Coconut Cîroc and asked for a hundred singles.

  Jeezy tossed out a few singles as he enjoyably watched the show that the strippers put on. Jeezy's body was in the strip club, but his mind was wondering what Paige was doing right now. He hoped that her little vacation would be a smooth one. Jeezy's thoughts were interrupted when a sexy light skin stripper approached him.

  "All this ass in here shaking and your mind is on another planet." The stripper smiled. "What you over here thinking about?"

  Jeezy smiled at the woman's forwardness. "What are you a therapist or something?"

  "I could be your therapist," the stripper said brushing her exposed breast up against Jeezy as she leaned close to his ear. "Can I drink with you?"

  "What's your name?" Jeezy asked as he poured the woman a drink.

  "Everyone calls me Pink," the stripper said while extending her hand.

  "Jeezy,” he said to her as the two shook hands.

  Pink sized Jeezy up and liked what she was seeing. She could tell he wasn't like the rest of the perverts that entered the club on a night in and night out basis. Something about him was different.

  "Shouldn't you be grinding up on one of these johns?” Jeezy chuckled. "Don't let me stop your money baby."

  "Never that,” Pink said looking at Jeezy as if he was insane. "If there’s one thing to know about Pink, it’s that she's always going to get that money," she said as she began popping one ass cheek at a time in front of Jeezy's face. Jeezy smiled as he sprinkled a few singles on Pink's back as he continued to watch her do her thing. The way Pink was popping her pussy and moving her body, Jeezy could tell that she wasn't anything to play with in the bedroom.

  "Don't be scared. You can smack it if you want." Pink seductively leaned back and said in Jeezy's ear. Jeezy smirked as he tossed a few more singles on top of Pink's body. Pink smiled when she felt Jeezy smacking her ass. Pink favored the actress Lisa Ray except her hair was red.

  "That’s all you get for now," Pink smirked as she walked off leaving Jeezy with something to think about. She was feeling him, but she kept telling herself that a man that fine had to have a woman at home and Pink wasn't into sharing. She looked back and winked at Jeezy as she hopped up on the stage and began working the pole.

  Jeezy smirked as he watched Pink work the pole like a professional. He liked how she moved, but she didn't have anything on Paige. His mind kept wondering back to his fiancé. He couldn't believe that she would be gone for three years. It just didn't seem real. He could still picture the wild sex they had the night before, that lead into the morning. Jeezy took a few more swigs from his bottle as he got up and headed towards the exit. He was enjoying watching the strippers shake their ass for cash, but he had to figure out how he was going to get
some money. He badly needed a new gig. Right before Jeezy reached the exit, he felt someone grab his shoulder. Jeezy turned around with the reflexes of a cat ready to attack. He calmed down when he saw it was Pink.

  "Damn you almost got laid out, running up on me like that,” he laughed.

  "Sorry,” Pink said returning his stare. "You are leaving already?"

  "Yeah, I wish I could just hang around the strip club all day,” Jeezy said.

  "Before you leave, you wouldn't happen to have any E pills on you would you," Pink asked.

  "Nah, why you be popping?” he asked.

  "Nah not me, but all these clowns in here do. Not to mention all these stripper bitches in here. Okay well, sorry to hold you up," Pink said as she spun around until Jeezy stopped her.

  "Mufucka's be rolling in here like that," Jeezy asked with a surprised look on his face.

  "All day and all night,” Pink told him.

  "What time you get off?"

  "In an hour.” “Why, what's up" Pink asked.

  "I wanna talk some business with you" Jeezy smiled. "I’mma be in the BMW parked out front."

  "See you in an hour," Pink said in a sexually charged voice, as she spun on her heels and headed back towards the stage. Jeezy watched as her ass jiggled with each step she took. He watched how every man in the strip clubs eyes were glued to her. Jeezy smiled as he walked to his BMW and waited until Pink got off the clock.

  As Jeezy sat in his BMW waiting, he pulled out his iPhone and thumbed through a few pictures of him and Paige together. He made sure he took plenty of naked pictures of her before she turned herself in so that he could please himself to them while she was gone. An hour later, Jeezy saw a silver Audi A8 pull up on the side of him. When the driver’s window rolled down, he saw Pink sitting behind the wheel. "My place or yours,” she asked.

  "Yours,” Jeezy quickly answered. There was no way he was bringing her to his hotel room. For all he knew, she could have been trying to set him up. He placed the gear in drive as he followed the Audi out the parking lot. Thirty minutes later, Jeezy watched as the Audi pulled up in the drive way of a big expensive looking house. Jeezy hopped out his BMW and smiled as he looked up at the house. He loved to see a woman with her own shit. Pink stepped out the Audi dressed in an all-white business suit with a pair of white four inch heels on to match.

  "Can you grab my duffle bag from the back seat for me, please?"

  "Damn,” Jeezy huffed as he picked up the heavy bag. "Fuck you got up in here a dead body?"

  Pink laughed as she opened the front door and stepped inside.

  "Nah those are my different stage outfits and heels in there."

  "You live here alone?” Jeezy asked, admiring Pink's house. He thought his and Paige's house was nice, but Pink's house made theirs look like an apartment.

  "Yup all by myself," Pink said as she kicked off her heels and walked over to the kitchen. "Make yourself at home."

  Jeezy sat on the leather couch and wondered how she could afford such a nice house like this off of a stripper's salary. She had to do something else on the side, he thought. Pink returned from the kitchen carrying two wine glasses and a bottle of Grey Goose.

  "So what's on your mind?" she asked, pouring them both a drink.

  "I got a business proposition for you" Jeezy began. "If I can supply you an unlimited supply of E pills, would you be willing to sell them for me?"

  "What's the split?" Pink took a slow sip from her glass.

  "50/50" Jeezy explained. "I want you to be my partner."

  Pink smiled. "I'm with it. More is always better."

  "I don't mean any disrespect, but do you do more than dance at that club?" Jeezy curiously asked.

  Pink looked at him as if he was insane. "Are you asking me if I sell my ass at the club?"

  "Not like that." Jeezy tried to down play it. "I mean I see this nice house and I feel if we are going to be partners, I need to know a few things about you," he said honestly.

  "Well no I don't and have never sold my pussy,” Pink said, feeling slightly offended.

  "I didn't mean any disrespect by that,” Jeezy apologized. "Do you do anything on the side?"

  "Yes I have several strippers who turn tricks for me," Pink told him.

  "What you mean by turn tricks?"

  "They sell their body, bring me the money and I give them a cut of whatever they make at the end of the night," Pink explained.

  "Why would them hoes sell their ass all night and then give you the money?" Jeezy didn't understand.

  "The bitches I got under me, I brought them in off the street when they didn’t have a pot to piss in." Pink went on. "It's only right that they break me off a little something."

  Jeezy smiled. "So you a true business woman I see."

  "That’s enough about me." Pink sipped some more. "Tell me a little bit about yourself."

  Jeezy took a sip from his glass before he spoke. "Recently my house got raided by the Feds and today my fiancé took the charge for me." He went on to tell her a little bit about his past, but only what he wanted or needed her to know. For the rest of the night, Jeezy and Pink got drunk while getting to know each other better until finally passing out on the couch.

  Lock Down

  Paige and eight other female inmates entered the dorm in a single line. Three C.O.'s escorted them through the dorm and called out new inmates’ bed number. When Paige heard her name called, the C.O. told her that her bunk number was 12 and on top.

  As Paige walked through the aisles looking for her bed, she walked past a gang of rough-looking bitches in the process. She kept her head held high as she confidently walked until reaching bed 12.

  A rough looking chick rested on the bottom bunk, reading a book titled, "Tears of a Hustler.” When she saw Paige standing, she quickly stood to her feet. "Listen,” the big woman began in a nasty tone. "You up on the top bunk and I keep a clean cube. If you are a nasty bitch, then we are gone have some problems."

  Paige ignored the woman and sat her sheets and blanket on the top bunk. She smelled a foul odor coming from somewhere in the cell. When Paige looked down, she spotted the big chick's jail issued boots leaning to the side. "Damn,” Paige said to herself as she turned up her nose. This was her first day in the federal facility and she could already tell that this was going to be a long bid.

  "Oh, and another thing,” the big chick said. "If I catch you in my shit, I'm gonna wear your ass out!"

  Paige shook her head as she lay on her bunk staring up at the ceiling. At that very moment, she wondered what Jeezy was doing. She told herself that she wouldn't stress herself wondering what Jeezy was out on the streets doing. Without trust, there was no relationship. "Fuck this shit,” Paige said as she got up, grabbed her towel, and headed for the shower. She stood directly under the shower head and let the hot water massage her face and scalp. Paige hadn’t taken a shower in a week. The hot water splashing off of her skin felt great. Since this was going to be Paige's new home for the next few years, she figured she might as well get used to this place so she started with a nice hot shower. After scrubbing her body clean for thirty minutes, Paige cut the water off and dried her face with her wash rag. When she turned around, she saw two rough looking chicks standing there staring at her with lust in their eyes.

  "Mmm... mmm…mmm!" One of the women hummed as she smiled. "Now that's what a woman should look like,” she said giving her partner five.

  Off the bat, Paige knew the two women were dikes. She quickly snatched her towel off the rail and covered her body with it.

  "What’s your name?" the woman asked.


  "Well I'm Roxy and this here is Shawn," she said nodding to her partner.

  "Nice to meet y'all,” Paige said politely. She tried to play it cool, but inside she knew both of the women who stood before her were gay and right now, she was looking like fresh meat.

  "Is it really nice to meet me,” Roxy said in a low sexy voice as she and Shawn moved
in closer?

  "Please,” Paige begged. "Whatever y’all plan on doing please don't. I don't want no trouble."

  "As long as you give up that sweet pussy you won't have any trouble," Roxy said as she tugged at the bottom of Paige's towel.

  Paige snatched her towel out of Roxy's grip as she backed up until her back hit the wall.