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The Serial Cheater PT 2 Page 8

  “Oooooh shit!” Cam growled as he slipped his dick back in Bambi’s mouth. He closed his eyes like he was praying and then grunted. He put his hand down on top of Bambi’s head, as he felt her swallowing. She finished and slowed down the passionate sucking and stroking action. A few moments later Bambi raised her head, wiped the sides of her lips, and smiled. “You better not had gotten any in my hair,” she said as she scurried off to the bathroom.

  Cam sat back with a smile on his face. He could see him and Bambi’s relationship lasting for a while as long as Honey didn’t destroy it. Just knowing that he was about to make a ton of money off of Bambi was good, but things were even better now that he knew her sex was also the bomb. What Cam saw for his future put a huge smile on his face.

  * * *

  In the bathroom Bambi stood staring at her reflection with a frown on her face as she wiped Cam’s semen from her face with a warm rag. She hated men like Cam, men who thought that they were God’s gift to women, men who felt because they had money that a woman had to put up with all types of bullshit. Little did Cam know, but Bambi had planned on putting an end to all that. It would only be a matter of time before she got pregnant and took Cam for every dime he had. In Bambi’s mind that would be payback for all the good women that Cam and men like him had fucked over. Bambi knew men like Cam loved a woman with a nice body and a woman who knew when to shut up. All she had to do was show him a little loyalty and she’d have him eating out of the palm of her hands and before he knew it, she would be pregnant.

  Bambi applied a fresh coat of make-up to her face and then joined Cam back out into the studio. “Did you miss me?”

  “Maybe,” Cam said slyly. In his mind he thought that after fucking Bambi once, she would now be addicted to his dick game and he could now treat her however he wanted.

  “You better had missed me,” Bambi said sliding down onto Cam’s lap. “You left bite marks on my neck, but I covered them up the best I could with my make-up.”

  “My bad baby. That pussy was so good that I couldn’t control myself,” Cam admitted.

  “My man supposed to be picking me up in about a half,” Bambi said.

  “Your man?” Cam repeated.

  “Yes my man,” Bambi said. “I did have a life before I met you.”

  “Well you going to have to tell your man that you about to be super busy,” Cam said with a sinister smile on his face. “And make sure you tell him that me and you going to be spending a lot of time together.”

  “I don’t see no contract,” Bambi replied. Then she watched as Cam walked over to a table in the corner of the studio and came back with a thick folder in his hand.

  “Here and make sure to let your lawyer look over this,” Cam said smiling. “The sooner you sign this the better, cause I have a track already in mind for you,” he told her. “We can put your single out and start getting this paper.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Cam smiled as he pressed a button on the switchboard and then the speakers boomed with a crazy beat. Cam watched as Bambi crumbled up her face and bobbed her head to what she was hearing. Immediately she knew that her voice combined with that beat were sure to make her and Cam a ton of money. “I told you I got you,” Cam said palming a hand full of Bambi’s ass.

  Bambi leaned in and kissed Cam on the lips. “I really appreciate what you doing for me.”

  “Shit ain’t about nothing,” Cam said as he heard a loud knock at the door. “Yoooo,” he called out. One of his beefy security guards stuck his neck through the door.

  “Boss it’s some clown ass police out here talking about he’s here to pick somebody up. You want me to throw him out?”

  Cam was getting ready to say yeah until Bambi quickly hopped up off his lap.

  “Yeah let him in. That’s my man,” Bambi said. The security guard looked over at Cam and he nodded his head in a yes manner.

  “So your man is a pig?” Cam asked with a hint of jealously in his voice. He hated the police and everything they stood for.

  “Yes my boyfriend is a cop and please be nice,” Bambi warned.

  Cam watched as a muscular man in a police uniform enter into the studio. The first thing that Cam noticed was the arm full of tattoos and then the further he came into the studio, Cam recognized him. It was Richard, the same man he’d just got into a fist fight with over Yolanda about a week ago.

  “What the fuck?” Cam said to himself as he watched Bambi slide into Richard’s arms and kiss him like she wasn’t just sucking Cam’s dick a few minutes ago.

  “Cam I would like to introduce you to my boyfriend Richard, Richard this is Cam, Cam, Richard” Bambi said innocently, introducing the two.

  “Nice to meet you Cam. I’ve heard a lot about you,” Richard said extending his hand as if this was the first time that the two were meeting.

  “Likewise,” Cam replied as he reluctantly shook Richard’s hand. He didn’t know what was going on, but he definitely planned on finding out. Something about this whole situation just didn’t feel right.

  “Look baby I got my contract,” Bambi said smiling showing Richard the folder.

  “That’s wonderful baby,” Richard said with a fake smile. “We have to get going so why don’t you grab your things?”

  “Okay give me one second I have to pee real quick,” Bambi said then disappeared in the bathroom.

  “What the fuck are you doing here!?” Cam growled once he was sure that Bambi was out of ear shot.

  “I came to pick up my shorty,” Richard said with a smile.

  “What about Yolanda?”

  “What about her?” Richard asked coldly.

  All Cam could do was laugh. “I told Yolanda not to fuck with you.”

  “You broke her heart Cam and I was there to pick up the pieces,” Richard laughed. “I broke her off some of this good dick and got that stupid bitch to give me a few gees so I could get into the real estate business, now I’m just waiting to take all her income tax money, and then I’m done with the bitch,” he said as if Yolanda was nothing.

  “You a greasy nigga,” Cam said. He wanted to break Richard’s face right then and there but it was too late. The damage had already been done. He caught Yolanda at a vulnerable time, took advantage of her, and it was nothing Cam could do about it. “So let me guess, you going to do Bambi like that too right? You’re going to use her for what you can and then get rid of her too?”

  “You got it all wrong playboy,” Richard smiled. “Bambi is my soul mate and I would never do that to her.” He glanced at the bathroom door when he heard the toilet flush. “But I promise if you try to fuck my girl in any way, shape, form, or fashion I’ll make you regret it for the rest of your life.”

  “Sorry that Vodka was running through me,” Bambi said smiling as she returned from the bathroom. She gave Cam a hug and then her and Richard made their exit.

  Once Bambi was gone Cam thought about how stupid Yolanda was for falling for a creep like Richard so quickly. Part of him wanted Yolanda to take a hit so he could say I told you so, but the other part of him didn’t want to see Yolanda get hurt or caught up in no dumb shit. He picked up the phone and quickly dialed Yolanda’s number. It rung a few times and then the voicemail picked up. He quickly hung up and called back again only to get the same result. “Fuck!” he cursed out of frustration.

  Cam closed up the studio and planned on heading to the liquor store. Right now he could really use a drink. He still couldn’t believe that Richard was playing both Bambi and Yolanda for a fool at the same time. He had to figure out some way to stop this before things got too far out of hand.

  Cam stepped foot outside along with one of his security guards and quickly got tackled down to the ground as several gunshots filled the quiet streets with noise. Seconds later the sound of tires screeching could be heard as the hooptie drove recklessly down the street.

  “What the fuck,” Cam said to himself as he held his .380 in his hand and jogged over to his Benz. Someone was
trying to kill him and everyone affiliated with him and he had no clue why. All he knew was from now on he would have to be more cautious and stay on point.

  Chapter 22


  Honey laid across the king sized bed with a serious attitude. It was 1:05 a.m. and Cam still hadn’t made it back home yet. To make matters worse, he wasn’t answering his phone as usual. All kind of ugly thoughts ran through Honey’s mind. If she had to guess, he was probably out spending Valentine’s Day with the next chick, doing God only knows what with a complete stranger. Seconds later, the bedroom door pushed open and in walked Cam with an exhausted look on his face.

  “Whatever your excuse is, I don’t even want to hear it,” Honey said not giving Cam a chance to speak. “Every time I call myself believing in you and giving you another chance you do this shit to me and every time I forgive you and take your trifling ass back, but not this time motherfucker!”

  “Yes baby,” Cam said and removed his clothes and headed for the shower.

  Honey jumped up off the bed and blocked the entrance to the bathroom denying Cam access. “I knoooooow you don’t think you just going to jump in the shower after being gone all day on Valentine’s Day,” she huffed looking at Cam like he had lost his mind.

  “What? I can’t take a shower?” Cam asked. “I need permission from you to take a shower now?”

  “You trying to be funny?” Honey asked getting all up in Cam’s face. Off of instinct he grabbed Honey’s wrist so she couldn’t hit him. Lately the two’s relationship was becoming a physical one.

  “Baby I just had a long day today,” Cam huffed. “Not to mention someone tried to kill me.”

  “What? You’re kidding right?” Honey asked with a nervous look on her face. She knew that there was a killer out there targeting all of Cam’s love ones.

  “Yeah some clown shot up the lobby of the studio,” Cam shrugged as if someone trying to take his life was no big deal.

  “That’s why you need to pick up the phone when I’m calling because I be worried about you!” Honey snapped with her worry quickly turning into anger.

  “I’m okay baby.”

  “How did things go with Bambi?” Honey asked with a raised brow. She could only imagine what type of foolishness had taken place in the studio.

  “I don’t want to talk about that,” Cam said brushing her question off. “I missed you.”

  Not wanting to fuss or fight Honey decided to just leave it alone. “I missed you too baby.”

  Cam looked at Honey like she was insane. “Oh you thought I was talking about you?”

  “Well if you’re not talking about me, then who the fuck are you talking about?” Honey snapped with her hands on her hips.

  “Her,” Cam said looking down at Honey’s freshly waxed pussy. He walked Honey back into the bathroom and helped her up on top of the sink. Honey rested her head back against the mirror and spread her legs wide open. She watched Cam burry his head in between her legs.

  “Damn!” Honey moaned. The loud moaning, and slurping that came from between her legs drove her crazy. Honey grabbed the back of Cam’s head and pushed it further into her pussy as she gyrated her hips in a circular motion. She wrapped her legs around Cam’s head and squeezed his head tightly with her thighs as her orgasm threatened to spill. “Oh shit! Oh shit!”

  Honey began shaking and bucking uncontrollably as her orgasm took over.

  Cam stood up and jammed his dick inside of Honey’s soaking wet box and tried to pulverize her insides. He had her hemmed up on the sink, with his hand wrapped around her throat while he was fucking the life out of her. When Cam was finished with Honey, she curled up on the bed and went straight to sleep like a baby. While Honey slept, Cam sat at the edge of the bed. He was racking his brain trying to figure out who would want him dead. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard his cell phone ring. He looked down at the screen and saw Yolanda’s name flashing across the screen. “Yeah?”

  “Cam please get over here quick! It’s an emergency!!!!” Yolanda screamed into the phone and then the line went dead.

  “Shit!” Cam shot up off the bed and headed out the door straight for Yolanda’s house.

  Chapter 23


  Yolanda stood over the stove frying some chicken wings and making some rice. She knew Richard would be arriving within the next thirty minutes and she wanted his food to be fresh and hot when he showed up. Yolanda was really starting to fall in love with Richard. She loved everything about him down to the way he walked. Like clock work Yolanda heard a key in the lock followed by the door opening.

  “Hey baby you’re right on time. I was just...” Yolanda’s words got caught in her throat when she saw a masked man holding Richard in a choke hold with a gun pointed to his head. Seconds later a second gunman entered the house carrying a shotgun in his hand. He dramatically cocked a round into the chamber for extra emphasis.

  “Where the fuck is the money!?” The second gunman barked.

  Not knowing what to do Yolanda stood frozen like a deer trapped in the head lights.

  “Baby please do what they say,” Richard said with a scared look on his face. “Give them the money.”

  Yolanda nodded her head up and down and led the second gunman upstairs to the safe that was in the bedroom. Inside the safe rested about $250,000. Cam had left that money there in case of an emergency. Yolanda cracked open the safe and moved out of the way as she watched the the gunman snatch a pillow from off the bed and remove the pillow case and fill it with money. Once he was done, he roughly forced Yolanda back down stairs and made her and Richard get down on their knees and count to a hundred facing the wall, as they made their exit.

  Richard allowed a few seconds to pass and then hopped up to his feet once he was sure that the gunmen were gone. He quickly ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife from off the rack and ran out the door after the gunmen.

  “Richard noooooo!” Yolanda screamed at the top of her lungs as she watched the love of her life run out the door with a knife in his hand. Not knowing what else to do, Yolanda ran and grabbed her cell phone and dialed Cam’s number.

  * * *

  Richard ran out the front door just in time to see a burgundy van bend the corner. Without thinking twice Richard ran full speed after the van and when he reached the corner he spotted the van sitting idly at the end of the block. Richard ran up to the driver side window of the van and stuck his head inside. “Hey baby.”

  “Hey baby,” Bambi said sitting behind the wheel of the burgundy van with a smile on her face. In the back of the van sat her two brothers who still wore their ski mask.

  “Didn’t I tell you that, that shit was going to be like taking candy from a baby?” Richard leaned in and kissed Bambi on her lips.

  Bambi looked down at his hand and chuckled. “What the fuck was you going to do with that knife?”

  “Shit, I had to make it look good,” was Richard’s response. “I love you baby and I’ll see you at the house in a few hours,” Richard said as he headed back to the house. He turned the corner and saw Yolanda standing outside in front of the house talking to a police officer with a scared look on her face. When she spotted him, she took off running in his direction and jumped into his arms.

  “Oh my God! I was so worried about you,” Yolanda said trying to squeeze the life out of Richard.

  “They were in a silver van,” Richard lied. “I tried to catch them, but I was a little too slow,” he said as if he was sad about not being able to catch the bad guys.

  “Baby please don’t ever do that again!” Yolanda cried. “That was dangerous and stupid and you could have gotten yourself killed!”

  “Sorry baby I was just trying to protect you,” Richard said laying it on thick. “How much money did they get us for?”

  “$250,000,” Yolanda shrugged.

  “Damn baby that’s a lot of money.”

  “Wasn’t my money. It was Cam’s money,” Yolan
da said as if the robbery was no big deal because it wasn’t her money.

  “He gonna be mad at you.”

  “I could care less if Cam is mad or not,” Yolanda said with an attitude. “That money saved your life and that’s all that matters.”

  * * *

  Cam pulled up to the house and saw flashing police lights everywhere. He quickly hopped out the car and jogged over to where he saw Yolanda standing on the front lawn. “What happened?”

  “Two men showed up with guns and robbed us,” Yolanda said wiping tears from her eyes.

  “Us?” Cam echoed.

  “Yeah me and Richard,” Yolanda said nodding towards Richard who stood over to the side talking to a police officer. Right then and there Cam knew something wasn’t right.

  “What did they take from the house?” Cam asked.

  “They took the money from the safe,” Yolanda told him.

  “I know you didn’t give them niggaz all the money out of my safe,” Cam said with fire dancing in his eyes.

  “What was I supposed to do? They had a gun to Richard’s head,” Yolanda said as if that was a good enough reason to hand the gunmen Cam’s money.

  “Are you retarded?!” Cam yelled. “Use your brain!” he yelled jamming his index finger into Yolanda’s forehead. “How many people knew about the safe?”

  “Me, you, and Richard,” Yolanda answered.

  “Okay so you know I didn’t rob you and you didn’t rob yourself, so that only leaves one person,” Cam pointed out.

  “No,” Yolanda shook her head. “Richard would never do that.”

  Cam gave Yolanda a sad look. “You want to be loved that bad that you can’t even see when somebody is stealing from you?”

  “You’re just jealous,” Yolanda capped back. That’s what her mouth said, but she was really starting to consider what Cam was saying. The only people who did know about the safe were them three.

  “Open your eyes!” Cam yelled. “This nigga is playing you for a fucking fool! You’re smarter than that! Start using your head for more than just a ponytail!” Just as the words left Cam’s mouth, Richard strolled over to where they were standing.