The Serial Cheater PT 2 Read online

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  “Yo Blondie I’m telling you right now, you better not be lying to me or else I’mma break your motherfucking face!” Cam threatened. “Did you shoot Yolanda?”

  “No Cam I didn’t shoot anybody,” Blondie cried holding the side of her face. “I don’t even have a gun!”

  “Fuck!” Cam cursed out loud. For some strange reason he believed Blondie, but if she didn’t shoot Yolanda, then who did?

  Cam took one look at Blondie and immediately felt bad for putting his hands on her, but his anger had gotten the best of him. “I’m sorry baby,” he said as he went and grabbed some ice for Blondie’s face. “Here put this on your face.”

  Blondie accepted the ice and then asked, “What happened to Yolanda?”

  “Somebody shot her,” Cam said with a defeated look on his face.

  “Is she...?” Blondie said not wanting to come straight out and ask.

  “Nah she’s not dead, but whoever did this is going to be,” Cam said meaning every word he said. Yeah he may not have wanted Yolanda to have the baby, but at the same time he didn’t want her dead either. The only other person he thought could or would do something like this was Honey. Ever since the blow up that he, Yolanda, and Honey had at the crib, Honey had been MIA.

  Cam may not have known where Honey was at the moment, but what he did know was that she was throwing a big party for her birthday in two weeks; a party that he would definitely be at. He had questions and the only person who could answer them was Honey.

  “Are you alright?” Blondie asked holding a Ziploc bag filled with ice up to the side of her face.

  “Yeah I’m good. Sorry about your face,” he said shamefully looking down at the floor.

  “It’s okay,” Blondie tried to smile, but Cam could tell that it was hurting her face muscles.

  Cam pulled a couple of bills from his pocket and sat them down on the counter as if that would make Blondie’s pain go away. “I’mma holla at you later.”

  “Please call me tonight Cam,” Blondie pleaded. “I would really like to hear your voice before the night is out,” she said as tears began to fall from her eyes.

  “Stop all that cry baby stuff, I promise I’m going to call you tonight. You got my word on that,” Cam lied with a straight face.

  “Okay, it don’t matter how late it is. I’ll be up,” Blondie assured him and then hugged him like she was never going to see him again.

  “Trust me I got you,” Cam said and like that he was gone just as quick as he came.

  Chapter 13


  Two days had passed since Yolanda had been shot and the police still had no clues or leads. Cam entered the hospital lobby with a dozen roses in his hands. He felt bad about what had happened to Yolanda and for some strange reason deep down inside his conscious was telling him that somehow it was his fault that she had been shot. He couldn’t prove it, but that’s what his gut was telling him.

  Cam strolled through the hospital like he owned the place. As he walked by, several of the nurses who worked there gawked at him boosting up his already humongous ego. When Cam reached Yolanda’s room, he stopped short when he heard loud laughter coming from inside the room. He quickly checked the room number at the side of the door just to make sure he was at the right room. Once he was sure that he was at the correct room, he entered.

  Cam stepped foot in the room and the first thing he saw was Yolanda sitting up in the bed with a smile on her face. The next thing he noticed was a big brolic nigga sitting over in the cut. Cam quickly sized the man up in his head. The man had to weigh around 240 pounds and he looked to be all solid muscles. His bald head only made him look even more diesel. The next thing Cam noticed was the sleeve of tattoo’s that covered both of the man’s arms. Immediately Cam put two and two together, big muscles and a lot of tattoo’s only meant one thing. The man sitting in Yolanda’s hospital room must have just come home from prison.

  “Fuck going on up in here?” Cam asked Yolanda, but his eyes were stuck on the brolic nigga sitting next to her bed.

  “Hey Cam,” Yolanda said as if everything was cool. “What you doing here?”

  “Fuck you mean what am I doing here!” Cam snapped.

  “Yo my man,” the diesel nigga said standing to his feet. “You going to have to chill with all that cursing and keep your voice down, Yolanda has been through a lot these last couple of days,” he said as if he had known Yolanda for years and that only pissed Cam off even further.

  “Keep my voice down?” Cam echoed looking at the muscle man like he was crazy. “Nigga don’t motherfucking tell me to keep nothing down. I’ll talk as loud as I want and ain’t nobody gonna shut me up! How bout that!”

  “Listen I asked you nicely the first time. Next I’mma let my hands do all the talking,” the muscle man threatened and from the look on his face everyone in the room could tell that he wasn’t bullshitting.

  “Richard it’s not that serious,” Yolanda said trying to calm the diesel man down a bit. As soon as she saw Cam step foot in the room, she knew it was sure to be a problem.

  “Who the fuck is this clown?” Cam asked with venom dripping from his voice.

  “This is Richard. He’s an old friend of mine,” Yolanda told him. “He heard about my accident on Facebook and he just came to make sure I was alright.”

  “So now you fucking niggaz from Facebook?”

  “First of all I’m not fucking anybody, that’s number one and number two, whoever I choose to fuck is my business. Me and you aren’t together anymore!” Yolanda yelled. “I lost the baby so you got your wish. Now you can go be happy with your bitches!”

  The fact that another man could potentially be a part of Yolanda’s life didn’t sit well with Cam. Even though Cam didn’t want Yolanda anymore, he didn’t want anyone else to have her either, especially not the big diesel man who was sitting in her room at the moment.

  “I knew you was a hoe,” Cam said with a disgusted look on his face. “I should have left you right on the streets where I found you,” he said as he cleared his throat and hog spit in Yolanda’s face.

  Once Cam spit in Yolanda’s face, Richard shot to his feet and charged at Cam. Cam quickly took the dozen roses and swung them like it was a baseball bat.

  Richard raised one of his massive arms blocking the roses from hitting him in the face and grabbed Cam by his throat with his other hand.

  Cam was able to land a quick two piece to the big man’s jaw before the hospital’s security stormed inside the room and separated the two men stopping them from killing each other.

  “I’mma clap you the next time I see you!” Cam yelled as security ushered him out of Yolanda’s room. Out in the hallway Cam fought and struggled with security to get back at the diesel man in Yolanda’s room until finally Detective Washington stepped in and escorted Cam out of the hospital.

  “Calm down and talk to me,” Detective Washington said once the two were outside. “What seems to be the problem?”

  “Ain’t no problem,” Cam snapped and then spun off leaving the detective right where he stood.

  Chapter 14


  Honey sat over in the VIP section of the club doing her best to enjoy her birthday, but just because she had a smile on her face didn’t mean that she was happy. It had been over two weeks since the last time she had seen or heard from Cam and to be honest it was killing her to be away from the man that she loved and felt like she couldn’t live without. But at the end of the day she had to show Cam that she would leave him if his bullshit didn’t stop. She had to let him know that she wasn’t just going to sit back and let him walk all over her.

  Truck stood close to Honey making sure she was safe and well protected along with several other bodyguards that Cam had hired to keep Honey safe. As Honey sat getting her sip on, the entire vibe of the party changed when she spotted Cam stroll up in the club with two model looking women draped on each of his arms.

  “You see this the shit I
be talking about,” Honey said to herself as she sized the two chicks up in her head. Instantly visions of Cam fucking both of the women at the same time filled Honey’s brain.

  Cam stepped in the club looking like a million bucks. Two iced out chains hung from his neck and bounced off his chest with every step he took. On his wrist was an iced out watch that he couldn’t even pronounce the name of, but it was expensive and it looked nice. The two chicks that attended the club with him looked flawless, and the huge asses that they paid for turned the head of every man in the club.

  Several men greeted Cam and gave him props, complimenting him on his taste of women. Cam knew Honey was in the building and more than likely watching him so he purposely posted up over by the bar and continued to mingle with other party goers paying her no mind.

  Just like he suspected, fifteen minutes later Cam spotted Honey making her way over in his direction.

  “So you come up in my party and you can’t even speak?” Honey asked Cam while looking the two women that accompanied him up and down and instantly she wasn’t impressed.

  “Oh we speaking now?” Cam said sarcastically. “Cause we been going for days not speaking. That’s what we do now, right?” he asked placing his hand on the ass of one of the chicks he came with, just to piss Honey off even further.

  Honey’s eyes went from Cam’s face down to his hand and then back up to his face. “You got three seconds to take your hand off of this raggedy bitch ass!” she said through clenched teeth. Out of nowhere one of Honey’s home girls, a ratchet chick named Candy popped up with a stank look on her face.

  “You good over here?” Candy asked looking the chicks that came with Cam up and down. “Cause I ain’t had a good fight in a minute,” she said kicking off her heels. She had no clue what was going on, but none of that even mattered to Candy. She had a few drinks in her and she was ready to hold her girl Honey down.

  “Nah it’s quiet,” Honey smirked. “These bitches know wassup.”

  “Who the fuck you calling a bitch!” the brown skin chick who’s ass Cam had grabbed snapped. “You must got me fuck up! I don’t give a fuck who you are! We can get it popping up in here!”

  Without warning Honey drew her hand back and slapped the brown skin chick so hard that one of her earrings went flying across the room. Cam quickly jumped in the middle of the two chicks and held Honey back, keeping her up off of the dark skin chicks ass.

  By the time security made it over, Candy and the other girl had their hands locked around each other’s throats and both of their shirts were ripped. Big titties and weave flew in every direction as a crowd of spectators cheered them on. Minutes later, security roughly man handled Candy and the other two women and escorted them out of the club.

  “This just why you don’t need to be drinking,” Cam yelled in Honey’s face once they were over to the side. “Every time you drink, you start acting like a fucking fool!”

  “You just can’t do right, can you?” Honey asked giving Cam a sad look.

  “You drunk right now and you bugging,” Cam said trying to take away from the fact that he had just showed up to the club with two women.

  “How you show up to my birthday party with two bitches? I mean really Cam? Is it that serious?” Honey asked doing her best not to cry. “Do you love me for real?”

  “Listen,” Cam began. “I haven’t heard from you in days and you have the nerve to ask me do I love you... You bugged out,” he said taking the pressure off of him and placing it back on Honey. “You always talking about me, but what have you been doing for these past few days that you’ve been M.I.A.?”

  “Trying to get my head together so I don’t snap and kill you,” Honey said in a serious tone. “I swear to God, you be trying my patience sometimes. I think you want me to kill one of these little raggedy bitches that you be running around with.”

  “Speaking of killing,” Cam said with a raised eyebrow. “Yolanda and Peanut got shot down the other night. You wouldn’t know nothing about that would you?”

  “Are you asking me did I shoot Yolanda and Peanut?” Honey asked defensively.

  “Yes I am,” Cam replied. He didn’t believe that Honey would take her hatred for Yolanda that far, but he had to be sure. “She got shot after she left our house.”

  “No I didn’t shoot your little girlfriend,” Honey told him. “I wish I did though,” she mumbled.

  “When you coming back home? I miss you.” Cam placed a hand on Honey’s thigh and she quickly slapped his hand away.

  “I have to drop by the house to grab a few of my things, but after that I’m out,” Honey said with an attitude.

  “You still mad at me?” Cam asked trying to plant a kiss on Honey’s neck, but she moved away before his lips got a chance to connect.

  “Am I still mad at you?” Honey echoed. “You running around getting other bitches pregnant and you expect me to be happy!?” She looked him up and down. “Then on top of that, you got the nerve to come to my birthday party with two ratchet looking hoes on your arm!”

  “Nah they wasn’t ratchet,” Cam said quickly defending the two joints he showed up with.

  All Honey could do was shake her head with a disappointed look on her face. As bad as she wanted Cam to do right, she was starting to realize that he just didn’t want to do right. A commotion at the front entrance grabbed both Honey and Cam’s attention. Bright flashes of light danced throughout the dark club, while several women shrieked. The crowd slowly began to part and snake a path towards the VIP area.

  Snow walked in the club draped in black leather and heavy jewels. He was flanked by several hard faced men wearing murderous scowls. From the bulge in Snow’s waistband, one could tell that he was definitely strapped.

  As Snow was being escorted to the VIP section, he spotted Honey from behind his dark shades. Alongside her sat her clown of a manager, Cam. Snow still felt some type of way about the attempted robbery that took place at the studio, but he had been advised by his lawyer to stay off the radar and avoid unnecessary lawsuits, but Snow didn’t know how to stay off the radar. So instead of heading to his VIP section, he made a detour and headed straight for Honey’s section instead.

  “Listen tonight ain’t the night,” Truck said blocking Snow and his entourage’s path. “You come up in here starting some shit and you gonna get carried up out of here,” he warned.

  A smirk danced on Snow’s lips. “Check this out tough guy; I just came to have a word with Honey. I come in peace or either you can leave in pieces, it’s up to you.”

  That last slick comment had Truck ready to put his hands on the fake tough guy that stood before him, but luckily for Snow, Cam stepped in right on time before things went way left.

  “What’s good? Something I can help you with?” Cam asked.

  “Yeah, I came to see if I could have a word with you and Honey,” Snow said with a crooked smile on his face.

  “I don’t see no harm in that.” Cam escorted Snow and a few members from his crew over to the sofa where Honey sat with a drink in her hand.

  “Nice to see you again,” Snow said leaning in to kiss Honey on the cheek. While leaning in he made sure he rubbed his hands discreetly across Honey’s thick thighs. “You missed me?” Snow asked as if Cam wasn’t sitting right there.

  “What do you want?” Honey asked with a slight attitude. It was her birthday, but yet Cam had figured out a way to piss her off as usual.

  “I heard somebody blew your man Peanut’s head off,” Snow said with smile. “Now since he’s out of the picture, I was wondering if we could maybe move forward and get some bread together?”

  “What did you have in mind?” Cam asked.

  Snow helped himself to a drink and then turned and faced Honey. “Honestly I was really interested in working with Honey and Honey only.”

  “But you know Cam is my manager,” Honey pointed out.

  “Fuck that bozo,” Snow said as if Cam wasn’t sitting right there. “You don’t need this clown
and you know it. Fuck with a real nigga and I’ll show you heights you never would have imagined.”

  “I thought you said that you wanted to talk business?” Cam cut in with much attitude. He wasn’t just going to sit back and let Snow continue to disrespect him.

  “I am talking business,” Snow said slowly sipping from his drink. He turned his gaze back on Honey. “This the era of the power couples. Me and you together, it won’t be no stopping us.” Just as the words left Snow’s mouth, his new single blared through the speakers and turned the club into a frenzy.

  Cam hated to admit it, but even he was feeling the song and had no other choice than to bob his head when the beat dropped.

  As Snow spoke to Honey, his entourage had to fight to keep drunk women from hopping over the rail trying to get a hug from the rap star.

  “I can take your career to the next level; you dig? Leave these clowns alone and come cross over to the winning team.” Snow grabbed Honey’s hand and caressed it gently.

  Honey quickly snatched her hand out of Snow’s grip. “I fucks with Cam and that’s that!”

  Snow shook his head and gave Honey a sad look. “Whenever you change your mind, you know where to find me.” He got up and went to lean in to kiss Honey on the cheek, but she jerked her head back before his lips could make contact with her face.

  Snow and his entourage looked Cam up and down daring him to make a move before they finally exited the VIP area.

  “Yo I’m out,” Cam said as he faked like he was about to leave. Honey quickly hopped up and grabbed his arm stopping him from leaving.

  “Why you leaving?” Honey asked. “I know you not mad about that clown Snow.”

  “So this what you been doing while you been missing for a week?” Cam asked trying to reverse the situation and make Honey feel bad. “Now out the blue niggaz is trying to wife you up?”

  “Listen Cam it’s my birthday and I really don’t feel like fighting with you tonight.” Honey downed the rest of her drink in one gulp and then quickly refilled her flute. “You treat me like a fucking prostitute and then you wanna get mad when somebody else offers to treat me right.”