Never Be The Same Read online

Page 14

  Jeezy stormed out of the house, hopped in his Benz, and headed towards the strip club.

  I Want You Back

  Alex stood in the bar area of his house having a drink with his brother. He was trying to figure out the best way to tell his brother that he had made a mistake by getting back in the game and that he missed Peaches. With what he already had saved away plus what he and Victor got from Montana's safe, Alex never had to work another day of his life.

  "What you over there thinking about bro," Victor asked pouring both of them another drink.

  "I miss Peaches," Alex admitted.

  "Not that bitch again," Victor huffed. "What is it with you and that chick?"

  "I just realized that this shit we doing isn't worth it anymore," Alex said. "We're rich now. It’s time for us to enjoy the fruits of our labor."

  "What about Hov," Victor asked. "We’re just going to let him off the hook?"

  "It's not worth it," Alex said simply. "We almost got our heads blown off the other night for what; for money that we don't even need."

  "I know what your problem is,” Victor shook his head in disgust. "You’re letting this money change you. You’re turning into one of them high class rich cock suckers!"

  Alex knew his younger brother would have a problem with his decision, but he didn't care. His mind was already made up. Peaches was worth more to him than a couple of measly dollars was and if his brother didn't like it then so be it. "You need to open your eyes and smell the roses before its too late."

  "Fuck you!" Victor sat his drink down as if he was ready to get busy. "You walk out that door this time and you are no longer my brother!"

  Alex finished up the last of his drink before he replied. "I love you and you'll always be my brother no matter what," he said as he made his exit.

  His life felt incomplete without Peaches in it and he could no longer torture himself. He needed his baby back.


  Jeezy pulled up in front of the strip club, hopped out of his Benz, and left the engine running. When Jeezy stepped foot in the club he headed straight to the bar and ordered himself a strong drink. He scanned the club to see if he saw Pink anywhere around.

  After a forty-five minute, wait Jeezy finally spotted Pink over in the corner giving some john a lap dance. He downed the rest of his drink in one gulp before heading over in her direction.

  The closer Jeezy got to Pink, the angrier he became. He couldn't believe he had let a chick come in his life and turn it upside down and for that, Pink was going to have to pay.

  When he got within arm’s reach of Pink, he tapped her on the shoulder. When Pink turned around and saw Jeezy standing, there she smiled as if she was happy to see him.

  "Heeeey baby,” she said as if the two were the best of friends. Pink leaned in for a hug and Jeezy smacked the shit out of her. Pink's head violently jerked back from the impact as she spun around and to the floor.

  When Pink's body hit the floor, Jeezy stood over her and rained down punches on Pink's exposed face. It took several johns to finally get him off of her.

  "Bitch, stay the fuck away from my family," Jeezy screamed as two big bouncers now escorted him out the club and tossed him out into the street.

  Jeezy quickly got up off the ground, jogged back to his Benz, and headed back home.

  On the ride home Jeezy thought about what he had just done. It may not have been the right thing to do, but it was damn sure necessary.

  When Jeezy pulled into his driveway, he looked up and saw that the bedroom light was still on which meant that Paige was still up. He made his way in the house and headed straight for the bedroom. "Baby we need to talk," he said busting in the room.

  "No" Paige said flatly. "I don't feel like talking to you. Don't you think you've ruined my life enough already?"

  "Look baby I'm sorry about everything that happened while you were locked up, but all I was trying to do was get money while you were away so when you came home you could be comfortable,” he explained. "How was I supposed to know that this psycho chick was going to fall in love with me and start acting crazy?"

  "If the tables were reversed and you just got out of jail and the nigga who I was fucking lived right next door and the two of you became best friends, how would that make you feel?” “EXACTLY,” she said not even giving him a chance to answer. "You men are all the same. Y’all can dish it out but you damn sure can't take it!"

  "Baby I know how you feel. Just know that my intentions were good," Jeezy said. "No matter what, I'm going to love you."

  "You don't love me, you love Pink," Paige said out of jealously. She knew that Jeezy would never do anything to intentionally hurt her, but now her feelings were hurt and she didn't want to just take him back so easily. "Did you check on your girlfriend today?"

  "Yeah I just came from her job," Jeezy told her.

  "Oh so after all this you still messing around with the bitch," Paige said ready to act a fool.

  "I went to her job and beat her ass baby!" Jeezy shook his head. "I don't play when it comes to you and you know that."

  "Well that ain't going to stop me from beating her ass again the next time I see her,” Paige said still upset that Pink had messed up her wonderful audition. Not to mention she had embarrassed and humiliated her in front of everyone.

  "If moving will make you feel better, then we can. I don't care what it's going to take to get you back. As long as I can have you I'll do it."

  "Just give me a day or two to think and then I'll let you know what's what, but right now I just want to be alone."

  "Yes baby,” Jeezy said obeying Paige's wishes. "I'll be on the couch if you need me," he said making his exit.

  Love in the Air

  Alex pulled up in front of Peaches mother's house and killed the engine. After being away from Peaches for two weeks he realized that he needed her in his life more than he thought he did. No matter what was going on she always made him feel special, like he was too good to be robbing people. She had a way of just making him feel worth way more than he was and he loved her for that.

  Alex stepped out his truck, walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.


  A block away Alpo sat in a low key Honda watching Alex's every move. Montana was right about Peaches. She definitely led Alex straight to them. Alpo and his 7 foot friend watched as Alex entered Peaches mother's house.

  "We going to tighten his ass up as soon as he comes out that bitch," Alpo said cocking the back slide on his Mac-11. The 7 foot monster replied by simply cocking back his automatic weapon.


  "How are you doing Ms. Jackson?" Alex said politely. "Is Peaches home?"

  "Yes, sure Alex come right on in,” Ms. Jackson said giving Alex a bear hug. "Yeah she's right upstairs in her room."

  "Okay thanks,” Alex said quickly heading upstairs to Peaches room. Alex entered Peaches room without even knocking on the door. "Hey,”

  "Oh hey,” Peaches said turning around in shock. "Hey Alex what are you doing here?"

  "I came to see you" Alex replied. "I need you back in my life."

  Peaches looked at him for a second. "I don't think so"

  "What do you mean you don't think so?" Alex echoed?

  "You heard me," Peaches said raising her tone a bit. "I don't have time to play these games with you. One minute you love me and the next minute you love the streets. Like come on make up your mind."

  "Baby I'm sorry,” Alex apologized. "I finally see what you were saying about this street shit. I just never had anybody to love me before until I met you and I refuse to lose you."

  "Sounds good,” Peaches rolled her eyes. She was still upset by the way, he had chosen to go run the streets and then be with her.

  "How do I know if I take you back you won't just do the same thing again?"

  "Baby I give you my word," Alex said. "I can't and won't live without you."

  "Well I got a date tonight so I don't know what to tell you," Peache
s said coldly.

  "Damn you got a new man already?" Alex face crumbled up.

  "Nigga I haven't heard not one word from you in two weeks,” Peaches said. "And then you just pop up at my mom’s house out the blue, talking about you want me back. I don't know what you think this is, but you are not going to just be playing games with my heart whenever you feel like it!"

  "Baby nobody is playing games."

  "Well that's what it seems like to me,” Peaches countered. She didn't have time to play games with Alex. He didn't know what he wanted so it was time for her to move on. "Anyway, like I said I have a date tonight,” she said in a nasty tone.

  "Why are you acting like this towards me?" Alex asked. "I know you love me, so why are you pretending not to?"

  "Because,” Peaches began, "I gave you my all and that still wasn't good enough to keep you, so I don't know what to do."

  "Give me another chance; please,” Alex asked.

  "Give me a few days to think about it because what you did to me really hurt me," Peaches said.

  "Well you need to cancel your date."

  "No" Peaches replied. "You don't just pop up out the blue at my mom’s house because you decide you want me back and tell me to cancel my date! Sorry, but it doesn't work like that!"

  Their conversation was interrupted when Ms. Jackson lightly knocked on the door. "Peaches you got somebody downstairs at the door waiting for you" she announced.

  "Oh so that's your new boyfriend downstairs," Alex asked with his voice full of jealousy.

  "None of your business,” Peaches replied as she headed downstairs. When she reached the bottom step, she heard Alex's footsteps coming right behind hers.

  "Hey we are in my mother’s house. Don't start any shit," she warned.

  "I'm not. I just want to talk to the guy,” Alex lied. He couldn't believe that Peaches already had someone new that fast. He knew how he ended things with her was wrong, but he was back to make things right. He wasn't about to let some new guy stand in his way.

  Peaches opened the front door and on the other side stood a man with dreads, gold teeth, in his mid-twenties, and with his pants sagging off his ass.

  "What’s up baby are you ready roll?" Gold teeth smiled.

  "She ain't rolling anywhere," Alex said stepping outside not wanting to disrespect Ms. Jackson's house.

  "Who's this chump" Gold teeth asked looking over at Peaches.

  "Nobody,” Peaches said quickly. "He was just leaving."

  Just as Gold Teeth got ready to say another word, Alex pulled out his P89 and whacked him across the face with it. Alex stood over the man as he pistol whipped the man until he lost feeling in his hands.

  "What is wrong with you" Peaches screamed looking at Alex as if he was a monster. Seconds later Ms. Jackson came outside to see what all the commotion was about.

  "I'm sorry,” Alex apologized. He was about to say something else until he saw a quick blur moving from the corner of his eye.

  Before he could tell Peaches to get down, he watched as three bullets to the chest spun her body around like a merry go round.

  When Alex looked up, he saw two men with big guns moving in on him. He quickly sent two shot in their direction as he took off on foot down the street. Alex put his head down and ran at a full sprint trying to avoid the two gunmen. He fired two reckless shots over his shoulder as he quickly dashed behind a parked car to gather his thoughts.

  Alpo shot out all the windows on the car that Alex stood behind trying to shake him up. Alpo signaled to his 7 foot partner to take one side while he took the other.

  Alex took a deep breath as shattered glass rained down on the top of his head. With no other choice on the count of three Alex popped up from behind the parked car firing away. Four of his bullets found a home in the tall man's chest, but as the tall man went down he got off a single shot that pierced though Alex's thigh causing him to drop down to one knee. "Shit!" he cursed as pain shot through his entire body.

  When Alpo saw his partner go down, he immediately opened fire on the parked car as he moved in for the kill. Alex quickly popped up from behind the car and before he could get a shot off. Two shots to the chest had dropped him. His head bounced off the concrete like a basketball, as his gun flew out of his hand.

  Once Alpo saw Alex's body hit the ground, he smiled as he took off running back to the Honda. With all the dead bodies, lying around he wasn't trying to stick around to see what happened. He hopped in his Honda and burnt rubber.

  Can’t Let It Go

  Paige sat in the hot tub trying to get her mind off of all the things that had been going on in her life, but it seemed liked the more she tried not to think about it, the more she would think about it.

  Jeezy had been doing everything in his power to make Paige feel comfortable, but Paige just couldn't find it in her heart to forgive him. Of course she still had love for him, but now every time she thought about Jeezy, Pink would somehow end up in her thoughts and ruin any chance of her forgiving Jeezy.

  As Paige sat in the tub, she thought about how Pink had really tried to end her acting career. A beat down wasn't going to be enough. Paige wanted Pink to hurt the way she was hurting.

  Paige hopped out the tub, dried off, threw on a navy blue sweat suit, and headed straight for the closet. Inside she grabbed her baseball bat that she kept in there for protection and headed downstairs.

  When Jeezy saw Paige coming downstairs carrying a baseball bat he immediately hopped up off the couch. "Baby, what are you doing with that bat," he asked.

  Paige ignored him passing by Jeezy as if he was invisible as she headed outside. Jeezy sighed loudly as he followed Paige outside to see what she had in mind.

  Outside Paige gripped her bat in a tight two handed grip and she swung the bat into the front window of Pink's house. All Jeezy could do was shake his head as he watched the glass window shatter into little pieces. She then winded the bat up again, and took out another window, followed by another window, followed by another window, until all of the windows in the front of Pink's house were busted out.

  "Bitch you are fucking with the wrong one,” she said as if Pink could hear her. Jeezy looked at all the busted out windows and felt bad for even putting Paige in a situation like this. He had gotten them into this mess and it was he who was going to get them out.

  I Don’t Play That

  Hov sat in the living room watching the Giants and Eagles game when Alpo entered his house with a smile on his face.

  "I hope you got some good news for me,” Hov said not bothering to look up from the TV.

  "One of the Gambino Brothers is now officially gone,” Alpo bragged.

  "Say word!"

  "Word to my mother!” “I shot that nigga up outta his shoes," Alpo boasted, "him and his bitch!"

  Hov smiled, "one down and one more to go!"

  Hov and Alpo's conversation was interrupted when Pink entered the house with her face looking a bloody mess.

  "What happened to you baby," Hov asked shooting to his feet.

  "Jeezy," she cried. "He came down to my job and attacked me."

  Hov quickly turned and faced Alpo. "I thought I asked you rough that clown up?"

  "I did,” Alpo replied. "He must have caught her afterwards."

  "You alright baby," Hov asked sitting her down gently on the couch.

  Pink played to be more hurt then she really was. She knew Hov would go crazy if she came home all beat up.

  "You want me to run down on that clown and clap him," Alpo asked.

  "Nah I want you to go over there and bring him to me," Hov ordered. "I wanna do this clown myself!"

  "Not a problem!" Alpo smiled as he got up and left.

  "Don't worry about nothing baby. I'mma handle that Nigga for you."

  Pink wanted to smile so badly. Everything was going just as she planned it. Hov was going to get Jeezy out of the picture and then she'd be able to get rid of Paige once and for all.

  "What's up with you and
this nigga," Hov asked. "You used to fuck around with him or something?"

  "I went out to eat with him once and then out the blue he started acting funny,” Pink lied. "I think he had a girl and was trying to have his cake and eat it too. His girlfriend must have found out and then that’s when he started bugging out."

  "I'll take care of it,” Hov said already thinking about what he was going to do to Jeezy when he got him in his sight.

  Back From the Dead