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Never Be The Same Page 7

  Jeezy helped himself to another drink as Fabulous’ song "You Be Killin Em" came blaring through the speakers. He looked up and saw Pink on the stage seductively dancing on the pole. She held the entire club's attention when she dropped down into a full split as she continued to pop each one of her ass cheeks simultaneously getting cheers from all of the howling men and women. Jeezy sat back with a grin on his face. He felt good to know that all the men in the strip club wanted his woman.

  Pink worked the stage and pole like an expert until the song finally went off. As she swept up all of her money from off the stage floor, she felt a strong hand grab her wrist. She looked up and saw Big Tone undressing her with his eyes.

  "What's up wit it?" Big Tone said sounding like the ignorant fool that he was.

  "What's up with what?" Pink sucked her teeth yanking her wrist away from his grip with a disgusted look on her face.

  "How much is it going to cost for some of that sweet pussy?" Big Tone said flashing a huge knot of money. He believed that all strippers were high priced prostitutes.

  "You couldn't afford it!" Pink countered as she continued to scoop up her singles. She hated when stupid drunk men came into the strip club just looking to belittle women.

  "Bitch you know you want all this,” Big Tone said as if he was God’s gift to women. His arm shot out and pulled Pink close to him as he began rubbing all over her horse ass.

  "Get your filthy hands off of me!" Pink raised her voice causing a scene. Once Pink decided to raise her voice, Big Tone became even more aggressive. Just as Big Tone was about to slip one of Pink's nipples in his mouth, he felt somebody forcefully push him from behind. When Big Tone turned around, he saw Jeezy standing there.

  "Yo my man,” Jeezy began. "Fall back or either get pushed back!"

  Big Tone was about to smack Jeezy's head off of his shoulders until two bouncers stepped in between the two.

  "Is there a problem over here?" One of the bouncers asked looking over at Pink.

  "No" Pink answered quickly as she snatched up her money and headed back to the dressing room.

  "You good,” the bouncer said looking at Big Tone.

  "Yeah, I'm straighter than Indian hair" he joked assuring the bouncer that he was cool. Once the bouncer walked off Big Tone lunged towards Jeezy tackling him on to the stage causing a loud booming sound to erupt. This is what the two had been waiting for. Now it wasn't nothing but space and opportunity in between them. The two men went at it like caged animals going blow for blow, each man trying to drop the other with one punch. Seconds later, several bouncers tackled both men off the stage.

  Pink stood in the dressing room putting away her money when she heard a loud commotion coming from near the stage. She quickly ran back out to the stage in her four inch heels. When she reached the stage, she saw two bouncers separating Jeezy and Big Tone. Pink removed one of her heels and started banging Big Tone in the back of his head as if she was trying to bang a nail into a wall until a bouncer came over and restrained her.

  "Cock blocking mufucka!" Big Tone yelled as he was roughly escorted out of the club.

  "You alright baby?" Pink asked checking to see if Jeezy was okay. She knew once that clown had grabbed her all hell was going to break loose.

  "I'm good baby," Jeezy said fixing his clothes. Now he had to figure out how he was going to get to his car in one piece and retrieve his gun without getting shot. In the midst of the scuffle, Montana and his two bodyguards slipped out the back door unnoticed.

  When Jeezy and Pink stepped outside, they saw Big Tone and his crew arguing with the police.

  "Come on baby,” Jeezy said as he and Pink made a bee line straight for the Range Rover. Once inside Jeezy grabbed his 40 caliber from under his seat and placed it on his lap.

  "No baby!" Pink grabbed his arm gently. "Let it go" she said sincerely looking in Jeezy's eyes. Jeezy wasn't the one for walking away from a fight, but he knew what Pink was saying was right. There was a time and place for everything and now wasn't the time nor the place.

  "Thanks baby!" Pink smiled as Jeezy pulled out of the parking lot. As Jeezy drove, he felt Pink unzipping his pants and seconds later, he felt her warm mouth all over his dick. Pink sloppily sucked on Jeezy's dick as her head bobbed up and down at a fast pace. Jeezy did his best to remain focused on the road as Pink forced him to explode in her mouth. When Jeezy pulled up in the driveway, he and Pink kissed all the way inside the house as they prepared for round two.


  Back at the strip club, Alex and Victor sat camped out in a low key stolen car watching the entire scene play out. What they noticed was that everybody had exited the club except for Montana.

  "Where is this fucker?" Victor asked in an angry tone. He woke up in a bad mood and couldn't wait to take his anger out on someone else.

  "I don't know" Alex answered in a calm tone, "but I know who does," he said nodding his head towards Big Tone.

  "Bitch ass nigga" Big Tone huffed as he hopped in his Escalade leaving the scene. If it was one thing Big Tone couldn't stand was a cock blocker and in his eyes that’s just what Jeezy was; a punk ass cock blocker. He was already planning on what he was going to do to Jeezy the next time the two ran into each other. When he pulled into his driveway Drake's song "I'm On One,” bumped through the Escalade's speakers. Big Tone killed the engine and hopped out. Still pissed off from what happened at the strip club Big Tone didn't know someone was creeping up behind him until he heard the paralyzing sound of a round being cocked into the chamber of a shotgun.

  "Don't do it to yourself big man,” Alex warned shoving the Mossberg pump into Big Tone's spine as he snatched his keys and roughly forced Big Tone inside the house tossing him down on the floor like he was trash.

  "I'm looking for Montana! Where can I find him?"

  "Go suck a dick" Big Tone huffed waving the two gunmen off. Snitching was something that he would never do. "Fuck!” “Am I supposed to be scared because you two pussies are waving guns around,” he said trying to buy himself some time. Just by looking at the two men from the jump, he knew he was being held at gun point by the Gambino Brothers which meant they were there for a reason.

  Alex was about to respond until he heard what sounded like a baby crying coming from upstairs. "Who else is in the house?"

  "My wife and my eight month old son," Big Tone announced with a worried look on his face. "Please don't hurt them."

  Alex ignored his plea. "Where's Montana?" he asked again? When Big Tone didn't answer, Alex turned to Victor and gave him a go ahead nod.

  Big Tone watched as Victor flew up the steps taking them two at a time. "Hey,” he yelled! "Where's he going? Come back!"

  Seconds later, there were screams and the sound of furniture moving coming from upstairs. Alex grinned as he looked down at Big Tone.

  "Okay I'll tell you where Montana is; just please make your brother stop" Big Tone screamed. He thought about trying to make a move, but he had heard rumors and stories about how nice Alex Gambino was with a shotgun and decided against it. Minutes later Victor came down the steps with blood all over his face and hands. In one of his hands, he held a bloody hunting knife.

  "What did you do? You sick bastard!" Big Tone yelled.

  "That damn baby wouldn't shut up so I put him to sleep" Victor said flashing a grin as he cleaned off his knife.

  "Address,” Alex said in a calm tone. Once Big Tone gave up Montana's address Alex blasted him in the chest twice leaving him for dead in his own living room.

  I Need You

  Pink moaned loudly as Jeezy had her standing up bent over the couch deep stroking her. Lately Pink had been turning into a nympho requesting and begging for sex every day. Often even two or three times a day. Jeezy did his best to quench Pink's sexual appetite, but he wasn't a machine.

  Jeezy grabbed a hand full of Pink's hair and aggressively pulled her head back forcing her to look up at him while he pounded away at her insides. "Do this dick feel good?"

"Yes baby! Yes!" Pink moaned loving every stroke.

  "Tell me you love this dick" Jeezy demanded as he pumped even harder.

  "Oooh I love this dick! I love this dick! Ahhhh baby I love this dick!" Pink repeated loudly as Jeezy quickly spun her around and snatched off his condom. Immediately Pink threw Jeezy's dick in her mouth and sucked on it as if it was the last dick she was ever going to see until Jeezy released in her mouth.

  "Oh shit,” Jeezy huffed as he quickly went and hopped in the shower. Seconds later Jeezy felt a pair of hands grab his waist from behind.

  "That dick was the best,” Pink grinned.

  "So glad you enjoyed it," Jeezy said cleaning himself off in a rush.

  "Where are you rushing off to" Pink asked suspiciously.

  Jeezy looked at her as if she was crazy. "You know I gotta go see Paige today."

  "Damn I forgot all about that,” Pink lied. Really, she was tired of him going up to the jail to see Paige. She was hoping that once she started taking care of Jeezy that maybe he would forget all about his jail bitch. "Can't you just spend the day with me and go see her tomorrow? For me pleeeeease?" She whined.

  "No can do" Jeezy replied quickly as he stepped out of the shower leaving Pink standing in the shower alone. "I have to go see her. She needs my support."

  "But I need your support too baby,” Pink whined stepping out of the shower dripping wet. "Since I'm a big part in your life now, you going to have to make time for the both of us."

  "I see you every day and I see her once a week," Jeezy reminded her. "Don't start! You know I have to go."

  "Fine!" Pink said with an attitude as she stomped out of the bathroom. Jeezy shook his head when he heard the bedroom door slam. Pink was becoming too attached to him and now was the time to start detaching himself from her especially since Paige would be getting released eight months from today. Jeezy quickly got dressed and was out the door.

  As he cruised down the highway his mind began thinking of ways he could let Pink go easily because he knew once Paige got out there was no way she was going to put up with that shit. Jeezy wondered how Pink would take it once he informed her that he could no longer deal with her. Pink was a good woman. If he wasn't with Paige then he would definitely stay with Pink, but that wasn't the situation. Jeezy was loyal to Paige so he had eight months to figure out how he was going to cut Pink loose.

  Jeezy went through the visitation process and finally was allowed in the visitor’s room. He went and grabbed all the snacks he knew that Paige liked and had them waiting at the table for her. Ten minutes later Paige walked out from the back. From where Jeezy was sitting, Paige had been putting on weight in all the right places.

  Paige smiled as she melted in Jeezy's arms and tried to squeeze the life out of him. "I missed you so much," she whispered in his ear.

  "I missed you too baby,” Jeezy replied as he sat down. As soon as Jeezy looked in Paige's eyes, he could tell that something was wrong. "What's wrong baby?"

  "Nothing,” Paige replied as tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.

  "Talk to me baby," Jeezy said softly as he held on to her hands. He could always tell when something was bothering her just by looking in her eyes.

  "This place has really changed me," Paige cried. "I'm not the same person that I was before I came in here."

  Immediately Jeezy thought she meant that somebody had took his pussy while she was on the inside. "Tell me what happened baby and be honest."

  Paige cried a little bit more before she spoke in a light whisper. "I killed a woman."

  Jeezy took a second to digest what Paige had just told him. He knew that no matter what happened; murdering someone was something that would stick with Paige forever mentally as well as physically.

  "I had no choice," Paige told him. "If I didn't do it eventually..."

  "Its okay baby you don't have to explain,” Jeezy said cutting her off. "You did what you had to do. All I ask is that you protect yourself by any means necessary."

  "Now the bitch home girls all got it out for me,” Paige said.

  "We only got eight months left to go" Jeezy said as he heard the C.O. announce that visiting hours were over. "Eight months,” he repeated.

  "I'll survive,” Paige said forcing a fake smile on her face so Jeezy wouldn't be worried about her.

  "I know you will baby,” Jeezy said as he watched the C.O. escort Paige into the back.

  Once in the back Paige was forced to strip down butt naked as she was thoroughly searched by a female C.O. When that was over, she was allowed back to her dorm. A visit from Jeezy was just what Paige needed. He somehow always seemed to ease her mind and make things seem as if they were going to be okay.

  When Paige made it back to her bunk, she noticed that her bunky wasn't around so she quickly hopped up on her bunk and threw her head phones on. Right now, she just needed to listen to some music and zone out. Paige popped in her Neyo cassette tape and closed her eyes as the soft sound of Neyo filled her ears. For once since she'd been in jail, Paige was actually having a good day. Her good day quickly ended when she felt some one shaking her bed. When Paige opened her eyes and looked up, she saw a rough looking chick standing in her cube. She didn’t know the chick, but had seen her hanging around Roxy a few times.

  "Yo I need to borrow your head phones for a second," the chick said scratching her head.

  "What?" Paige asked, looking at the rough chick as if she was insane.

  "I'm bored as hell right now so I need to borrow your head phones for a few. So what’s up?" The chick said as if Paige was getting on her nerves.

  "Don't you see me using them right now?" Paige asked.

  "Bitch you trying to get fly over some head phones," the chick said rolling up her sleeves as if she was ready to get busy. "You are fucking with the wrong one!" She said stepping back throwing up her hands making a scene.

  "All this over some head phones though" Paige thought as she removed her head phones, slid them under her pillow, then hopped off the top bunk. Just as the two was about to get it on one of the cool male C.O’s. interfered. "What the hell is going on over here?" He asked.

  "I need five minutes with this bitch," the chick said to the C.O. waiting for his approval. The C.O. looked over at Paige and asked her did she want five minutes with the rough looking chick. Every time he'd seen Paige, she was mostly to herself, minding her business. He wondered why someone like her would want to have a fight with the rougher looking chicks.

  "Yeah I want five minutes," Paige stated as she removed her button up shirt exposing her sports bra. Paige quick ran up on the rough chick and swung on her catching her off guard. Paige went toe to toe with the chick until the chick decided to grab her. She flung Paige down to the floor like a rag doll as she began raining down punches on her. Paige balled up trying to block as many of the blows as possible. As she lay with her back on the floor, she prayed that the C.O. would break up the fight, but instead he was on the sideline cheering with the rest of the inmates. The rough chick landed blow after blow on Paige until Rose came out of nowhere and smacked the rough looking chick in the back of the head with a thick five hundred page hard back dictionary knocking her out cold. Paige quickly shot to her feet and began stomping the chicks face into the floor. She made animal noises as she stomped until the C.O. finally snatched her off the chick.

  "That's enough!" The C.O. yelled in Paige's face to get her attention. She looked as if she was possessed at the moment.

  "Alright! Alright! The shows over!" He announced as he made the rest of the inmates go on about their business. "There's nothing else to see here!"

  "Good looking I appreciate that,” Paige said walking up to Rose. "I done had enough of this shit," she admitted. "Once I leave this shit hole in eight months I ain’t ever coming back!"

  "Don't mention it,” Rose smiled. "I know you would have done it for me."

  "Bitch this shit ain't over with. I'mma see you," Shawn said as she walked past breaking up the two's conversat
ion. All Paige could do was shake her head. She knew that this harassment wasn't going to be over with until she and Shawn got it on. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The question wasn't where they would bump into each other, but when.

  Doing the Right Thing

  Jeezy's Range Rover pulled into his driveway then shortly after the engine was shut off. Jeezy slowly slid out of the driver seat. Tonight was the night he decided to tell Pink that they were going to have to slow down a bit. He'd been thinking about how he was going to deliver the message to her, easy and gently as possible.

  Jeezy stuck his key in the door and immediately the door snatched open, causing him to jump back a bit.

  Pink stood at the door wearing some sexy white lingerie. She grabbed Jeezy's hand and led him inside. As Jeezy stepped through the house, he noticed that there were candles lit up all around the house along with rose pedals sprinkled all throughout the house.