Never Be The Same Read online

Page 15

  Alex eyes shot open as he nervously looked around trying to figure out where he was. He winced in pain as he sat up realizing that he was naked. "Where the fuck am I," he said to himself as he looked over to the right and saw his bullet proof vest sitting on a chair with two holes around the chest area. His body felt like he had been hit by a car and he couldn't remember anything that had happened. Alex looked over to his right and saw his P89 sitting on top of the nightstand.

  Just as Alex tried to get out of the bed, he heard someone turn the knob and enter the room. He quickly reached over and grabbed his P89 and aimed it at the person standing in the door way.

  "Put that gun down. I'm not here to hurt you," the woman said sitting a plate of food down on the bed.

  "Who are you and where are my clothes," Alex asked with his gun still aimed at the woman.

  "My name is Elizabeth and your clothes are in the dryer. They needed to be washed," she said. "Here eat up."

  Alex slowly put his P89 down, grabbed a piece of fried chicken from off the plate, and took a bite. "How did I get here?"

  "I was sitting in my living room watching TV when I heard a million shots being fired right outside my door," Elizabeth said." Once the gunfire ended, I peeked out my blinds and saw you lying on my lawn. I went outside and saw that you still had a pulse so I dragged you in the house before the cops arrived."

  "Thank you" Alex said shoveling a spoon full of rice into his mouth. "Why did you help me?"

  "Hispanic man, having a shootout in the middle of the street," Elizabeth smiled. "I just figured I would do a good deed and keep you out of jail."

  "I appreciate it."

  "By the way you owe me a new car. That was my car you took cover behind,” Elizabeth informed him.

  Alex smirked. "I'll take care of it for you."

  "Okay well your body needs to rest for at least two days, so make yourself at home. If you need anything just let me know" Elizabeth said exiting the room giving Alex his privacy.

  Alex finished off his food, laid back down, and shut his eyes. His body was still sore and needed rest.

  Rise and Shine

  After all the shit Paige talked she winded up forgiving Jeezy and took him back but only if he promised that within a month’s time they would have a new house somewhere far away from Pink and all of her drama.

  Jeezy had come clean and told Paige everything that happened while she was locked up. He even told her about the rich African man that he and Pink had murdered together.

  After listening to the full story Paige came to the conclusion that Pink was crazy and she had mental problems. As she lay asleep with her head resting on Jeezy's chest, she heard a noise coming from downstairs. Paige tried to ignore the noise, but seconds later, she heard another noise that sounded like someone downstairs was digging in her kitchen drawers and cabinets. "Baby wake up" she shook Jeezy awaking him from a deep sleep.

  "What’s up baby," Jeezy asked not even bothering to open his eyes.

  "Somebody is downstairs in our house baby," Paige said in a strong whisper. Jeezy opened his eyes and listened carefully.

  "You heard that,” Paige asked excitedly as she heard the noise again. "Go downstairs and check it out."

  Jeezy slid out of bed and grabbed his 40 caliber off the nightstand as he headed downstairs to see what the noise was.

  As he reached the top of the steps he saw three men wearing ski-mask creeping up the stairs.

  "Fuck outta here,” Jeezy said to himself as he opened fire on the three gunmen sending them crashing back down the stairs.

  Paige's body jumped out of fear when she heard the loud thunderous shots echo throughout the quiet house.

  Jeezy slowly made his way downstairs to see if anyone else was in his house. He eased his way through the dark living room.

  "Hey fam," a voice called out. When Jeezy turned around a baseball bat collided with the side of his head knocking him out cold.

  "Somebody come and drag this mufucka up outta here," Alpo said standing over Jeezy's unconscious body. His orders were to bring Jeezy back alive.

  "Hey I'm calling the police,” Paige said at the top of the steps holding her cell phone to her ear.

  "Snitching ass bitch" Alpo said as he tossed the bat at Paige as he and his crew left with Jeezy's body. The bat landed three feet away from Paige as she gave the 911 operator her address.

  Twenty minutes later Paige's home was filled with police officers. She answered all of their questions the best way she could without giving up too much information and/or incriminating herself in the process.

  It’s On

  Victor sat in Alex's crib loading up the M-16 that sat before him. It had been five days since he had heard from Alex. He had been watching the news so when he heard that Peaches and her mother had been gunned down he figured the killers must have gunned down Alex as well. The cops just hadn't found his body yet. Victor didn't know for sure who was responsible for his brother's murder, but all signs pointed to Hov.

  Honestly, Victor didn't care who had killed his brother the entire city was going to have to pay starting with Hov and his crew. Victor strapped on his bullet proof vest and grabbed his M-16 and went out the door.


  Alex woke up and slid out of the bed. His body was still a little sore, but he had rested long enough. He stepped out the room still butt naked and entered the living room looking for Elizabeth.

  Alex stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Elizabeth sitting at the kitchen table cleaning a machine gun. He quietly stood and watched as Elizabeth broke down the machine gun, cleaned it, and put it back together in less than a minute.

  "Where did you learn how to do that,” Alex asked startling Elizabeth.

  "Oh" Elizabeth said quickly putting the big gun away. "I didn't even hear you get up."

  "What kind of shit are you into" Alex asked suspiciously.

  "Tell me what you do for a living and I'll tell you what I do for a living; deal?" Elizabeth extended her hand.

  "Deal,” Alex shook her hand. "Me and my brother go around robbing anything that ain't nailed down to the floor" Alex told her.

  "You wouldn't happen to be one of “The Gambino Brothers,” would you" Elizabeth smiled.

  "That’s me Alex Gambino," he said proudly.

  "Impressive,” Elizabeth said. "I've heard about you and your brother's work, but if you ask my opinion I think y'all are in the wrong profession."

  "What line of work are you into" Alex asked.

  "Banks,” Elizabeth said with an evil smirk on her face.

  Alex laughed out loud. "So you mean to tell me you rob banks?"

  Elizabeth didn't reply, instead she tossed a month old newspaper at Alex's chest. Alex caught the paper and looked at the headline on the front page that read: "FIVE DEAD IN A SUCCESSFUL BANK ROBBERY,”

  "So" Alex began. "I know you don't take down these banks alone."

  "No, I have another partner" she said looking down at Alex's package. "We could use two more good men if you’re interested."

  "I don't know about banks," Alex said. "Plus I was thinking…"

  Elizabeth silenced Alex by pressing her full lips against his as she worked him into to stiffness with her hands. She couldn't resist all that temptation that stood in front of her any longer. She had to have it. She forced Alex back inside the room and shut the door behind her.

  If I Die Today

  When Jeezy finally came back around, he saw a bunch of thugs standing around him in a small room. He didn't know what was going on, but the one thing he did know was that today was the day that he was going to die. "Where am I?"

  "Shut the fuck up!" Alpo huffed as he smacked the shit out of Jeezy. "Didn't I tell you what was going to happen if I had to come back?"

  "What's this all about,” Jeezy asked confused.

  "I told you to stay the fuck away from Pink" Alpo snarled as he got ready to slap Jeezy again until Hov stepped in and stopped him.

  "What's your obsessio
n with Pink?" Hov asked. "Why can't you stay away from her?"

  "What are you talking about,” Jeezy asked. With the quickness of a cat Hov turned and snuffed Jeezy.

  "I'm giving you a chance to tell your side of the story before you die," Hov told him.

  "No you got it all wrong," Jeezy said spitting out blood. "That bitch Pink is crazy. I was dealing with her while my girl was locked up and when I tried to break it off with her she went crazy.”

  “She started stalking me and she even attacked my girl!"

  "Bullshit,” Hov spat.

  "That’s my word," Jeezy told him. "The bitch had me doing sexual favors for her so she wouldn't tell my girl."

  "This nigga is lying his ass off" Alpo cut in. He just wanted to hurt somebody.

  "When was the last time you smashed,” Hov asked curiously?

  "Umm" Jeezy said checking his memory. "About a week ago."

  Those words cut Hov like a knife. He was really starting to like Pink and for some strange reason he believed Jeezy. Hov pulled out his phone and dialed Pink's number but it went straight to voice mail.

  "Do you know where Pink is now" Hov asked.

  "If I know her like I think I do, then she just went home and saw all her windows busted out and she’s headed to my house,” Jeezy told him. "We have to get over there quick before she kills my fiancé!"

  Hov thought about it for a second before he cut Jeezy loose. "I'm going with you," Hov said. "He wanted to see for himself if Pink was as crazy as Jeezy made her out to be and if Jeezy was lying he was going to kill him.

  Only the Strong Survive

  Paige stood in the kitchen cooking dinner. She had to do something to stop worrying about Jeezy and if he was safe. She had been praying all day and inside she felt that wherever Jeezy was the Lord was going to bring him back to her in one piece like he always did.

  If Jeezy made it back in one piece, the first thing Paige planned on doing was moving to another city and starting over fresh from scratch. She didn't care if she had to work a regular job as long as she and Jeezy were together she didn't care.

  As Paige stood at the counter cutting up a piece of raw steak, she looked up at the front door when she heard keys jingling at the door. Paige's face lit up. She just knew her prayers had been answered. Her smile quickly turned upside down when she saw Pink come through the front door holding a hunting knife in her hand.

  "How the fuck did you get the keys to my house,” Paige asked.

  "Bitch that's the last thing you need to be worrying about,” Pink said coldly as she locked the door behind her. When Paige looked down at the hunting knife that Pink carried, she already knew what time it was. She grabbed a butcher’s knife from out of the drawer and exited the kitchen.

  Paige told herself once she was released from prison that she would leave that jail shit back in jail, but this was a different story right now. It was either kill or be killed.

  "I'm sorry it had to come down to this, but my mother always told me when you come across something you love, you better be ready to die for it,” Pink said.

  "Jeezy is my fiancé," Paige said dragging out the word fiancé. "I'll die for my man because I know he'll do the same for me! Would he die for you bitch?"

  That's all it took to set it off. Pink lunged towards Paige and took a swipe at her. Paige jumped back out of her reach as the two circled each other talking shit. Paige took a step forward taking a swipe at Pink's face. Pink leaned back and weaved the knife in the air and sliced Paige across her stomach reopening the scar she got while she was in jail.

  Paige grabbed her stomach and took a step back.

  "Come on you scary ass bitch" Pink taunted as she lunged forward again. This time Paige caught her wrist and sliced Pink across her face causing her to drop the hunting knife. Pink touched her face and when her hand came away bloody she let out a loud scream. It sounded like an animal had been wounded instead of a woman screaming.

  "Put that knife down and let's handle this shit woman to woman,” Pink said putting up her hands.

  Paige smirked as she saw the blood leaking from Pink's face. "You’re not even worth it,” she said tossing her knife down to the floor.

  Once the knife hit the floor, Pink charged at Paige rushing her back into the wall unit that rested in the living room. Paige's head bounced off the entertainment system knocking her out cold. Pink quickly hopped up on her feet and began stomping Paige as if she was trying to stomp her through the floor.

  "Stupid ass bitch!" Pink huffed kicking Paige in her face one last time. She caught her breath before walking back over to where her hunting knife rested. "Bitch I told you Jeezy was my man," Pink said as she plunged the hunting knife through Paige's heart. "Die bitch!" she yelled as she repeatedly stabbed Paige's lifeless body until her arms got tired and she didn’t have the energy to stab her anymore.

  Pink stood to her feet and smiled. Finally, she had gotten rid of Paige. Now her and Jeezy could finally live happily ever after and be a family, so she thought.

  Pink snapped out of her trance when she heard the front door open and saw Jeezy, Hov, Alpo, and two other soldiers walk through the front door.

  When Jeezy saw Paige laid out on the floor covered in blood, his legs got weak. He rushed over to her. "No! No! No!" he cried melting down to his knees.

  Hov looked on in shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. This was a side of Pink he had never seen before.

  Jeezy cried over Paige's body as all of the memories the two shared flashed before his eyes. Paige's cold lifeless eyes stared up at him. Jeezy closed Paige's eyes and kissed her on the forehead as he removed the hunting knife that was sticking out of her chest. He gripped it tightly as he slowly rose to his feet.

  "I did this for us daddy,” Pink said with a proud look on her face.

  "Now we can finally be a family,” she smiled. "No more distractions! No more nothing, just me and you like old times,” she smiled. "We can get married and move somewhere where it's hot."

  As Jeezy walked up to Pink, he felt sorry for her because she really had a mental problem and needed serious help.

  "Can I have a hug baby?" Pink asked with open arms. Jeezy leaned and hugged Pink tightly.

  "I love you daddy,” Pink whispered in Jeezy's ear.

  "I love you too," Jeezy said as he plunged the hunting knife in Pink's stomach and twisted the handle. A tear escaped Jeezy's eye as he hugged Pink tightly until her body finally collapsed in his arms.

  Deep down in Jeezy's heart he still had love for Pink. He didn't want to have to kill her but at the end of the day he was left with no choice.

  "You a'ight," Hov asked from the sideline. Jeezy gently laid Pink's body down and replied with a simple head nod.

  "We gotta get up outta here before the cops come,” Hov said.

  "Don't worry about any money. I'll give you a job working for me."

  "Nah y’all go ahead. I'm going to stay here," Jeezy said as tears streamed down his face. "Without Paige I don't have a life and I might as well rot in jail,” he said in a defeated tone.

  "Don't even talk like that," Hov said as he gave his goons a signal for them to go get Jeezy up out of the house by any means necessary. "I'm not just going to sit here and leave you like that especially since..." Hov’s words got caught in his throat when he saw the front door bust open and Victor step inside holding a M-16.

  "What up" Victor said as he squeezed the trigger and waved his arms back and forth until everyone in the house was dead. "That's for my brother" he said out loud as he back peddled out the door and hopped back in his car.

  As Victor drove back to Alex's house he wondered what his next move was going to be. He felt alone in the world without Alex. Ever since he was a kid Alex had always come up with all the bright ideas, but now with Alex gone Victor had no idea what his next move was going to be.

  The only thing he knew now was that he was going to have to come up with something sooner than later. When Victor stepped foot back in t
he house he almost shitted on himself when he saw Alex and some chick sitting at the bar area having a drink.

  "About time you got back. I was about to start getting worried," Alex smiled.

  "When and where," Victor said at a loss for words. He didn't know what to say. He was just happy that his brother was alive. "I thought you were dead," he said hugging Alex tightly. He didn't want to let him go.

  "Come on you know it's going to take more than some amateurs to take me out,” Alex countered.