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Never Be The Same Page 8

  "What's all this for?" Jeezy asked looking around.

  "I just want you to know that I'm so sorry for how I acted before you left,” Pink apologized. "Paige was around before me and as much as I hate sharing you, I knew what I was getting into from the beginning and I'm sorry."

  "It's cool," Jeezy said, "but for real though I can't have you acting like that. Paige will be home soon and if you continue to act like this then I'mma have to cut you lose."

  "Nigga please,” Pink laughed. "Ain't no getting rid of me that easy,” she laughed again, but she was dead serious. Just as Jeezy was about to say something else Pink quickly hushed him as she roughly shoved him down on the couch. "I been waiting for you to get home all day so you could taste this good pussy,” she said raising one leg up on the couch. Jeezy licked his lips as he looked at Pink’s freshly waxed pussy. Just the site of it got Jeezy's dick to stand at attention. Pink seductively climbed up on the couch standing over Jeezy. "Tell me how bad you wanna eat this pussy," she whispered, turning around making both of her ass cheeks vibrate in his face. Jeezy couldn't take it no more, as he aggressively pulled Pink's ass down into his face. Pink squatted down backwards on Jeezy's face. "Ahhhhh! Yes!" Pink moaned gyrating her ass further down into Jeezy's face. For the rest of the night the two went at it like newlyweds.

  Uninvited Guest

  Montana lay in his bed watching a porno while he waited for his lady friend to get out of the shower. He had planned on giving the woman a fucking she would never forget. Just as Montana heard the shower water cut off, he heard several back to back thunderous gunshots coming from downstairs.

  "Shit!" Montana cursed as he hopped up off his bed and grabbed his 9mm from off the night stand.

  "What the fuck was that?" his lady friend asked sticking her head out the bathroom door. Montana ignored her as he exited the bedroom and looked down over the balcony. Immediately he knew he was fucked when he saw one of the Gambino Brothers downstairs.

  Alex aimed his shotgun up at Montana. "Drop that gun!" He ordered with a smile on his face.

  "What do y'all want?" Montana countered?

  "Don't make me ask you again," Alex repeated slowly stepping up the stairs. Finally, Montana dropped his gun down to the floor.

  "Why do you want me and my brother dead?" Alex asked kicking Montana's gun out of reach.

  "Let me explain,” Montana said with his palms up. "I'm in business with some very important men and they thought that you and your brother had something to do with one of their associates being killed and robbed. “So they put a bounty on your head," he told him. "But I can get them to take the bounty off you and your brother’s head and I'm also going to offer you two a job. If y'all are interested."

  "A job doing what,” Victor asked finally making his way up the steps.

  "Doing what you two do best,” Montana smiled. "I and my people can line up all the heavy weights and all y’all would have to do is rob them blind."

  "What's your cut?" Alex asked.

  "Twenty five percent of everything y’all take,” Montana replied.

  "How we know this shit is real?" Victor asked skeptically. "How we know you won't set us up or turn us in to the police?"

  "The last thing you and your brother would have to worry about is the police,” Montana assured him. "Like I told you my associates are very powerful men and can make any charge go away; especially if you guys are doing good business."

  "This sounds too good to be true." Alex cocked a round into the chamber of his shotgun. "What's the catch?" Ever since he was a kid, the only person he ever trusted was his brother Victor and vice versa. Something about the offer Montana was presenting seemed too good to be true.

  "You and your brother do one job. If y’all don’t like it then y’all can walk.” “ No strings attached,” Montana promised.

  "Give us a few days to think about it,” Victor said, "but in the mean time you are going to have to pay if you wanna keep your life."

  Montana smiled. "How much?"

  "$200,000" Victor returned Montana's smile. "Nothing personal just business."

  The Gambino Brothers followed Montana in the master bedroom over to his safe. Victor wanted to rob Montana and kill him on the spot, but his brother Alex gave him a silent signal to chill. Unlike Victor, Alex was looking at the big picture.

  Montana returned from his safe and handed a bag filled with $200,000 to Victor. "There's plenty more where that came from," he said with a smile.

  "We'll be in touch," Alex said as he and Victor exited the bedroom and headed for the door.

  "Hey!" Montana called after the two brothers causing them to stop dead in their tracks. "How do I get in touch with you two?"

  "You don't,” Alex replied. "We'll get in touch with you," he said, and then the two brothers were gone.

  The Inevitable

  Paige walked down the hallway half listening to what Rose was joking about. Her mind was on a much more serious matter. The word going around the prison was, today was the day that Paige was going to get what was coming to her. None of Roxy’s associates still could get over what Paige had done to their leader. Even though they didn't have any proof, all fingers still pointed in Paige's direction. Even if Paige wasn't the one responsible for Roxy's murder she was the one who had been chosen to take the blame whether she liked it or not.

  In Paige's pocket rested a shank. This was the same shank she used to kill Roxy. Paige didn’t want any trouble, but at the same time, she had to protect herself by any means. Paige and Rose stepped foot in the mess hall and immediately the voice and chatter from all the other inmates attacked their ears.

  "Relax" Rose said sensing her friend’s nervousness. "Ain't nobody dumb enough to pull a stunt in the mess hall. They will charge you as starting a riot for that," she said confidently.

  "I hope you’re right,” Paige replied. She hoped that what Rose was saying was true, but in her heart, she could feel the heat in the air. All she had to do was survive for the next six months and then she would be a free woman. "All you have to do is survive." She told herself repeatedly as she grabbed a tray and went down the food line. The women who served her gave her nasty looks as she went down the line. Paige ignored the looks and kept it moving. She didn't have time to worry about the other inmates. She had much more important shit to be worried about like staying alive. Paige followed behind Rose as the two searched for a place to sit. Paige noticed all the weird looks that the other inmates were giving her. She mentally began to prepare herself for the worst. As Rose headed over to an available seat, Shawn hopped up out of her seat and shoved a knife in Rose several times until her body collapsed down to the floor. Other inmates roared out of excitement when they saw the murder committed right before their eyes.

  Shawn didn't say a word instead; she headed straight for Paige next. Paige quickly tossed her tray into Shawn's face, giving her time to pull her shank out of her pocket.

  "Yeah bitch let's go!" Shawn growled as she and Paige stood only a few feet away from each other. Shawn swung her knife at Paige's throat. Paige quickly jumped back as she sliced Shawn's arm in the process. Shawn took another swipe at Paige, but came up short again. Paige took a few steps back and looked around wondering where all the C.O.'s were.

  Tired of the cat and mouse game Shawn charged towards Paige. Paige tried to side step her, but Shawn's hands were too quick. She felt the sharp knife plunge into her stomach and thought she was going to die right there on the spot. Paige roughly pushed Shawn off of her slicing her across her face at the same time. Shawn dropped her knife when she felt warm blood trickling down her face. Paige also dropped her shank so she could use two hands to hold the wound on her stomach.

  When Shawn realized her face had been cut she charged Paige running full speed tackling her on top of a table where she rained punch after punch down on Paige's unexposed face until finally several C.O.'s came and tackled Shawn off of Paige. When the C.O.'s arrived, Paige was barely conscious. Still they hand cuf
fed both women and rushed them to the nurse's office, and then straight to the hospital.

  Six Months Later

  Jeezy cut the shower water off and just stood in the shower for a second trying to gather his thoughts together. Today was the day he had to break the news to Pink that he could no longer deal with her on an intimate level. He'd been trying to tell her for the past six months, but for some reason it never happened. Jeezy took a deep breath as he stepped out of the bathroom to handle his business. When he stepped foot in the room Pink was right there waiting for him with his iPhone in her hand.

  "Who are all these bitches in your phone?" Pink asked with a crazy look in her eyes.

  "None of your business,” Jeezy barked snatching his phone from her hands. "Fuck is you all up in my shit for anyway?"

  "Because I knew your ass was up to something. I just didn't have any proof, but now I do so explain," she said with her arms folded across her chest.

  Jeezy shook his head in disgust, as he looked Pink up and down. The sad part of the whole thing was he really wasn't fooling around with anyone. Those women were just a few women he flirted with every now, and then. "Ain't nothing to explain!" He waved Pink off as he began to get dressed.

  "Oh so you ain't got shit to say now cause your ass is busted right,” Pink huffed. "I swear can't shit a man do to surprise me. I have done, seen, and heard it all."

  "You right,” Jeezy said over his shoulder as he continued to get dressed.

  "So while I'm out shaking my ass to get us both paid, this is what you do in your spare time. You are out here fucking these raggedy ass bitches!"

  "You right,” Jeezy said sarcastically only getting Pink madder then she already was.

  "That's your problem you think everything is a fucking joke,” Pink continued her rant. "It's cool though."

  "You right!"

  Pink quickly hopped up off the bed, getting up in Jeezy's face. "Say you right again! Please say it again!"

  "Yo back up" Jeezy said pushing her, a few feet back with his hand.

  "Ain't no back up nothing!" Pink yelled smacking Jeezy's hand off of her chest. "Our whole relationship is one big joke to you right? Be honest!"

  "Listen," Jeezy, said seriously. "We never had a relationship. The only relationship we have, excuse me had was a business relationship!"

  "Ooooooh okay now cause your little girlfriend is getting out of jail in two weeks you don't need me no more," Pink said shaking her head up and down pacing back and forth in the bedroom. She had a feeling that Jeezy was going to try to kick her to the curb when Paige was released from jail.

  "Listen baby you are a wonderful and beautiful woman." He paused, "but I told you from day one that I was engaged and that my fiancé was locked up."

  "So what about our business at the club?"

  "It’s all yours," Jeezy told her. "I'll introduce you to my E pill connect so you'll be straight."

  "You a grimy ass nigga" Pink said as tears rolled down her cheeks. "So now because Paige is getting out of jail you just gonna leave a bitch for dead like that? I thought you was better than that!"

  Jeezy knew Pink was going to try to make him feel bad about his decision. He also knew it wasn't going to be easy. Inside he did feel bad about having to let her go, but at the end of the day, it was the best move. "I would love to continue to do business with you, but I don't think it would work."

  "Whatever!" Pink flicked her hand in a dismissive manner. "Go be with your queen, cause obviously she's more precious than gold,” she said laughing at her own joke. "You want the bitch, and then go be with her. Just know once you walk out that door ain't no coming back!"

  "You right,” Jeezy replied as he grabbed the four duffle bags of money that he had been saving up and his 40 caliber and was out the door.

  "I need a real man anyway!" Pink yelled out the front door at Jeezy's departing back. "Not some little boy who runs every time his bitch tells him too!” “Pussy!" she yelled and then slammed the door. Once the door shut Pink placed her back to the door, slid down to the floor, and cried her eyes out. The one man that had treated her like a queen and never judged her for what she did for a living had just walked out the door and took her heart with him.

  Money Talks

  Alex parked the Maximum across the street from the house of some brothers from Alabama who were supposed to be making some major chips. Montana had sent the Gambino Brothers out to Alabama to teach the brothers a lesson. He had offered them a nice price on the coke, but when they turned the offer down that didn't sit too well with Montana. Now the Gambino Brothers were in Alabama to send a message.

  "This the crib right here,” Victor asked with a frown on his face from the passenger seat. He hated being in the country. Things seemed to just move too slowly for him.

  "Yeah that's it,” Alex replied as he loaded up his Mossberg before they hopped out the vehicle and headed towards the front door.

  Steve sat at the kitchen table talking to his baby’s mother Lisa while his younger brother Anthony sat in the living room playing play station with a few of his homeboys. Steve sat at the kitchen table making plans with Lisa on whether or not he should invest some of his money in a laundry mat business. Lisa jumped when the front door came busting open. Before Steve could even fix his mouth to say anything, a shotgun blast knocked him out of his chair. Lisa stood in shock as she wiped the side of her face and her hand came away bloody. Alex kicked Lisa in her chest causing her to do a somersault out of the chair.

  When Anthony and his boys finally realized what was going on it was too late. Victor already had his twin 45's trained on them. He smirked before taking their lives. When Victor returned to the kitchen, Lisa laid on the floor with a terrified look on her face. Victor roughly snatched Lisa up to her feet by her hair. "Where's the stash at?"

  Lisa was too terrified to talk so she just cried. Victor sighed loudly as he head butted her breaking her nose spilling blood all over the place.

  "We came all the way out to Alabama!” “Bitch you going to tell me something,” Victor barked.

  "You're wasting your time,” Alex cut in. "She's too shaken up to talk right now. Do what you gotta do and let's go" he said exiting the house. As Alex walked back to the car he heard, four shots ring out. He sat behind the wheel and waited for his brother to return to the car. So far, Montana had been setting up easy big paying jobs for them and Alex wasn't complaining. The only problems were the bodies. Ever since the Gambino Brothers started working with Montana more bodies had been dropping left and right. Alex had enough money saved up and no longer wanted to kill and hurt people anymore. Alex's heart was no longer in it. He was going along for the ride and to make sure his brother was safe, but after tonight he had made up his mind, he was officially done.

  "Bitch should have just told us where the stash was,” Victor said as he slid back in the passenger seat.

  "I'm done with this shit Victor," Alex said pulling off. "I just can't do this anymore."

  Victor laughed hysterically. "What are you talking about?"

  "I'm done with this game," Alex said. "I want to live a regular life and enjoy my money before it's too late."

  "Are you serious?"

  "Dead serious,” Alex said. "I want to start a family, get married, and go fishing. You know, regular people shit. All our life we had to struggle, steal, and fight for everything. Now it's time for us to just enjoy everything we worked so hard for."

  "You bugging the fuck out,” Victor said disappointed in his older brother. "What's next? You gonna want to give your life to Christ and get baptized or some shit?"

  "Stop being so stubborn for once in your life,” Alex said glancing over at his brother. "You need to quit this lifestyle too before it's too late. When we first started robbing people, it was because we had no choice. It was either do or die, but we are rich now and we can't even enjoy it because we are too busy robbing and shooting people every night."

  "You sounding like a bitch right now!" Victor shook
his head in disgust. If his brother wanted to turn soft that was on him, but he wasn't going to stop doing what he did best. This was the only thing he knew how to do. For the rest of the ride the two brothers didn't say a word to one another. Alex felt as if his brother was being stupid for not realizing when enough was enough. The two had everything they could possibly want and need, but to Victor that still wasn't enough. The difference between the two brothers was that Alex did it for the money and Victor did it for the love of the sport. Victor felt as if his brother was turning soft. He loved his job and did it for the thrill and action. Of course, the money was good, but in Victor's eyes, he loved what he was doing so he didn't consider it work. So to hear his brother say what he said was shocking to him. Alex parked the stolen car on a low key street as he and Victor hopped out.

  "So when we get back home what’s your plan?" Victor asked. "What you going to put all your money in the stock market and start smoking cigarettes with a cigarette holder?" He laughed.