The Serial Cheater PT 1 Read online

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  Cam got down on one knee like he was about to propose to Honey, but instead he dove face first into her hot wet slice.

  “Ahhhh yes Daddy!” Honey screamed. “Eat this pussy Daddy! That’s right, eat this fat wet pussy!”

  Honey grabbed the back of Cam’s head and forced his face deeper into her cave while thrusting her hips trying to smother him. She bucked wildly as Cam laid down his tongue game. Just as Honey felt herself getting ready to explode, there was a loud forceful knock at the door.

  Cam’s head shot up from under Honey’s skirt. “Who the fuck is that?” he asked out loud. Whoever it was had to be a close friend or damn near family since they made it pass Honey’s team of security guards.

  “Whoever the fuck it is, they have to wait cause I need to get my nut off first,” Honey said with much attitude.

  Cam ignored Honey and got up and headed for the door. “Yo pull ya skirt down,” he called over his shoulder. Once Honey’s clothing was situated he answered the door.

  When Cam opened the door, there stood Yolanda on the other side.

  “Hey baby wassup?” Cam said with a smile. “What you doing here?”

  “I came to check up on you to make sure you were alright since you haven’t been home in two days or returned any of my calls,” Yolanda said giving Cam the side eye.

  “My bad baby. I been out of town,” he lied. “I just got back in town today. How’d you know I was here?”

  “I always know how to find my man,” Yolanda said with a sly grin. “So can I come in?”

  “Yeah sure,” Cam said stepping to the side so Yolanda could enter the studio. As soon as Yolanda entered the studio, she spotted Honey sitting in an expensive black leather looking office chair bare foot.

  Even though Yolanda hated and couldn’t stand Honey, because the hoe was trying to steal her man, she still spoke out of common courtesy. “Hey Honey.”

  “Mmm..hmm,” Honey hummed and then swirled around in her chair giving Yolanda her back.

  “So what you been up to?” Cam asked. He was in an awkward situation, but he had to play it cool.

  “I miss you… Can you please come home tonight? I’m tired of sleeping in an empty bed every night.”

  “I’ll be home tonight, but it might be a little late. We got some rapper who supposed to come through and do a collaboration with Honey so who knows when we’ll be done.”

  “Mind if I stick around for a little while?”

  “Nah, you know I be serious when it comes to my work,” Cam said making up an excuse just so Yolanda couldn’t stay.

  “Please? I promise I won’t say a word. I just want to be around my man,” Yolanda pleaded. She then leaned in for a kiss and without hesitation Cam kissed her with Honey’s pussy still fresh on his breath.

  “I guess so,” Cam shrugged. “But I’m telling you now I’m going to be busy.”

  “How long she going to be here for? We got shit to do!” Honey called out. She couldn’t stand Yolanda’s guts and in her mind the only reason Cam continued to put up with the pathetic bitch was because of how long they had been together and he was calling himself being loyal, but Honey knew that Cam’s heart was really with her.

  Cam made sure Yolanda was situated before giving his full attention to Honey. Honey pulled Cam over to the side and began to air him out in a voice barely above a whisper.

  “What the fuck is that bitch doing here!?” Honey snapped. “I can’t work with that bitch here. You know I already don’t like her!”

  “Chill the fuck out,” Cam said in a smooth tone as he sipped on his glass of Vodka and orange juice. “You be worrying yourself about nothing.”

  “Nothing my ass! Cam stop playing with me cause you going to make me hurt that bitch,” Honey threatened.

  “Calm down. This rap nigga will be here soon. We gonna lay this track down and enjoy our night,” Cam said in an attempt to smooth things out.

  “And you coming home with me tonight Cam and I don’t wanna hear no bullshit,” Honey said in a matter of fact tone. “Play with me tonight if you want to and I’ll whip you and that bitch ass!”

  Before Cam had a chance to respond, a sharp knock at the door grabbed his attention. One of Honey’s security guards stuck his head in the door.

  “Are you expecting a rapper named Snow tonight?” the security guard asked.

  “Yeah send him in,” Cam yelled back. The night had started off crazy and he just wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.

  Snow stepped foot in the studio with his six man entourage close on his heels. He wore all black with a heavy amount of jewelry. A black Brooklyn Nets hat sat backwards on his head and a pair of dark shades covered his eyes.

  Each man in his entourage wore black t-shirts that had the letters M.O.E. etched across their chest. The letter stood for Money Over Everything.

  Cam could tell off the bat that Snow and his crew weren’t to be fucked with. He had worked with many of other rappers, but from the gate he could tell that this would be an experience that he wouldn’t soon forget. He had seen Snow in the news for his involvement in several shooting, and assaults, and he just hoped everything played out smooth.

  “Cam,” he said extending his hand.

  “Snow,” Snow said as the two shook hands.

  “So glad you could make it. I’ve heard a lot about you and I’m happy to finally get the chance to work with you,” Cam said. “Big fan of your music.”

  “You already know,” Snow said in an uninterested tone. He craned his neck so he could look over Cam’s shoulder. “Oh wassup, now you can’t speak?” he called out to Honey who stood over in the cut pouring herself a strong drink.

  “Heeeeey Snow,” Honey squealed as if the two had known each other for years. She walked over and gave Snow a tight seven second hug.

  Immediately Cam felt himself becoming jealous at the site of Honey in another man’s arms.

  “Damn ma you smell mad good,” Snow whispered in her ear before finally releasing her.

  “Thank you,” Honey blushed. She loved Cam and was loyal to him, but she would be lying to herself if she said that Snow wasn’t as fine as they came. “Okay well let’s get this started.”

  Cam was getting ready to go over and accompany Snow and Honey until he spotted a man from Snow’s entourage over in the corner trying to holla at Yolanda. He quickly walked over to where Yolanda sat. “Fuck is you doing?” he asked standing over Yolanda.

  “It’s not what you thinking,” Yolanda said quickly. “I told him that you were my man and he said he didn’t care and sat down next to me anyway.”

  Cam’s eyes landed on the man that sat next to Yolanda. “What’s good? We got a problem over here?”

  The man stood to his feet and smiled. “Oh shit you that guy that was fighting that old man on TMZ,” he said laughing. “Check this out fam, my name is Trouble and if you don’t want no trouble your best bet will be to step the fuck off.” Trouble was an enormous trouble maker and he was well known for starting shit. He had a quick temper and an even quicker trigger finger. He got his fame from being Snow’s right hand man.

  “Stay away from my girl or else we going to have a misunderstanding.” Cam spoke in a calm tone, but there was no denying the malice behind his words.

  “Fuck you gonna do?” Trouble said calling his bluff. “I ain’t want that whack ass washed up bitch anyway!”

  Cam was about to steal on the big mouth punk until one of his security guards stepped in the middle of the two.

  “He ain’t worth it boss,” the security guard said.

  Cam nodded his head and turned his attention back to Yolanda. “Go home and I’ll meet you there in about an hour.”

  “You promise you gonna come home tonight?” Yolanda asked. Giving Cam’s track record she knew the chances of him coming home tonight were ten to one, but she loved him so she believed him.

  “I got you,” was Cam’s reply. “Come on let me walk you downstairs to your car.”

p; When the two made it out to the elevator Cam leaned in and hugged Yolanda tight and slipped his tongue into her mouth. Being away from home so long, he was really starting to miss her. “Baby listen, I know we haven’t been on the best of terms, but I just want you to know that everything I do is for us. All the late night working and traveling is all for us.”

  “I know Cam. I would just like it if you would at least try to balance your work and your relationship a little better. I really be sitting in the house all day missing you and wondering what you’re doing every second of the day. You are my entire life. I ain’t never love nobody the way I love you.”

  Yolanda’s words made Cam feel like a piece of shit. There he was out running the streets, doing him while Yolanda was in the crib waiting for him to come home.

  “I promise I’m going to do better,” Cam said as him and Yolanda stepped on the elevator.

  “And I promise I’m going to do better too,” she said as she hit the emergency stop button on the elevator, causing the cart to jerk.

  “Fuck is you doing!?” Cam asked looking at her like she was crazy.

  “Don’t watch me, watch TV!” Yolanda dropped her purse to the ground and knelt on it so as not to scuff her knees on the concrete floor. She quickly unzipped Cam’s pants and pulled out his dick. She circled her thumb and index finger around his shaft and stroked it gently while fondling his balls with her free hand. Yolanda leaned her head back and spit on Cam’s dick. “You like that don’t you,” she said in a sexually charged voice as she wrapped her lips around Cam’s dick, drawing a low hiss from him. Yolanda gagged over and over as she did her best to swallow Cam’s dick whole. She slid it farther and farther into her mouth until his dick had completely disappeared and her tongue touched his balls. Yolanda slurped on Cam’s dick one last time before hopping up off her knees and pressing the button on the elevator to continue on down to the lobby.

  “Fuck is you doing!?” Cam asked with a confused look on his face and a rock hard dick.

  “If I give you everything now, ain’t no telling if you’ll come home tonight or not,” Yolanda said smiling as she put Cam’s dick back in his pants. “There’s plenty more where that came from. It’s just on you how bad you want it. If you want it bad enough I guess I’ll see you at home tonight.”

  “I’ll definitely be home tonight,” Cam said looking down at Yolanda ass.

  “Can I ask you a question?” Yolanda asked looking Cam in his eyes. “You not really out here fucking Honey are you?”

  Cam’s eye ticked, but he kept his face even. “Absolutely not baby,” he lied. “You know better than to be believing everything you hear.”

  “You right,” Yolanda agreed. “If our relationship is going to work, I’m going to have to trust you.” Deep down inside Yolanda wanted to trust and believe Cam, but something inside of her told her to just keep a close eye on him, just in case.

  When the couple stepped outside, Cam spotted Peanut leaned up against a parked car flanked by two hard faced men who looked like they were up to no good.

  “Cuzo what’s goodie?” Peanut asked with a wicked smile on his face. “I didn’t know you recorded in this studio.”

  “Yeah just working on this next single,” Cam said. “But what brings you out this way?”

  “Heard some big time rappers were supposed to be recording in this studio tonight and I was hoping maybe I could get an autograph or something,” Peanut said as his eyes landed on Yolanda. “Hey Yolanda, long time no see,” he said with lust in his eyes. “Come give me a hug girl, we family.” There was something about the way he was running his hands up and down her back that made Yolanda feel violated so she pushed him away.

  “I’mma go wait in the car,” Yolanda said and quickly walked off.

  “Talk to me,” Cam said once Yolanda was gone. “What you really doing here?”

  “A little birdie told me that, that fake ass rapper nigga Snow would be making an appearance here tonight and I didn’t want to miss it. If you know what I mean?” Peanut told him.

  “Come on Peanut. You can’t come down here with that shit,” Cam told him. “This is my job now.”

  “And this is my job,” Peanut said lifting his shirt showing off the butt of a big hand gun. “A nigga gotta eat.”

  Cam pulled Peanut over to the side so the two could talk in private. “Listen, I ain’t telling you what you can and can’t do, but you gotta respect what I’m out here trying to do. You can’t just be coming around here with guns and shit.”

  “If you ain’t going to feed a nigga, then you can’t tell a nigga how to eat,” Peanut said eyeing the thick chain that hung around Cam’s neck. “Everybody can’t be a baller like you and have a chick that makes millions.”

  Immediately Peanut’s words struck Cam as jealously and rubbed him the wrong way.

  “I don’t stop your paper so please don’t stop mines,” Peanut told Cam. “I’m getting this nigga Snow and that’s that,” he said and spun off.

  * * *

  When Cam made it back upstairs to the studio, he noticed Honey over in the cut with Snow reading over what he imagined was a verse or chorus. The rest of Snow’s entourage sat around smoking, drinking, and talking loud.

  As Cam made his way back over to Honey, Trouble stopped him in midstride.

  “Yo, where shorty went? I was just about to hit that,” Trouble said loudly drawing laughter from his cronies. Before Trouble knew what had happened, Cam had already snuffed him twice. He was going in for a third blow, but his security jumped in and separated the two.

  Snow crept up on Cam from behind and stole on him. The impact from the blow put him on his back, but didn’t put him out. Cam got prepared to block the onslaught of punches that he was sure to come next when he saw Honey take off one of her heels and began to beat Snow over his head with it like her shoe was a hammer.

  “You must be crazy! Don’t you ever put your hands on my man!” Honey yelled as security snatched her up off of Snow and hemmed her up against the wall.

  Cam was glad when he saw his security escorting Snow and his entourage out of the studio. He was sure that Snow and his team were strapped and ready to go at the drop of a hat. Little did he know, but him and Honey had dodged a major bullet.

  “You alright?” Cam asked looking over at Honey.

  “Yeah I’m good. What was that all about?”

  Before Cam got a chance to answer Honey the sound of rapid gunfire could be heard coming from downstairs. Right then and there Cam knew that things had just gone from bad to worse.

  Chapter 5


  “Motherfucker lucky I didn’t clap his ass,” Trouble fumed as him, Snow, and the rest of the crew road down on the elevator.

  Snow shook his head. It seemed like everywhere he went, his crew was always getting into some shit and every time some shit jumped off his name was dead smack in the middle of it. “Ya’ll niggaz gonna have to chill with all that wild shit cause it’s starting to fuck up money,” Snow said looking around at his crew. “You know how much money we would have made from doing business with Honey?”

  “It wasn’t my fault,” Trouble started to explain, but Snow waved his hand in a dismissive manner and silenced him.

  “I’m about my money. If ya’ll niggaz wanna run around gang banging and doing all this silly shit that ain’t going to make no money, then ya’ll can bounce,” Snow said as the elevator reached the lobby.

  As soon as the elevator door opened, a masked man with an angry voice jammed a gun in Snow’s face.

  “You already know what time it is you bitch ass nigga,” Peanut growled as his two henchmen followed his lead and backed him up.

  “Word? It’s like that?” Snow mumbled. He looked around to check out his surroundings. He had never been robbed in his life and he didn’t plan on starting today. “Listen you clowns don’t know what you getting yourself into.”

  Without warning Peanut cracked Snow across the bridge of his nose with th
e hammer sending blood splashing all over the elevator walls. “Nigga this ain’t one of your bullshit ass rap stories. This shit here nigga is real life,” he said as he went to snatch Snow’s diamond chain from around his neck.

  Snow clutched his nose as the masked man removed Snow’s chain from around his neck.

  “The rest of ya’ll niggaz run all that shit too and hurry up!” Peanut yelled out to the rest of Snow’s crew. He then turned his attention back on Snow. “Fuck you standing there looking stupid for? Run that motherfucking bracelet!”

  Snow reached down as if he was about to unsnap his bracelet and then without warning he lunged at the masked man and grabbed the gun.

  “Fuck that these niggaz gonna have to kill me in this bitch” Snow said to himself as him and the gunman wrestled over the gun.

  Once the fight broke out, the other two gunmen opened fire right there in the small elevator. As Snow and the gunman wrestled for the gun, it accidentally discharged several times.

  Peanut violently slammed Snow’s head up again the elevator wall repeatedly in an attempt to get him to release the weapon. After tussling with Snow for a couple of minutes he decided it was best that he escape with the diamond chain and his freedom. Peanut kneed Snow in his nuts and then turned and ran for the exit.

  As Snow hunched over, he quickly snatched his 9mm from his waistband and fired off four shots in a rapid succession at Peanut’s departing back. One of his shots found a home in the back of Peanut’s thigh.

  When Snow looked to his left he saw the two other gunmen laid out in a pool of their own blood along with three members from his own crew. Last but not least Snow spotted Trouble sitting on the floor clutching his stomach as blood seeped through the wound and down his fingers.

  “I still got my chain,” Trouble mumbled with an ignorant smile on his face as if losing his life instead of his chain was more important.

  “You gonna be alright,” Snow said trying to keep Trouble calm as he dialed 911. Immediately his mind began to wonder who could have sent the gunmen and how did the gunmen even know him and his crew would be there tonight… The first person that came to mind was Honey. “That bitch set me up,” he thought to himself as he began putting the pieces to the story together. “That bitch Honey and her manager set me up.”