Never Be The Same Read online

Page 4

  "Damn that dick was so good." Pink smiled as she got up and went back upstairs leaving Jeezy downstairs to think about what had just happened.

  In Too Deep

  The next morning, Jeezy was awaken by his ringing cell phone. He rolled over and saw Montana's name flashing across the screen again. "Yo what's good?"

  "Wake up" Montana said. "Be at my place in half an hour."

  Before Jeezy could reply, the line went dead in his ear. He sat his phone back down on the night stand and wondered what Montana wanted. Obviously, it had to be something important since he wouldn't discuss it over the phone. Jeezy quickly got dressed, grabbed his 40 caliber, and headed out the door. When Jeezy pulled his Benz up in front of Montana's house, he saw several limos and expensive looking cars parked out front. He rang the doorbell and waited patiently. Seconds later, one of Montana's maids answered the door and lead Jeezy over to the sitting room. When Jeezy entered the sitting room, he spotted Montana, Big Tone, and a bunch of African men sitting around with angry looks on their faces.

  "So glad you could make it." Montana greeted Jeezy with a hand shake. "We have a big problem on our hands." "One of my African associates was murdered last night and I just wanted to know if you heard anything about it out in the streets."

  "Nah I ain't hear nothing about any African,” Jeezy lied with a straight face. Once he saw the whole room full of rich African men he knew he had fucked up, but he still had to play it cool. "This African must have been a heavy hitter in his country."

  "Yeah he was the real deal," Montana said. "85% of the dope in the United States came from him and his people."

  "Damn that’s crazy," Jeezy said. "What was he doing up in the city anyway?"

  "Tricking,” Montana answered quickly. "Oscar loved American women and mainly strippers," Montana said as he handed Jeezy a photo of Oscar. "Keep your ear to the streets and let me know if you hear anything.” “My friends here are willing to pay big money to whoever can lead us to Oscar's murderers." He paused to take a sip from his drink. "I heard it may have been The Gambino Brothers."

  "Who the fuck is that,” Jeezy asked.

  "These two ruthless ass brothers who will rob anything and anybody under the sun,” Montana said. "We are not sure if it's them yet, but this has their name written all over it."

  "I never heard of any Gambino Brothers."

  "They are two cold blooded killers with nothing to lose.” “They got plenty of money and they just rob mufucka's for the hell of it." Montana shook his head.

  "Black or Spanish?"

  "Spanish, Mexican what difference does it make?” Montana replied.

  "I'll keep my eyes and ears open," Jeezy said with a head nod as he noticed Big Tone staring him down.

  "Thanks Jeezy, I appreciate it," Montana said as he walked Jeezy to the door.

  Once outside, Jeezy walked swiftly back to his Benz. He pounded his fist on the steering wheel out of frustration. He had really fucked up bad. He knew it would only be a matter of time before the Africans connected him to the murder. He was going to have to figure out something and figure something out fast.

  Once back at the house, Jeezy walked out to the back where the pool was and spotted Pink along with three other women in the pool getting drunk and listening to Drake's new CD.

  "Hey baby,” Pink sang happily. "Come get in.” “The water is warm."

  "Not right now" Jeezy said dismissing the idea. "I need to speak to you inside for a second."

  Pink hopped out the pool butt naked with a wine glass in her hand as she walked dripping wet into the kitchen. "What's wrong baby?"

  "The African nigga we killed just so happened to be connected." Jeezy shook his head.

  "He was a Made-Man?" Pink asked.

  "Yeah" Jeezy sighed. "And he's got an army of African mufuckas out looking for the ones who murdered him."

  "Fuck them Africans." Pink flicked her hand dismissively. "Anybody could have killed that clown.” “We covered our tracks so you ain't got anything to worry about,” she said as she kissed Jeezy on the lips.

  "Now come join me and my friends in the pool."

  "Who are them bitches?" Jeezy asked peeking out the back door at the three beautiful women splashing around in the water.

  "Those are my best three workers,” Pink smiled. "They each bring in at least $5,000 a week and that's not counting what they bring in with the pills.” “I told them all about you and they are dying to meet you." She winked as she walked back outside and slipped back in the pool.

  "Fuck it,” Jeezy said as he stripped down butt naked and made his way over to the pool. He sat at the edge of the pool and let his legs dangle in the water. Pink quickly gave her girls a head nod and watched as they surrounded Jeezy like a pack of wolves. Jeezy smiled as two of the girls gave him head while the other one licked and sucked all over his balls. Pink sat back and looked on. In her mind, Jeezy was now her man and nothing pleased her more than to see her man happy.

  All Eyes on Me

  Paige reached the package room and waited in the long line of inmates until her name was called. The women waiting for packages were the fortunate ones and all the other inmates were less fortunate. As Paige stood in the line, she thanked God that she had someone on the outside who loved her dearly. Paige had sent Jeezy a list of all of the things that she needed in a letter and three days later, she was standing in the package room. When the C.O. called Paige's name she quickly stepped up and watched as the C.O. searched through her food and snacks as if it held a bomb inside. Paige sighed loudly as she watched the C.O. fish through the bras and panties that Jeezy sent her.

  "Damn,” Paige huffed. "How many times you going to check my draws acting like you never saw a thong before."

  "Listen here you cunt bitch," the C.O. said, jabbing his index finger through the air in Paige's direction. "I'll check this shit as many times as I fucking feel like it. You got a problem with that? I didn't think so," he said nastily answering his own question.

  Paige wasn't racist, nor did she have a problem with white people, but the way the racist C.O.'s treated the inmates, made her sick to her stomach. The white C.O.'s treated all of the black inmates as if they were animals and as if they never made a mistake in their own lives or broke or bent any laws. Paige decided her best bet was to just be quiet and patiently wait until the old racist white man finished searching through her things for the thousandth time. After searching Paige's package three more times just to fuck with her, the C.O. finally released the package to her. Paige sucked her teeth as she snatched the clear see through bag and headed back towards her dorm. As Paige strolled back to her dorm she could already taste the good food that Jeezy had sent her. Even though the only appliances available to her were a hot pot and a microwave, Paige knew how to make something out of nothing in a kitchen. If it was one thing Paige knew, it was how to cook. She had been cooking all of her life. Paige entered the dorm and instantly all eyes were on her and her bag full of goodies. All of the unfortunate inmates eyed Paige's bag full of real food with hungry looks in their eyes.

  "Fuck that,” Paige said to herself. "I ain't sharing shit."

  When Paige reached her cubical, her bunky quickly sat up with a smile on her face. "Yeah, we eating tonight,” she said rubbing her hands together. "What we got?"

  Paige looked at the big bitch as if she was crazy. "WE ain't got shit!" she said putting an emphasis on the word we.

  The big chick quickly put her boots on and tied them up tight.

  "This my mufucking spot," she pointed at her chest, “and if you bring some food up in here we both eating!"

  "Humph," Paige sighed. "I ain't got anything for you. You ain't said two words to me since I got here and now that I got some food, you wanna speak. Fuck outta here!"

  Before the words could fully leave Paige's mouth, Big Momma had snuffed her. The impact from the blow caused Paige to take a few steps backwards.

  "Bitch play the bathroom!" Big Momma barked as she storm
ed off to the bathroom.

  Paige held on to her face. For a second she couldn't believe that her bunky had sucker punched her over some food that wasn't even hers. She took a second to regroup before she headed to the bathroom. Paige wasn't a big fighter, but she wasn't going to sit around and let another bitch just punch her in her face and get away with it.

  Paige entered the bathroom and saw Big Momma standing in the middle of the floor wearing the facility issued pants and an all-black sports bra. "Come on bitch, let's go!" she growled.

  Paige swallowed hard as she stepped up and swung on Big Momma. Paige went blow for blow with the much bigger woman for as long as she could. Eventually, Big Momma grabbed a tight hold of Paige's long hair and flung her down to the floor. Paige blocked her face as best she could as she felt the powerful punches rain in. At that moment, all Paige could do was wildly kick her legs as she fought for her life.

  After pounding on Paige like she was a child Big Momma felt as if her bunky had, had enough. "Next time I ask for something, you better set that out,” she snarled giving Paige one last kick to her face.

  Paige peeled herself up off the floor and stood over the sink looking at her battered face in the mirror. The reflection that looked back at her instantly brought tears to her eyes.

  "How the fuck did my life get like this?" She said to herself as she wiped the tears from her face.

  "Here you go," a voice said from her left. Paige turned around and saw another inmate standing there holding a rag in her hand.

  "Here clean yourself up" the other chick said handing Paige the rag.

  "Thanks,” Paige said accepting the rag. As she fixed her face, she watched the other chick through the mirror and noticed that she was a bit older than she was. "So what's your story?" Paige asked. "You must want something."

  "Why would you say that?" The chick asked sitting on the edge of the sink next to Paige.

  "People in here only speak if they want something,” Paige chuckled.

  "Well I don't want anything from you sweetie and my name is Rose," the chick said extending her hand. Paige looked down at Rose's hand and continued to clean her face. "I'm Paige."

  "Listen I been in here for ten years,” Rose said, “and those bitches ain't gone stop fucking with you unless you stab one of them bitches!"

  "But why me though? I haven't done anything to anyone," Paige said confused. She couldn't understand why these women would rather tear her down instead of embrace her.

  "Because you not like the rest of us,” Rose chuckled. "You don't know what it's to struggle and you were raised with a silver spoon in your mouth. They can't stand to see these fake ass high class bitches walking around here with their nose up in the air."

  "So it's my fault that I did something with my life or that I wanted more out of life than to be living in a housing project?"

  "It may sound crazy but that’s how it works in here. They don't mind taking from you because they know you can easily get more," Rose explained.

  "So let me get this right,” Paige paused taking a second to take in and process what Rose had just explained to her. "So they gone keep fucking with me just because I decided to do something with my life?"

  "Basically,” Rose replied.

  "Well I ain't stabbing anybody over some food,” Paige huffed. "That's just crazy and ignorant," she said as she stormed out the bathroom. She couldn't believe she had just had a fight over her own shit. Paige couldn't understand why the women acted so rough and violent. If they were smart, they would be nice to her and maybe when they were released she might look out for them and try to help them get a job or even try to hook them up with a nice man.

  When Paige reached her bunk, she saw Roxy, Tammy, and Big Momma all in her cube eating up all of the snacks and food that Jeezy had brought for her.

  "Hey baby,” Roxy said with a smirk on her face. "You ready to come home to daddy? If you were my bitch nobody would fuck with you!"

  Paige ignored the dike's comments, as she went to reach for her bag of goodies. Tammy quickly snatched the bag from Paige's hands. "Bitch don't touch our shit!"

  Paige wanted to punch that gay bitch in her face, but she couldn't take another beating, especially a three on one.

  Roxy and Tammy slapped hands with Big Momma as they left the cube with all of Paige's belongings.

  "I'll see you later baby," Roxy whispered in Paige's ear as she smacked her on the ass.

  Paige stood in the middle of her cube looking stupid. Not only did she get her ass whipped, but she also was back to square one. Now she needed more food and under clothes. She slowly climbed up on her bunk, stared up at the ceiling, and cried silently. She so badly wanted to go home and lay in Jeezy's arms. Whenever Paige had a bad day, she could always rely on Jeezy to make everything better, but now that she was locked up, Jeezy seemed so far away. Sometimes it felt like she was never going to be able to go back home. Right now, all Paige could do was pray and hope that the rest of her stay would be better than the way it started.


  Pink's Christian Louboutin red bottom heels click-clacked loudly on the hardwood floor as she made her way over to the bar area where Jeezy sat sipping on a glass of Cîroc. Out of the twenty-nine years of living on earth, Pink had never had a man who treated and talked to her the way she deserved to be talked to or treated. She was quickly falling in love with Jeezy. She loved the fact that she could talk to him about anything no matter how big or small it was. Another thing Pink loved about Jeezy was his hustle. Rain, sleet, or snow Jeezy was on his grind.

  "So how many niggas your girls said gone be in the house?" Jeezy asked going over the plan in his head.

  "Three,” Pink answered. "They said it's always the same three men. Why, what's wrong baby?"

  "I'm still thinking about them African's mufuckas,” Jeezy said honestly. For some reason in his heart, he felt like the Africans were going to somehow find out it was him who was responsible for the murder and track him down.

  "Stop worrying about that shit,” Pink said rubbing his back. "That shit happened four months ago. When are you going to let it go?"

  "Sorry,” Jeezy apologized.

  "Besides you said it yourself that they think it was the Gambino Brothers. So fuck it. Let them think what they wanna think," Pink said. "I need you focused for tonight okay baby?" She said leaning in and kissing Jeezy on the lips. Pink's girls had set up a nice lick for tonight and if they were going to pull it off, she was going to need Jeezy to be at his best. "I'm going to go change my clothes," Pink said as she walked off.

  As Jeezy sat at the counter, he began thinking about Paige. His plan was to make as much money as he could until Paige was released from prison. Once she was released, he planned on spending as much time with her as he could. He also planned to help get Paige back on the right track as far as her acting career was concerned. Ten minutes later, Pink returned back downstairs wearing all black just like Jeezy.

  "Let's do this," Jeezy said as he handed Pink a 45. Outside the two hopped in a Acura that Jeezy had stolen earlier and pulled out of the garage. For the entire ride, Jeezy and Pink were silent as they enjoyed the sounds of Fabulous' new CD. Jeezy pulled up a block away from the destination and kept the engine running. He reached in the back seat and removed a Tech-9. The two covered their heads with a skully and the bottom of their faces with a black bandana.

  Jeezy walked up to the front door and shot the lock off. He then quickly raised his leg and kicked the door open. BOOM!

  Pink was the first one inside the house. She entered the living room and saw a six person orgy going on. She raised her 45 and fired a single shot into the ceiling. "Nobody fucking move!”” she yelled. The three victims looked up in shock as if a deer was caught in headlights.

  "Tie them mufuckas up," Jeezy ordered as he kept his Tech-9 trained on the trio. After a thirty minute search of the house, Pink found the stash.

  "Come on let's get up outta here,” Jeezy said as he headed for the exit. Jus
t as he reached the door, he heard three loud thunderous gunshots go off. POW! POW! POW!

  When Jeezy turned around, he saw Pink standing over the three men holding a smoking gun in her hand. He quickly walked over to Pink and roughly forced her back up against the wall. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" Jeezy yelled in her face. "Why did you do that?"

  "They saw my girl’s faces," Pink countered. "They would have easily tracked us down so I did what I had to do."

  Jeezy raised his fist and shook his head as he put it back down. "Let's go!"

  "What? I had to baby." Pink explained, "If they tracked my girls down, they would have given us up, and you know it."

  Jeezy roughly grabbed Pink by her arm and forced her back up again the car. "We were supposed to rob these guys, not murder them!" He yelled in a harsh whisper, "The shit you doing will get us put in jail forever; forever!"

  "I'm sorry baby," Pink said with her head hung low. "I was just trying to make sure we covered our tracks. That’s all."