Never Be The Same Read online

Page 11

  Victor chuckled. He couldn't stand Peaches. In his eyes, she was nothing but a nasty gold digger who was just enjoying a free ride off of Alex's hard earned money and Victor wasn't just going to sit there and let her take the only family he had left away from him.

  "My brother might not know what you’re up too, but I see right through yo ass like glass."

  "What are you talking about,” Peaches asked confused. "I have nothing but love for your brother. The sooner you figure that out the better off we will be." What Peaches was saying got cut off when she heard the doorbell ring. She got up, but Victor quickly stopped her.

  "Don't bother.” “It's for me," he said bopping over towards the door. Victor opened the door and on the other side stood a well-dressed prostitute.

  "Hey baby,” the prostitute smiled as she stepped inside the nice house wearing a tight fitting one piece red mini skirt and some red pumps. "My name is Cinnamon," she said licked her lips. "How can I please you?"

  "Hold up" Peaches interfered. "What do you thinks going on up in here?"

  "Mind your fucking business,” Victor huffed as he continued to check Cinnamon out from head to toe. Peaches sucked her teeth as she rushed upstairs to go inform Alex what was going on down stairs.

  Victor pulled Cinnamon down onto his lap, as his hands began to explore her curvy voluptuous body.

  Upstairs Alex was in the middle of his daily workout when he saw Peaches bust up in the room. "You won't believe what your brother is downstairs doing,” she huffed.

  Alex sighed loudly as he hopped up off the floor from his push-up position. "What is he doing now?"

  "He downstairs with a prostitute right now in our living room"

  "A prostitute,” Alex huffed as he slid a wife beater over his head and headed downstairs.

  Downstairs Victor sat on the couch tossing a few singles as he watched Cinnamon strip for him. "That's right baby shake that shit,” he smiled.

  "How are you doing miss?" Alex said politely. "I'm sorry but you have to leave," he said helping to pick up Cinnamon's clothes from off the floor.

  "Man what are you doing,” Victor said standing to his feet.

  Alex ignored his brother as he escorted Cinnamon out of his house.

  "Damn, why did you do that,” Victor spat. "I paid her in full already."

  "Get your shit,” Alex said in a serious tone. He could no longer take his brother staying with him. He knew Victor was only acting like this because of Peaches.

  "What do you mean get my shit?”

  "You gotta go" Alex told him. "If you can't respect me and who I choose to live with then you gotta go!"

  "So" Victor smirked. "This is what it's come down to huh? Your own brother; the only family you ever had or some new chick who you just met and you choose her over me."

  "I didn't choose anybody,” Alex corrected him. "You need to grow up. Sooner or later you’re going to find a nice woman that you like and instead of being mean to her, I'm going to embrace her and accept her into the family."

  Victor chuckled. "You are a real piece of work," he said bumping shoulders with Alex as he walked out the house.

  "It doesn't have to be like this you know" Alex said from the door way.

  Victor ignored his brother's words as he hopped in his car and pulled off. As far as he was concerned, he no longer had a brother. Anyone that would choose a woman over family was no family of his.

  Alex closed the door and let out a deep breath. He couldn't believe how childish and jealous his brother was acting over him having a girlfriend. It was no way Alex was going to choose between the only two people he had in his life and if Victor didn't like it then so be it.

  You Gotta Be Kidding Me

  Jeezy woke up and noticed he was in the bed alone. This wasn't nothing new. Every morning since Paige was released from jail she always brought Jeezy breakfast in bed and today was no different. Jeezy hopped out the bed and sniffed the turkey bacon filled air as he went in the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a quick shower.

  Jeezy hopped out the shower and threw on a pair of sweat pants and a wife beater. Then he headed downstairs to join Paige. The closer Jeezy made it to the bottom of the steps he heard more than one voice coming from the living room. When Jeezy made it in the living room, his stomach immediately leaped up to his throat when he saw Pink sitting on the couch next to Paige.

  "Hey baby,” Paige said happily. "I was just making us some breakfast when our new next door neighbor came over to say hi."

  "Nice to meet you I'm April," Pink said extending her hand.

  Jeezy shook her hand with a weird uncomfortable look on his face. He couldn't believe that Pink was actually sitting right there in his living room.

  "I was just making some breakfast. Would you care to join us," Paige asked. "It's more than enough."

  "No I couldn't,” Pink said putting up a weak protest.

  "It will be great. Then we can get to know each other a little better" Paige said as she disappeared into the kitchen.

  Once the coast was clear Jeezy firmly grabbed Pink's arm. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

  "I know you ain't think you were just going to get rid of me that easy. Especially after you told me you loved me."

  "What," Jeezy said confused. "I never told you I loved you!"

  "Not verbally, but your actions said, “damn Pink I love you so much and you are the one for me." She smiled. "You are going to continue to be with me or else I'm going to tell your precious Paige everything," Pink threatened. "I just moved in next door so it ain't any excuses. I expect my dick at least four times a week."

  "Okay the food is ready," Paige said, appearing out of nowhere.

  At the kitchen table, Jeezy ate his breakfast silently as Pink and Paige talked as if they had known each other for years. Jeezy didn't know how, but somehow he was going to have to get rid of Pink quickly before things got out of hand.

  "So, how long have you two been together?" Pink asked sipping on her orange juice.

  "Since forever" Paige answered proudly.

  "Well maybe Jeezy here can hook me up with one of his friends." Pink laughed knowing he didn't deal with a lot of people.

  While sitting at the table, Pink held her phone under the table and texted Jeezy. "Meet me next door at my house in 10 minutes. The back door is open."

  Jeezy read the message and quickly finished his food. "Baby I’ll be right back I gotta run out for a second," he said leaning down kissing Paige on the lips.

  "Okay baby be careful," Paige said. "If you come back and I'm not here I'm at the hair salon," she told him as he headed out the door. Pink made small talk for the next 15 minutes before she decided it was time for her to leave. "Girl come over anytime and don't be a stranger," Pink said as she hugged Paige and kissed her on the cheek and then left.


  Pink walked in her new house and saw Jeezy leaning on the counter by the kitchen sipping on a glass of wine.

  "Hey daddy make yourself at home,” Pink said kicking off her heels as she came up out of her one piece skirt and tossed it on the arm of the couch. "I misssssssssed you" she said sliding in for a hug.

  "What is this all about,” Jeezy said denying her access for a hug.

  "Why can't you just let me go?"

  "Why; so the next bitch can get the wonderful man it took so long for me to build?” “I don't think so," she laughed.

  "You sound ridiculous!" Jeezy shook his head in disgust. "So what you going to follow me everywhere I move to?"

  "Sho is,” Pink said with her hands on her hips. "Why can't you see that I love you with all my heart and no other chick including Paige can or will take care of you better or treat you better than I would?" She truly loved Jeezy and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. "You know you love me so I don't know why you fronting?"

  "Fronting?" Jeezy repeated. "Listen! What we did was fun while it lasted, but now all that is over. Paige and I are going to get married."

Pink laughed. "Over my dead body,” she said with a crazy looking smile on her face as she unbuckled Jeezy's belt buckle and aggressively snatched his pants down.

  "No!" Jeezy said pushing Pink's face away from his crotch.

  "This is my dick," Pink said with a firm grip on Jeezy's manhood.

  "Now give me my shit before I go next door and tell Paige what the real reason is why I moved next door."

  With no other options all Jeezy could do was stand there while Pink slowly sucked and licked all over his dick. His mind might not have been into it, but his dick had a mind of its own. Jeezy fucked Pink's mouth as if he was mad at her. Pink grabbed his butt cheeks forcing him even further in her mouth until he finally exploded.

  Jeezy put his clothes back on and then headed for the front door until Pink cleared her throat and stopping him. "What now" Jeezy asked with an attitude as he turned to look at Pink.

  "Where the fuck you think you going,” Pink said as she laid back on the counter and opened her legs. "If you know what's best for you; you better get over here and eat this good pussy."

  Jeezy sighed loudly as he walked over to the counter and looked down at Pink's fat shaved, wet pussy. Jeezy buried his face in between Pink's legs as he orally pleased her.

  Pink moaned loudly as she held on to the back of Jeezy's head as he forced her to cum for him yet again.

  An hour later, once Pink was finished with Jeezy she kicked him out. "Same time tomorrow" she said slamming the door behind him. Satisfied with the work Jeezy had put in Pink went and hopped in her hot tub and began thinking of other ways to make Jeezy's life miserable.

  Change of Heart

  Alex sat on the couch in his living room in the middle of the night watching Scarface. As he watched the movie, his mind drifted off to his brother. He missed Victor and he knew that his brother would eventually end up dead or in jail if he continued to let him go on missions alone. Not to mention that Alex was getting bored just sitting in the house all the time and living a regular life. His whole life had been filled with action and now he was beginning to miss his old life.

  "Hey,” Peaches said standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Want some company?" Alex smiled and patted the seat cushion next to him. "What's on your mind baby?" Peaches asked curling up next to Alex.

  "I was thinking about getting back in the game."

  "Huh" Peaches said sitting straight up. "Back in the game? Why? For what?"

  "My brother needs me,” Alex told her. "I have a bad feeling something real bad is going to happen to him if I'm not there to watch his back."

  "I need you too Alex" Peaches shouted as her eyes began to water. "Just because he wants to throw his life away doesn't mean you have to throw yours away with him."


  "Ain't no buts,” Peaches cut him off. "Instead of worrying about your brother, you should be thanking God that after all the shit you been through you’re still here safe and sound. Be smart Alex," she pleaded. "That heartless killer ain't you no more. This is the real Alex," she said jabbing her index finger in his chest.

  Alex knew what Peaches was saying was right, but she wasn't in his shoes and would never understand.

  "Please baby I need you" Peaches whispered. "This is your chance to move on from that life. You made it out by the Grace of God so why would you want to go backwards? That doesn't make any sense."

  Alex knew Peaches wouldn't understand where he was coming from, but he knew Victor would be done if he didn't save him from himself.

  "I hate to have to do this,” Peaches stood up. "But it's either going to be me or your brother!" The silence that came after the question was all the answer Peaches needed. "Fine,” she said making her way back upstairs.

  Alex continued to finish watching Scarface as he wondered if he was making the right decision or signing his death certificate.

  An hour later Peaches struggled downstairs with a big suitcase and a duffle bag over her shoulder.

  "Baby you don't have to do this," Alex said hoping Peaches would stay.

  "I refuse to stay and watch you go out on a suicide mission. If you want to go out and get yourself killed by all means, but I'm not just going to sit around until something bad happens."

  "Don't go baby!” “I love you," Alex said knowing that if Peaches left she wasn't coming back.

  "If you did I wouldn't be leaving right now," Peaches said in a low tone as she kissed Alex on the cheek and left him standing right there. Alex stood in the door way until Peaches taillights disappeared down the street. Alex knew the choice he was making wasn't the wisest one, but it was what he had to do. He closed the door, pulled out his cell phone, and dialed Victor's number.


  Victor stood over the body of a teenaged boy whose hands were tied behind his back with duct tape. He had been torturing the boy for the last fifteen minutes trying to get him to tell him where his father's stash was. When Victor rushed inside the house, he noticed that no one was home except for the teenage boy. In the streets, his father was called Hov and was a major player in the game. Word on the streets was that Hov was sitting on a nice lump sum of money. From the looks of the big house, Victor knew that everything he heard about Hov was true.

  "Please don't hurt me," the boy pleaded scared to death. He didn't know why the man standing over him wanted to hurt him or why he was even there.

  "Shut the fuck up" Victor said kicking the boy in his face. The boy’s head violently jerked back from the impact as blood began to spill from his nose. Victor pulled out one of his 45's and put a bullet in the boy's leg making sure he didn't move while he went and searched the house.


  Hov pulled his 745 B.M.W up in his driveway and killed the engine. He and his main henchman Alpo were coming to take Hov's son the Knicks game.

  "Yo I hope you ready," Hov shouted as he entered his home. "The game starts in an hour" he said grabbing two Heinekens from the fridge and handing one to Alpo. When Hov stepped foot in the living room and saw his son sprawled out across the floor leaking he couldn't believe his eyes. He immediately rushed over and kneeled by his side. "Go check the house,” he said over his shoulder to Alpo as he dialed 911.

  Alpo removed his 16 shot 9mm and slowly made his way upstairs.


  Upstairs Victor dumped a box full of woman's jewelry into a shopping bag when he heard the door slam followed by a grown man's voice. Victor quickly pulled out his twin 45's making his way out into the hallway. Soon as he stepped out the bedroom, he saw a man to his right trying to creep up the steps. Victor immediately opened fired as he back peddled down the hallway. Alpo quickly took cover behind the banister on the stairs as he returned a few reckless shots over his shoulder.

  "Shit!" Hov cursed when he heard a gunfight erupt upstairs. He quickly pulled his 38 from the small of his back and made his way upstairs.

  Victor popped shot after shot with a gun in each hand before disappearing in one of the bedrooms. Alpo slowly made his way down the hallway. This was the type of shit that he lived for. Action should have been his middle name. He slowly entered the room he saw the gunman enter and quickly ran over towards the open window. When Alpo looked out the window, he saw Victor hopping over the next door neighbor’s fence. He aimed his 9mm at the fence and opened fire hoping to catch one of Victor's body parts.

  Seconds later Hov entered the room with a two handed grip on his 38. "Where'd he go?"

  "That pussy jumped out the window," Alpo said jamming a fresh clip in the base of his 9mm.

  "Did you see that mufuckas face,” Hov asked.

  Alpo smiled. "Of course I did."


  Victor kept peeking up at his rearview mirror as he drove down the street. Things were much harder for him without Alex there to watch his back. Now Victor was more paranoid than ever. Without Alex by his side, he felt naked, but one man didn't stop the show. As Victor drove, he heard his cell phone ringing. He looked down at the screen and saw Alex's name flashing acro
ss the screen. "What,” he answered.

  "Your brother is back!” “Meet me at my crib" Alex said ending the call. A big smile appeared on Victor's face as he put his phone down and made a U-turn towards his brother's crib.


  Alex stood in his kitchen having a drink when he saw Victor walk through his front door with a smile on his face.

  "Finally I see you decided to come to your senses," Victor said giving his brother a warm hug.

  "What you thought I was just going to sit back and let you have all the fun,” Alex replied with a smile.

  "What happened with Peaches?" Victor asked.