Never Be The Same Read online

Page 6

"I got robbed!" She cried as she slid in Jeezy's arms.

  "Who robbed you?"

  "One of my regular customers; some clown named Tyrone,” Pink told him.

  "Don't worry about it baby,” Jeezy said stroking Pink's hair. "I'll take care of it.” Inside Jeezy was furious. He wanted Tyrone dead for putting his hands on Pink. He didn't even care that he had robbed her. He knew his feeling for Pink shouldn't have been so strong, but he couldn't help it. He was now in too deep.

  Hunting Season

  Four men sat around the table playing cards. This was something that they did every Sunday. Each of the men worked for Montana. Neither of them liked or even enjoyed working for Montana, but what Montana was paying them was better than nothing was. The men gambled every Sunday in the same run down one bedroom apartment in hopes to come up off the other.

  Outside the front door, Alex and Victor exited out of the staircase and headed straight to the gambling spot Alex swiftly whipped out his shotgun and blew the front door open. BOOM! He stepped inside the apartment and the first man to stand to his feet caught a blast to the chest. The other men sat at the table and watched as their partner skidded across the floor until his body crashed into a closet door from the impact of the Mossberg pump. Alex then quickly aimed his shotgun at the next man in line and pulled the trigger blowing the man's face completely off. His headless body jerked uncontrollably before sliding out of the chair and on to the floor.

  "We're looking for Montana," Victor said as he stepped inside the apartment and pressed one of his .45's to the forehead of one of the men. Just as the man got ready to answer, Victor pulled the trigger feeling as if the man was taking too long for his liking. He watched as the man's body slithered out of the chair. Victor then quickly made it over to the last man standing. "Where's Montana?"

  "Please man, don't kill me!" The man begged covering his head with his arms as if that was going to block a bullet.

  CLICK, CLACK! The sound of Alex pumping another round into the chamber of his shotgun caused the man to flinch.

  "Alright! Alright! Alright!" The man said throwing his hands up in surrender. "Give me a pen and paper."

  Victor smiled as he tossed a pen, at the man's face followed by a crumbled up napkin. "You got ten seconds."

  The man handed Victor back the napkin with a scared look on his face. "You can catch Montana there every Friday."

  Victor took the napkin and put a bullet right between the man's eyes silencing him forever. He looked down at the napkin and stuffed it down in his pocket as he and his brother made their exit.

  No Turning Back

  Paige sat on her bunk enjoying some bootleg Oreo cookies. After Roxy and Shawn had robbed her of all of her belongings, Paige used some of the money that Jeezy had sent her and purchased a few things from commissary. It wasn't as good as all that Jeezy had brought her, but she would have to make due until next month when she was allowed another 35lbs of food.

  Paige couldn't stand all the other inmates or the fact that someone else told her when to eat and sleep and she most definitely couldn't stand how nasty the C.O.'s talked to the inmates as if they were trash.

  As Paige sat on her bed, she noticed Roxy and Shawn making their way over to her bunk. "What the fuck these bitches want now?" She mumbled under her breath.

  "What’s up, superstar?" Roxy said with an evil grin on her face while Shawn played the background with a stone look on her face.

  "What y’all want?" Paige said as if the two were an annoyance.

  "My stomach is on the gate!" Roxy said rubbing her belly. "What you got over here for a bitch to eat?" She said as she began searching through Paige's locker.

  Paige quickly hopped off of her bunk. She knew if she let the two dikes take her food, again they would be taking her shit until her bid was over. She quickly walked over and shut her food locker door.

  "Fuck is you doing?"

  "I just told you a bitch is hungry!" Roxy repeated as she reached for the locker door again. Again, Paige denied her access. In a quick motion, Roxy pulled out a razor and faked as if she was going to cut Paige. Paige quickly jumped back as Roxy and Shawn busted out laughing.

  "Scary ass bitch!" Roxy laughed as she and Shawn emptied out Paige's food locker. "I'll catch you later superstar" Roxy said blowing Paige a kiss as she and Shawn made their way back over to the other side of the dorm.

  Tears filled Paige's eyes as she hopped back up on her bunk and tried her hardest to fight them back. She couldn't understand why Roxy and all the other inmates targeted her.

  "Fuck this shit!" Paige huffed as she wiped her face, hopped off her bunk, and headed towards the dayroom. "Enough is enough," she said to herself. Paige knew if she didn't put an end to this foolishness now than it would never stop. She entered the dayroom and noticed a few of the other inmates dancing to Trey Songz video "Bottoms Up" that played on the T.V. Screen. Paige spotted Rose right up in front of the TV. She quickly made her way through the hot women all lusting over Trey Songz and tapped Rose on her shoulder.

  "Hey girl,” Rose said giving Paige a friendly hug. "I was wondering when you were going to come out in the day room. You stay glued to that bunk!"

  "Can I speak to you over in private for a second?" Paige said as the two walked out of ear shot of all the other women.

  "What's on your mind?" Rose asked seriously once she saw the concerned look on Paige's face.

  "I need a shank," Paige told her.

  Rose smiled, as she looked Paige up and down. She knew it would only be a matter of time before the innocent woman, who stood before her, snapped. "You sure you wanna do this?"

  Paige nodded her head yes. If she didn't make a stand now those bitches would be taking her shit forever. Paige followed Rose back to her bunk.

  "Watch my back" Rose said as she bent down, lifted the edge of her locker, and slid a plastic homemade shank from under her locker. "Here,” she handed the shank to Paige. "If you get caught, you didn't get that from me."

  Paige held the shank in her hand. Right then and there, she knew it was no turning back. She was about to do something that she never in her life thought she would ever have to do, take someone's life.

  "So what do I do now?" Paige asked. "Just go up to her and stab her right now?"

  "No! Unless you wanna stay in here for the rest of your life,” Rose said seriously. "You wait and catch that bitch off guard. You strike when she least expects it. When she is showering or maybe when she is taking a shit."

  "Okay,” Paige said, but inside she was scared to death. She didn't want to hurt anybody, but when in Rome, you must do what the Romans do.

  "Don't worry I'll be with you the whole way and guide you through the whole thing,” Rose told her.

  "Is this the only option I have,” Paige huffed?

  "Yes!" Rose snapped. "You better toughen up and get with the fucking program." She paused. "What happens next time if you try to stick up for yourself and Roxy and the rest of them hoes stick a shank up in you; then what?"

  Paige hated to admit it, but Rose was right. This was the only way. It was sad but, the truth was ignorant people only respect violence. For the rest of the day Paige and Rose kept a close watch on Roxy. Since Paige was out of food, she didn’t have to worry about Roxy harassing her. About two hours later Paige noticed Roxy rushing to the restroom carrying a role of tissue.

  "Now's your chance,” Rose said excitedly nudging Paige with her elbow. Paige swallowed hard as she stood to her feet. On the outside, she looked fine, but on the inside, she was a nervous wreck.

  Rose quickly picked up Paige's nervousness. "Look, it's either now or never!" She said firmly.

  "Fuck it,” Paige said under her breath as she entered the restroom. She gripped the shank tightly as she stood outside the stall that Roxy occupied.

  Rose stood by the entrance and signaled to Paige that the coast was clear.

  Paige took a deep breath as she took a step forward and kicked open the stall door. Inside she saw Rox
y sitting on the toilet with a mean look on her face.

  "Bitch close this mufucking door before you be shitting your teeth," Roxy threatened.

  Paige swiftly plunged the shank into Roxy and then twisted it. Roxy had a shocked look on her face as she tried to rise to her feet. Paige roughly pushed her back down as she plunged the shank in and out of Roxy's body thirteen more times before she exited the stall in a sprint.

  Rose quickly grabbed Paige and pulled her over towards the sinks. "Don't run," she said in a harsh whisper as she took the shank from Paige's hand and rinsed it off. "Go sit in the day room and wait for me."

  Paige quickly washed the blood from her hands and exited the restroom trying to look as normal as possible. Rose washed the blood off the shank and exited the restroom seconds later. As she headed back towards the bunks Rose wiped her prints clean then placed the shank under Roxy's pillow and kept it moving.

  Back in the dayroom, Paige sat in the corner with a nervous look on her face. She just knew that she and Rose were going to get caught. Paige felt a hand touch her shoulder and almost jumped out of her skin.

  "Relax" Rose said in a warm tone. Seconds later, several inmates ran towards the restroom when they heard someone scream.

  "Oh my God,” Paige said in a defeated tone.

  "Pull yourself together!" Rose warned her as they both got up and headed towards the restroom along with the rest of the inmates so thing didn't look suspicious. "No matter what happens; keep your mouth shut!"

  Minutes later the dorm was flooded with C.O.'s wearing riot gear. Immediately every inmate was forced down to the floor as the C.O.'s conducted a search.

  "Ah shit! What did I just do?" Paige thought to herself as she laid face down on the floor watching the C.O.'s tear the dorm up looking for the murder weapon. Each inmate was then order to stand to his or her feet and hold out their hands. The C.O.'s were looking for any cuts or bruises that may have indicated they had anything to do with the murder.

  Paige watched nervously as the C.O.'s went down the line looking at each woman's hands. A few women were snatched out of the line because their hands had minor bruises on them. Paige took a deep breath as the C.O.'s stood in front of her.

  "Hands!" The lady C.O. said coldly as she examined Paige's hands front and back. After about twenty seconds of looking over Paige's hands the C.O. moved on to the next woman in line. Paige closed her eyes and exhaled as she said a quick silent prayer. She looked over at Rose who was now getting her hands checked by a male C.O. A small thankful grin appeared on Paige's face when the male C.O. skipped past Rose.

  "You bitches want to act like fucking animals," the captain announced. "Then that's how y’all will be treated from now on until we find out who is responsible for this murder. This place is officially on lock down!" He said then made his exit.

  As all the inmates headed back to their bunks Paige noticed a few chicks holding Shawn back. "Bitch I know it was you" she yelled pointing at Paige. Paige ignored the ignorant woman and kept it moving towards her bunk.

  "You better watch your back bitch!" Shawn threatened as she was escorted to her bunk. When Paige reached her bunk, her bunky Big Momma sucked her teeth. "You’re a dead woman walking."

  "What you talking about?" Paige asked faking ignorance.

  "Bitch don't play stupid,” Big Momma huffed. "Everybody knows it was you that stabbed Roxy."

  "I didn't stab anybody,” Paige lied as she climbed up on her bunk.

  Big Momma chuckled. "Yeah alright!"

  Paige lay on her bed looking up at the ceiling. She wondered if Big Momma was telling the truth and if everyone really know that she had killed Roxy. If they did know it was she; she didn't have to worry about nobody snitching because it was a no snitching no matter what rule in jail when it came to telling on another inmate. This meant Paige didn't have to worry about getting caught for the murder and spending the rest of her life jail for it. Instead, now she had to worry about making it out of jail alive especially if all of Roxy's crew knew she was the one responsible for the death of their leader.

  Don’t Start No Shit

  Jeezy woke up and noticed that he was in the king sized bed all alone. He quickly sat straight up and took a strong sniff. Whenever he woke up alone it was usually because Pink was in the kitchen making him breakfast; something she did every day since the two of them began living together. When Jeezy didn't smell anything cooking he quickly reached over and grabbed his 40 caliber from off the night stand and went to investigate. After searching the entire house Jeezy sat on the bar stool puzzled. Pink never left the house without notifying Jeezy. He picked up his iPhone and just as Jeezy was about to dial her number he heard keys jingling at the front door. Seconds later Pink walked through the front door in a white blouse, white dress pants, and a pair of three inch white pumps to match the bright smile on her face.

  "Sorry baby I tried to make it back before you woke up" she confessed.

  "Where were you?" Jeezy asked. "I was about to start getting worried."

  "It's a surprise,” Pink smiled. "Close your eyes,” she sang as she guided Jeezy towards the front door. "Surprise!" Pink said snatching the front door open.

  Jeezy opened his eyes and saw an all-black Range Rover sitting in the drive way sitting on black rims.

  "You like it baby?" Pink asked excitedly.

  "Yes baby!” “I was just thinking about copping a new ride," Jeezy said checking out all the features of the truck.

  "Well I'm glad you like it, because my man will only be riding around in the best,” Pink smiled.

  Jeezy ignored that last comment. He knew Pink was beginning to become too attached to him, but it was no way he could turn down a brand new Range Rover. Ever since moving in with Pink, Jeezy had yet to go in his pocket for anything. Pink was a strong believer in taking good care of her man. No man of hers would ever have to cook, clean, or even lift a finger as long as she was alive.

  "Want to take a ride with me for breakfast in your new ride,” Pink asked.

  "Give me twenty minutes to take a shower and get dressed,” Jeezy said quickly disappearing in the house.


  Later on that night, Jeezy pulled up in front of the strip club and watched as Pink grabbed her duffle bag, kissed him on the lips, then headed in the club. Jeezy cruised through the parking lot until he finally found a spot. From how packed the parking lot was he knew that Pink was going to make a killing in the strip club tonight with the E pills. The strip club was packed just as Jeezy expected it to be. He quickly made his way over to his usual table over in the cut and took a seat. Jeezy scanned the club twice hoping he saw Tyrone. He hadn't forgotten about what he did to Pink, while he was away visiting Paige. Jeezy knew he was going to run into him sooner or later and he couldn't wait.

  As soon as Pink stepped foot in the locker room, all of the other strippers were all over her in need of some E pills. She quickly distributed the pills and collected the cash. Pink changed into a cute stripper outfit and began making her rounds throughout the club. Time was money and she didn't plan on wasting neither.

  Jeezy sat sipping on a drink when he noticed all the attention in the club sway towards the entrance. Seconds later Jeezy saw Montana and two of his bodyguards enter the club followed by Big Tone with six of his goons in tow. Immediately Jeezy knew tonight wasn't going to be an ordinary night. All he wanted to do was sit in the cut and get paid, but he quickly dismissed that thought when he saw Montana heading over in his direction.

  "My main man Jeezy,” Montana greeted. "What you doing up in here and why you sitting over here in the cut like this?"

  "You know being all in the spot light has never been my thing,” Jeezy replied as the two shook hands.

  "I heard it's some bad bitches up in here." Montana smiled. Jeezy returned his smile, but inside he wanted to tell Montana to beat it. Jeezy had better things to do than engage in small talk with his former boss.

  "I'mma get up with you before I leave,” Montana
said as him and his two bodyguards walked off. "You sit here in the cut all you want but I'm about to hop on one of these bitches."

  Jeezy sipped on his drink as Big Tone walked past his table with a stone look on his face. The bad blood between the two men was visible. Even the bouncers noticed it. Jeezy shook his head at how ignorant Big Tone was as he finished up his drink.

  "When you gone let me kill that faggot?" Big Tone said looking over at Montana. "That nigga is up to something. I just don't know what yet."

  Montana laughed. "All these beautiful ladies up in here and you’re worried about little ole Jeezy?" He laughed some more. "I think you got more things that deserve your attention than him."

  "I know, but I just don't like that nigga for some reason." Big Tone huffed.

  "We in the drug business, not the beef business,” Montana reminded him. Montana knew the two men didn't like each other, but he just didn't know exactly why nor did he care. As long as they weren't messing with his money, he could care less.