Never Be The Same Read online

Page 10

  Peaches jumped up out of her sleep when she heard somebody ringing their doorbell as if they were crazy. "Who's ringing our doorbell like that?" she asked with a scared look on her face.

  "I don't know" Alex said as he hopped up and removed his shotgun from the closet. Peaches looked on in amazement at how fast, easy, and effortlessly he loaded the shotgun and got ready for action.

  Alex flew down the steps skipping two at a time. His first instinct was to aim his shotgun at the door and blow whoever was on the other side to pieces, but he didn't want to murder someone in front of Peaches unless he had too. When Alex opened the door, Victor spilled inside crashing to the floor.

  "Mufucka caught me slipping,” Victor slurred with a bloody smile on his face.

  "Peaches get down here!" Alex yelled upstairs as he dragged his brother inside the house.

  "Oh my God,” Peaches said with her hands covering over her mouth when she saw how much blood was on the floor.

  "Baby, help me get him up on the counter" Alex said, as he and Peaches struggled to get Victor on the counter top.

  Victor grunted in pain as they placed his body up on the counter. "Call our street doctor."

  "I got you" Alex replied, but on the inside he was furious. He didn't want Peaches to know anything about his past, but now she had seen and heard too much.

  Alex ripped off Victor's shirt so he could try and find out where all the blood was coming from.

  "None of this would have happened if you would have been watching my back tonight,” Victor managed to say. "I blame you for this!"

  Alex ignored his brother as he placed the call to their street doctor. He gave him the address and then hung up.

  "You need me to do anything baby,” Peaches asked.

  "Yeah keep him awake while I go get rid of his car and if anybody knocks let them in,” Alex said heading for the door.

  "How do I keep him awake?"

  "Talk to him" Alex said as he was stopped by Victor grabbing his arm.

  "Don't leave me," Victor whispered.

  "You can't be bringing shit like this to my house," Alex said scolding him as if he was a child. "Keep that street shit in the streets," he said snatching his arm out of his brother's grip. "I have to go get this car out of my driveway just in case somebody is looking for it and you lead them straight here!" Alex huffed slamming the door behind him.

  Once Alex left, it was an awkward silence between Victor and Peaches. Peaches knew Victor didn't like her so she didn't know what to say.

  "Does it hurt?" she asked looking at the open wound on Victor's shoulder.

  "What the fuck you think" Victor said sarcastically. "Yeah this shit hurts!"

  "What happened? If you don't mind me asking," Peaches said just wanting to keep him talking so he wouldn't pass out.

  "I got shot because my brother wasn't there to watch my back," Victor told her. "Ever since you came in the picture you been fucking up his mind. I don't know what you doing to him, but whatever it is you need to stop!"

  "I'm not going to apologize for loving your brother," Peaches said defensively. "You might as well get used to me because I plan on being around for a while."

  "Bitch" Victor barked. "I'll kill you before I let you take my brother from me!" If he had the strength, he probably would have killed her right where she stood. Victor didn't like who his brother was becoming and it was no way he was just going to sit around and let some chick come mess up him and Alex's relationship. He'd rather die before he let that happen.

  Welcome Home

  Jeezy stood outside in front of the jail leaning on the hood of his Range Rover. He had been waiting for Paige to be released for the past thirty minutes and each minute that passed seemed to feel like an hour. As Jeezy sat there waiting he wondered how it was going to be with Paige back home. Would she come out a whole new person? Would she be the same ole sweet loving person or had prison turned her into a cold hearted person who no longer cared about anything or anybody? Only time would tell. As Jeezy sat waiting he noticed two more cars pull up followed by a bus. He figured the inmates were finally about to be released. As Jeezy continued to wait, he felt his iPhone buzz in his pocket. He looked down at the screen and saw that he had a text message from Pink.

  "Baby I know you are upset with me right now, but I just want you to know that I love you so much and I'm willing to play my position if you allow me back into your life. Please text me back or give me a call. Love Pink"

  Jeezy quickly erased the message and slid his phone back into his pocket. He had been receiving text messages from her all throughout the night. Just as Jeezy was about to get impatient, he heard the door to the jail open and several women all walked out with big smiles on their faces.

  Paige stepped out the prison wearing a black wife beater, a pair of black leggings, and some flip flops. Her hair was in a ponytail and her face had a special glow to it. The closer she got to Jeezy the bigger the smile on her face became. Paige had waited three whole years for this day to finally come. "What's up jailbird?" Jeezy smiled as Paige jumped in his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist trying to hug the life out of him. The two kissed for what seemed like thirty minutes straight before they decided to take a breath.

  "Oh my fucking God,” Paige said excitedly. "I'm so happy to be free!"

  All Jeezy could do was smile as he pulled away from the jail. He was just so happy his queen was finally home. "So what's the first thing you want to do?"

  "The first thing I need to do is go to a McDonalds," Paige smiled.

  "I've been dying for a Big Mac and some fries."

  After the two finished stuffing their faces at McDonalds, Jeezy took Paige to the spa so she could get the works. The next stop was the beauty parlor and then home.

  As Jeezy sat listening to Paige talk, he felt his iPhone buzz in his pocket again. He looked at the screen and saw that it was another text message from Pink.

  "If you think you are getting rid of me that easy, you got another thing coming!"

  Jeezy erased the message and slid his phone back in his pocket as he pulled into the driveway.

  "Dammmmmn!" Paige said with a big smile. "This is our new house?"

  "Yup" Jeezy said tossing Paige her own set of keys. Paige caught the keys and hurried towards the front door. When she made it through the front door, she couldn't believe her eyes. "It’s beautiful," she whispered.

  Jeezy lead her upstairs to the bathroom where he ran her a nice bubble bath in their hot tub. He washed Paige's body from top to bottom while he listened to her talk. When Jeezy reached the scar on Paige's stomach where she had been stabbed, he bent down and kissed it. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that because of me."

  Paige smiled. "Trust me you are more than worth it and if I could change how everything played out,” she paused. "I wouldn't change one thing."

  When Paige got out of the tub, Jeezy dried her off and gently laid her across the bed.

  "Baby, I"

  "Shhhh" Jeezy whispered as he spread Paige's legs apart and began kissing her clit. Jeezy had been waiting three years to taste her fruit and now that she was finally home, he planned on enjoying it. He licked and sucked all over Paige's pussy causing her to make loud moans and screams. Her orgasm came hard and fast. It was a series of waves, then a devastating orgasm erupted, and Jeezy was right there to catch all of it. For the rest of the night Jeezy and Paige had wild sex.


  The next morning Jeezy woke up to the sound of his iPhone ringing. He sat up and looked around. He noticed that Paige wasn’t in the bed. He picked up his phone to answer it and noticed the number was blocked.

  "Who is this?"

  "You know exactly who this is," was the reply.

  "What do you want from me?" Jeezy huffed.

  "Did you and your "Queen,” have a good time last night?" Pink asked with jealousy dripping from her voice.

  "What is your problem?" Jeezy asked in a harsh whisper. "We had our fun, made a lot of m
oney in the process, and now it’s over so deal with it!"

  "I ain't dealing with shit," Pink said in a nasty tone. "How can you just get rid of me so easy like that? As if I never existed to you?"

  Jeezy could hear her tears through the phone. "Listen Pink from day one I told you what it was."

  "You used me!"

  "I didn't use you" Jeezy replied quickly.

  "You used me as a stepping stone until Paige got out so now that she's home I'm useless to you" Pink said. "I took care of your black ass for three whole years. I put you on the map and this is how you do me; really?"

  "Listen bitch" Jeezy began. "First of all you ain't put me on the map. I been on the map! Second, you ain't give me shit. I was right there in the strip club with you every night earning my half. So you can miss me with that bullshit!"

  "Can we please talk face to face?" Pink begged.


  "Please? You at least owe me that much."

  "I don't owe you shit,” Jeezy said simply.

  "I'm going to kill Paige!" Pink snapped. "I'm going to kill her in front of you and let you watch. You think you just gone use me for three years and then kick me to the curb as if I'm trash? I don't think so!"

  Jeezy hung up in Pink's face. He had heard enough foolishness for one morning. Just as he hung up his phone, Paige walked into the bedroom carrying breakfast.

  "I know you haven't had breakfast in bed in three years so I figured I'd hook you up." Paige smiled.

  "Thanks baby! You are the greatest!" Jeezy returned her smile.

  "Baby can I ask you a question,” Paige asked while sitting down next to Jeezy.

  "Sure, you ask me anything you want."

  "How did you get the money for this big house and all these nice things?" Paige asked.

  Jeezy shoved a piece of turkey bacon in his mouth before he replied. "While you were away I was working with this stripper chick" he began. “We sold a shit load of E pills and we had our hand in a little prostitution. I did what I had to do for us."

  "Are you still dealing with her?"

  "Dealing with who" Jeezy asked playing dumb.

  "The stripper; are you still dealing with her" Paige asked making herself crystal clear.

  "Nah I cut her off" Jeezy said. "I knew you probably wouldn't feel comfortable with me having to be around her all day so I ended our business relationship before you came home," he told her.

  "Thank you for being honest with me baby,” Paige said leaning over and kissing Jeezy on the lips. "So many nights I sat up in jail wondering what you were out here doing."

  "This is what I've been doing,” Jeezy said sweeping his hand thru the air. "I have been setting things up so when you got home you could be more than comfortable." He knew when Paige was released from jail she was going to have a million questions about what he had been doing while she was away so he was already prepared.

  "The whole time you were away all I did was think about you," Jeezy told her. "Now that you are home, I'm never letting you out of my sight."

  Not knowing what to say or do Paige just gave Jeezy a big kiss and hugged him tightly. "Thank you baby,” she whispered in his ear.

  "No need to thank me baby," Jeezy said as he dug into his food.

  For the rest of the day Jeezy and Paige had sex a few times and cuddled up under each other watching all of the movies that Paige had missed while she was in jail.

  "I want to go out tonight," Paige said sitting up.

  "What do you wanna do? Do you wanna go out to eat or something?"

  "Nah I want to go to a club," Paige smiled. "It's been a while since I went out and enjoyed myself."

  "That's cool baby. I don't mind if you go out and enjoy yourself," Jeezy said.

  Paige laughed. "No I want you to come with me."

  An hour later Jeezy parked his Benz in the clubs parking lot and let the engine die.

  Paige stepped out of the Benz wearing a short black dress with a pair of black sexy 4 inch heels to match. She wore her hair up in a bun with a nice pair of earrings to help bring out her outfit.

  Jeezy hopped out the Benz also wearing all black. He wore a black button up shirt, a pair of black jeans, and some black Prada sneakers.

  Inside the club was packed from wall to wall with drunken people all having a good time. Jeezy and Paige squeezed their way over to the bar. After a few drinks, Paige hit the dance floor with Jeezy. The two grinded close up on one another as their bodies swayed perfectly to the beat.

  "Baby I need a break" Jeezy smiled walking away from the dance floor.

  "Let me find out you getting old,” Paige laughed. Her body was covered in sweat, but she didn't mind because she was having fun with the love of her life. She couldn't believe how the simplest things put a smile on her face. All this time she had been taking her freedom for granted and not appreciating it, but the new Paige planned on enjoying every minute of the rest of her life.

  "I'm going to get us some more drinks," Jeezy said disappearing in the direction of the bar.

  Paige stood in place doing her two-step when she felt someone grind up behind her. She smiled thinking it was Jeezy, but when she felt the aggressive grab on her hips with a pair of strong hands, immediately she knew it wasn't Jeezy. Paige spun around and saw a chubby man who wore a thin goatee standing in front of her.

  "Mmm... mmm...mmm" the man hummed as he eyed Paige up and down with a perverted look in his eyes. "The world must be about to end cause I'm damn sure looking at an angel,” the man began with his whack Mack Daddy game. "If this is a dream then I don't want to wake up."

  "My man is right over there," Paige said still laughing at the man's whack game. "So if you don't want to wake up on the floor, then I suggest you keep it moving."

  "We can't have a friendly conversation because you have a man," the chubby man asked in a drunken slur. "I was just trying to give you a compliment."

  "Thank you for the compliment." Paige smiled politely.

  "One hug and I'm gone," the chubby man said as he pulled Paige in close for a hug.

  "Chill,” Paige huffed trying to push the big man back, but his strength and size easily over powered her.

  "Just one hug baby,” the chubby man barked. His tone growing more aggressive with each word he spoke. His hands slid down to Paige's ass as he palmed both of her cheeks with ease.

  The chubby man leaned in for a kiss until he felt a hard blow to the side of his head that caused him to drop down to his knees.

  Jeezy stood over the chubby man and rained blow after blow on the drunken man's face until two bouncers finally came and roughly escorted him up out the club. One bouncer had Jeezy in a choke hold while the other held his legs and carried him through the club.

  "Put him down. He didn't even do anything," Paige yelled at the bouncers trying to remove their hold from her man. Once outside the bouncers tossed Jeezy out on the concrete like, he was a piece of trash. Jeezy quickly bounced back up to his feet ready to go at the bouncers, until Paige stood in front of him.

  "No baby let's just go home; please,” she cried. "We don't need any more problems."

  Fire danced in Jeezy's eyes as he backed away staring a hole in the two bouncers. His first thought was to go to his Benz grab his 40 caliber and wet up the whole club, but the scared and nervous look on Paige's face forced him to rethink things.

  When they made it back to the Benz Paige hugged Jeezy tightly.

  "Thank you for not over reacting,” she whispered. "We already spent enough time away from each other and I don't ever wanna have to do that again."

  "I understand baby," Jeezy said as he hopped behind the wheel and headed home.


  For the past month, Victor had been staying in Alex's house until his shoulder finally healed up. He still couldn't believe the way his brother had been acting. Victor tried his hardest to stay out of Peaches way, but somehow the two always seemed to bump into each other.

  Victor sat on the couch loading up his twin 4
5's when he noticed Peaches make her way over to the kitchen. When the two made eye contact, Victor shook his head in disgust.

  "What is your problem?" Peaches said finally fed up with Victor's nasty attitude. "I've done nothing to you for you to be acting this way to me. I mean why can't we both just get along?"

  "Get along?" Victor echoed standing to his feet. "Bitch you stole my brother away from me and turned him into a bitch, then after all of that you have the nerve to ask me why can't we get along?"

  "Victor I didn't steal anyone from anybody,” Peaches began. "Why is it so wrong that your brother wants to change his life around? I guess it's true what they say misery does love company."