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Never Be The Same Page 5

  Jeezy sighed loudly. "Get in the car" he said as he walked over to the other three girls who sat in the brown minivan. "I'mma need y'all to go back in there and wipe down everything y’all touched and if y’all smoked anything, take the clips out of the ashtray. If y’all drank anything, take the glasses y’all drank from. If anything happens, I don't know y’all."

  "And we don't know you," the three girls all said together!

  Jeezy hopped back in the stolen car and gunned the engine. For the whole ride back home Pink apologized for what she had done. In her mind, she thought she was doing the right thing. If it meant taking a few lives to save her own, then so be it. If it ever came down to killing someone to save her own or Jeezy's life, Pink wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger. Jeezy pulled over on a deserted block and hopped out of the stolen car. He grabbed the duffle bag filled with money and tossed it around his neck. He and Pink walked a few blocks and flagged down a cab.

  When they stepped inside the house, Pink grabbed Jeezy and slid in his arms. "I'm sorry baby," she said. "I hate it when you’re mad at me."

  "I'm not mad. I just don't want to go to jail over some dumb shit," Jeezy told her.

  "I was just thinking about us and our future,” Pink whined.

  "Our future?" Jeezy echoed. "Come on baby I already told you I'm engaged,” he reminded her. "What we doing is cool and all that but I already told you what it was from the jump."

  "No baby I wasn't saying our future like,” Pink said trying to down play it. "I just don't want anything leading back to us. Hopefully the Gambino Brothers will take the rap for this robbery and murder as well,” she chuckled.

  Jeezy had heard stories about the Gambino Brothers, but never had he met anyone who claimed to know the brothers personally. In his mind, he wondered if they really existed. "I understand what you saying, but at the same time we have to be cautious."

  Pink devilishly smiled as she melted down to her knees and began unbuckling Jeezy's belt. Once Pink's lips wrapped around Jeezy's pole he'd forgotten why he was even complaining.

  Instead he grabbed the back of Pink's head and began fucking her mouth like it was a pussy. Pink moaned loudly as she let Jeezy have his way with her mouth until he finally came hard. Pink swallowed every drop as she stood up and headed for the shower. "Round two is in the bedroom," she chimed when she reached the top of the steps and then disappeared into the bedroom. Jeezy stood in the middle of the living room, with his pants down to his ankles with a puzzled look on his face. After a performance like that, there was no way he could stay mad with Pink.

  The Gambino Brothers

  Alex Gambino and his young brother Victor Gambino sat in a motel enjoying the company of two young black prostitutes. Something they did often since their one rule was to never be involved with anyone intimately due to the nature of their occupation.

  The Gambino Brothers would rob any and everything moving. If anyone ever got the drop on them, the first thing they would do was go for their wives or close loved ones, but the Gambino Brothers had no love ones. Their mother had died from an overdose of heroin and they had killed their father in fear that when he found out what they were doing he was going to turn them in. Since day one, all the Gambino Brothers had were each other.

  Alex, being the older one of the two, felt like it was his job to look after his younger brother Victor, but out of the two brothers Victor was the loose cannon. They both had enough money to retire and live the good life on a beach somewhere, but that wasn't what the Gambino Brothers were about. When someone spoke their names, the first thing that came to mind was violence, murder, and destruction. Their motto was anybody could get it. Being born and raised half of their lives in Mexico, the Gambino Brothers were no stranger to violence and poverty. They grew up rough and hard and they planned on dying that way.

  Victor smiled as he watched the two ladies in front of him eat out each other. He loved to watch women-on-women action. It was something about it that turned him all the way on.

  Alex stood and leaned against the wall, nursing a drink as he watched the show from a distance. He loved women, but he didn't trust them. He and his brother Victor had used plenty of women in their day to help set up their victims. Alex smiled as he continued to watch the show until he saw several shadow figures outside the window walking past at a slow creep. He quickly grabbed his Mossberg pump shotgun that he always held close by.

  Ever since Alex was a young boy, his weapon of choice had always been the Mossberg shotgun. No man on earth could operate the gun better than him. Alex raised his shotgun, aimed it at the window, and pulled the trigger. BOOM! Immediately both of the prostitutes screamed at the top of their lungs. Alex quickly cocked another round into the chamber and blew a hole through the front door. Seconds later the sound of automatic gun fire erupted throughout the motel room.

  Victor quickly reached down and grabbed his twin 45's, and placed his back to wall with his two guns pointed directly at the front door. He smiled as he waited for the intruders to come inside. Victor glanced over at his brother and gave him a head nod. Alex quickly nodded back as several African men barged into the room. Victor opened fired, dropping the men just as quickly as they entered. Once the gunfire ended, Alex and Victor slowly walked over the dead bodies and examined them.

  "Who the fuck would want us dead?" Victor chuckled stepping over the dead bodies.

  "A lot of people,” Alex said, "but I don’t recall us fucking with no Africans." That’s when he heard one of the intruders moaning and holding his bloody thigh. Alex quickly aimed his shotgun down at the man's head. "Who sent you?"

  "Fuck you," the African man said in a heavy accent. Alex was getting ready to say something else, but lost his train of thought when Victor pumped two rounds in the man's leg.

  "Okay, okay please don't shoot me no more!" The African man screamed out in pain.

  "Who sent you?" Alex asked again.

  "Montana," the African man squealed. He wasn't about to give up his boss so he gave the killers the second best answer.

  "Who the fuck is Montana?" Victor chimed in from the sideline, "and why does he want us dead?"

  "It was you two who killed and robbed Oscar and he was a big fish back in Africa and now you two are going to pay with your lives." The African man said with a bloody smile. POW! POW! Victor put two bullets in the African's head silencing him forever.

  "Damn!" Alex said. "What did you do that for? We could have gotten more information out of him."

  "Fuck him," Victor replied. "We got all the information we need so let’s go pay this Montana guy a visit." He said as he put a bullet in both of the prostitutes head before they left the motel.

  The Good Life

  "Ahhhh yes daddy! Tear this pussy up!" Pink moaned as she buried her face down into the pillow while Jeezy put in work. He had Pink with her face down and her ass sticking up in the air. Jeezy stroked her as if he was trying to punish her. The louder she moaned the harder he pumped.

  "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Pink screamed as she threw her ass back loving every stroke. She loved how Jeezy put it down in the bedroom. If it was one thing he knew how to do well, it was put it down in the bedroom. Jeezy quickly pulled out when he felt himself about to cum. Pink spun around quickly and sucked out every drop.

  "Damn!" Jeezy huffed laying on his back breathing heavily as he looked at his watch. "Damn I gotta get going."

  "Where are you going baby?" Pink asked. "You’re not coming to the club with me tonight?"

  "Nah, not tonight. I gotta drive up to the jail and go see Paige,” he reminded her.

  "Oh yeah that's right I forgot that was today,” Pink said as she headed for the shower. "Have fun," she yelled over her shoulder.

  Jeezy took a quick shower, got dressed, and was out the door in no time. Jeezy couldn't wait to see Paige face to face. Inside he was upset with himself for not going to see her yet, but he told himself from now on he would make a schedule for Paige. Jeezy could only imagine what she was going
through in there. If it wasn't for her, he don't know where he would be at right now. Jeezy was too busy trying to get everything set up for when Paige was released that he hadn’t managed to visit her yet, but he made sure he sent her money every week and he always sent her monthly packages of food. Paige was allowed 35lbs of food a month and Jeezy always made sure she had more than enough. Jeezy pulled up to the federal facility and looked at his iPhone that read 11:24 am. After getting searched and processed, he was finally allowed inside. The clock on visiting room wall read 12:35 pm. Jeezy sat in the visiting room waiting for Paige to come out from the back. He walked over to the vending machine and got a cheeseburger, a chicken sandwich, and a Sprite. He knew it was the closest thing to real food that she could have until she was released. He walked over to the microwave and patiently waited for Paige's food to warm up. As Jeezy stood over by the microwave, he looked at all the other women who had visitors. They all looked broke down and rough with the exception of a few. He felt sorry for all the women who were locked behind bars and away from their families. Twenty minutes later, Paige finally came out from the back.

  Jeezy smiled from ear to ear when he saw his fiancé walk through the doors. She looked thinner than the last time he had seen her, but he didn't care. He was just excited to see her.

  "Heeeeeey baby!" Paige sang happily, as she melted in Jeezy's arms hugging him tightly.

  "I missed you so much," Jeezy said as he and Paige kissed sloppily getting nasty stares from all the C.O.'s. Once the two finished kissing, Jeezy noticed a little bruise under Paige's eye.

  "Fuck happened to your eye?" Jeezy asked instantly getting upset.

  "Nothing,” Paige answered quickly as she sat down. “I’m fine. How have you been?" She tried to change the subject.

  "Well that bruise, under your eye don't look like nothing," Jeezy pointed out. "Have these bitches in here have been bothering you?"

  "I'm fine baby." Paige said struggling to fight back the tears. Inside she wanted to tell Jeezy the truth, but she didn't want him to be on the outside worrying about her. Paige knew what she had signed up for when she decided to take the charge.

  "Don't bullshit me!" Jeezy said in a strong whisper looking Paige in her eyes.

  Paige could no longer fight back the tears as she broke down. "Baby I hate it here! I want to come home!"

  "I know baby." Jeezy said feeling bad inside. He knew if it weren’t for him that, she wouldn't even be in this situation.

  "You don't have that much longer to go."

  "These bitches in here are so mean and nasty." Paige sobbed. "It's inhumane in here."

  "Is me sending you all the name brand shit you like getting you in trouble?" Jeezy asked. He remembered when he was locked up how other inmates would get jealous because Paige was sending him all the name brand snacks that other inmates couldn't get.

  "I'm just ready to come home.” “How's everything going on the outside?" she asked.

  "Ahead of schedule,” Jeezy told her. "Everything is looking real good baby and you know I'mma hold you down."

  Just hearing that made Paige feel good inside. She knew Jeezy had her back, but seeing him face to face and just being able to touch him made her feel even better. Sitting in the visiting room with Jeezy was Paige's way to escape from this hell hole. She didn't care if it was only for a few hours. It was better than nothing was.

  "Stay strong baby.” “In 14 months you'll be back home,” Jeezy told her. "I need you to be a soldier and thug this shit out."

  "I am baby," Paige said forcing a smile on her face. "Can you please come visit me more?"

  "Yes baby I got you. I just had to set everything up. Now that everything is all set up, I'll be up here to see you every week," Jeezy promised her.

  "I know I speak to you every night, but I really need to see you more often."

  "I got you baby," Jeezy promised her.

  When Jeezy pulled out of the federal facility, he felt good inside. He needed to see Paige just as much as she needed to see him. Jeezy felt bad that Paige was having problems inside because of the things he was sending her. He wanted her to have the things she needed, but at the same time, he didn't want her getting her face pounded in over it either. Jeezy told himself that Paige would be out soon to make himself feel better. He knew she was going to have to hold it down for the time being while he took care of business on the outside. The rain came down hard as Jeezy made his way back towards the city.


  Back at the strip club, Pink bounced her ass to the sound of Yo Gotti bumping through the speakers. She had made a killing with the Ecstasy pills tonight in the club. Not to mention one of her regulars named Tyrone had been spending money with her all night. Pink didn't know where or how Tyrone got his money, but as long as he was spending it on her she could care less. She shook her ass in Tyrone's face for hours until he was finally out of money. Once Pink realized that, the john was out of money she quickly headed over to the next john. You break one and go straight to the next one Pink thought as she scooped up all of her dollars from off the floor.

  "Where are you going baby?" Tyrone asked grabbing Pink by her forearm a little more roughly then he had planned.

  "You gotta pay to play baby!" Pink smiled as she jerked her arm away.

  "So you just gone take all my money and head over to the next nigga?" Tyrone huffed. He had spent all of his money on her in hopes that maybe Pink would throw him some pussy to show her thanks. Tyrone had been coming to the same strip club for the past two weeks spending all of his money on Pink and tonight it was going to pay off whether Pink liked it or not he thought as he watched her and her fat ass strut off.

  Pink quickly headed to the back and placed her money in her locker as she took a five minute break. Her thighs and calves were hurting from dancing all night. As Pink sat resting, she thought about Jeezy. It felt weird that he wasn't at the club with her tonight, but she knew he had to go up to the jail to see Paige. Pink didn't like it, but she knew what the deal was from the jump. The problem was Pink had fell in love with Jeezy and that wasn't how things were supposed to go. Pink and Jeezy were just supposed to be business partners, nothing more and nothing less. The more time Pink started spending with Jeezy the more she started feeling him and eventually fell in love with him. Now that the two were living together, it was a wrap in Pink's mind. Jeezy was her man and nobody was going to stop or come between that, point blank, period!

  When her five minute break was over, Pink put back on her stilettos and headed back out into the crowded club. She quickly found a spot on the pole and worked the pole for the rest of the night.

  After an hour of shaking her ass and sliding down the pole, Pink decided she was going to call it an early night and get home to her man. She missed Jeezy and wanted to surprise him by coming home early.

  Pink quickly changed out of her stripper outfit and threw on a pair of Good2Go leggings, a tight fitting shirt, some flats, and was on her way out the door. As Pink strolled through the parking lot she heard some footsteps coming from behind her at a fast pace.

  When Pink turned around she was quickly clothes lined down to the ground. Her body hit the ground like a sack of potatoes being dropped from a second floor window. Pink looked up and saw Tyrone standing over her.

  "Bitch I done spent all my damn money on you and you think you just gone leave without giving me anything?" Tyrone snarled as he reached down and snatched Pink's pocketbook. He kicked Pink in her ribs as he continued to try and intimidate her with his ice grill.

  "You got the money!” Pink yelled, “Now get the fuck outta here!" She could taste blood from her lip and her forearm was stinging badly.

  Tyrone licked his lips taking a step forward. "You know what I want," he said as he snatched Pink's shirt right off her back.

  Immediately Pink started kicking and screaming at the top of her lungs. Tyrone wanted to rape Pink right there in the parking lot, but she was screaming too loud and drawing too much attention, so instead h
e spun on his heels and took off running.

  "Punk, Motherfucker!" Pink yelled as she stood to her feet and picked her car keys up from off the ground. When she had been clothes lined, the strap on one of her shoes broke so Pink strolled through the rest of the parking lot bare foot. She hopped in her Audi and jetted out of the parking lot leaving the smell of burnt rubber in the air. Pink couldn't wait to get home and tell Jeezy what had happened. She knew when Jeezy caught up with Tyrone it wasn't going to be pretty.


  Jeezy sat on the couch eating some Popeye’s chicken and sipping on some vodka as the sound of Lil Wayne hummed at a medium volume through the speakers. Visiting with Paige had made his day. Jeezy's smile quickly turned into a frown when he saw Pink walk through the door bare foot with a busted lip.

  "What the fuck happened to you?" Jeezy stood to his feet examining Pink from head to toe.