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The Serial Cheater PT 2 Page 3

  “So what am I supposed to do, just be with one woman?” Cam asked looking at Truck like he was insane.

  “Listen Cam, you have a lot going for yourself right now. A lot of women see you as a meal ticket,” Truck explained. “And every one of them bitches wants to be Honey. All these women try to dress like her, act like her, and some even try to look like her,” he pointed out. “All I’m saying is upstairs in that bedroom; you have a “good woman”, a woman that would give her own life to save yours. Don’t fuck it up!”

  Just as those words left Trucks lips, the two men heard the doorbell ring.

  “Expecting company?” Truck asked looking over at Cam. He shook his head no as he watched Truck make his way over to the door. Seconds later Cam saw Yolanda step through the front door with a hurt and sad look on her face. He could tell that she had been stressing herself out since the last time the two had spoken.

  “Fuck you want?” Cam said in a cold nasty tone. He figured since Yolanda had dropped by she was there to meet his demands.

  “We need to talk,” Yolanda said making her way towards the bar.

  “I’m listening,” Cam sipped from his drink. On the outside he was acting cold, but on the inside it felt good to see Yolanda again and to be honest he kind of missed her. Of course he would never tell her that though.

  “We need to talk about this baby that’s in my stomach,” Yolanda said.

  “Boss if you need me, I’m going to be over here,” Truck said as he dismissed himself not wanting to hear anymore or be involved in Cam’s mess.

  “What do we have to talk about and why are you here? You know Honey don’t like you.”

  “Fuck Honey! I’m here to talk to you about a serious matter,” Yolanda huffed. “Me and you not speaking to one another is not helping the situation.”

  “And you keeping the baby is?” Cam shot back. “Having a baby ain’t gonna keep no man,” he said taking a shot. He knew just how to piss Yolanda off and that was his objective.

  “I’m not having this baby to keep you,” Yolanda corrected him. “I can raise this baby all on my own, but that’s not what I want to do. I want my child to know his father and I want my child to know that his father loves him or her.”

  “Fuck that!” Cam snapped. “You trying to have that baby so you can take all my money.”

  Immediately Yolanda knew that was the alcohol talking and not Cam. The Cam she knew and fell in love with would never speak to her in this manner. “Who are you and what’s gotten into you?”

  “Man listen, me and you ain’t together no more so I don’t see the point in you having this baby, point blank, period. Besides, how I even know its mines?” he said. It was a low blow, but at the moment Cam didn’t care.

  “How you know what’s yours?” Honey asked descending the stairs. She held a wine glass in her hand and a silk Chinese robe covered her naked body. It was as if she appeared out of nowhere and immediately Cam knew shit was about to get ugly. Honey’s manicured toes came down one step at a time until she was downstairs at the bar area along with Cam and Yolanda.

  “How do you know what’s yours?” Honey asked looking directly at Cam. She was still pissed off from earlier and she was looking for any reason to act a fool.

  “Go back upstairs baby,” Cam said in a smooth tone. “Yolanda was just leaving.”

  “What the fuck is this bitch doing here and why the fuck is she in my house!?” Honey asked raising her voice. She was drunk and didn’t give a fuck about nothing no more.

  “I’m here because I’m pregnant,” Yolanda said spilling the beans.

  “By who?” Honey asked with a raised brow. “Pregnant by who?”

  Before things got out of hand, Truck stepped in between Honey and Cam.

  “You still out here fucking this raggedy ass bitch!?” Honey snapped taking a step forward, but Truck stopped her progress. “You see, you gonna make me kill one of these nondescript bitches!”

  “Why don’t you calm the fuck down?!” Yolanda said. “This ain’t got nothing to do with you!”

  Honey tossed her drink in Yolanda’s face. “I’m tired ya mouth hoe!”

  Truck quickly had to scramble over to Yolanda and keep the two women separated. While Truck held Yolanda back, Honey snuck in a cheap shot and stole on Cam and tried to scratch his eyes out. In the heat of the battle, Cam slammed Honey down to the floor and restrained her.

  “Yo chill the fuck out!” Cam yelled as he forcefully yanked Honey up to her feet and roughly escorted her up the stairs.

  As Yolanda and Truck stood downstairs they heard loud noises coming from upstairs, noises that sounded like furniture was being moved, ugly curse words filled the air, and then seconds later Cam returned downstairs with a few scratches on his face and neck.

  “You alright?” Yolanda asked. Her and Cam might not have been on good terms at the moment, but she still had a soft spot for him in her heart.

  “I’m good.”

  “You got some alcohol or peroxide here?”

  “I said I’m good,” Cam huffed as he ran his hand over his head. “Listen, I think it would be best for the both of us if you got rid of the baby. All it’s going to do is continue to cause problems.”

  “Problems for who?” Yolanda folded her arms across her chest. “I know you ain’t talking about that bitch upstairs.”

  Cam said nothing, but the look on his face said it all.

  “You a real scum bag,” Yolanda said as tears rolled down her cheeks. “Fuck you! I’m having my baby and if you don’t want to be a part of me and this baby’s life, then that’s your loss,” she said and then stormed off.

  “Yolanda wait,” Cam called out. “Please don’t do this.”

  “Fuck you!” was all Yolanda said and just like that she was gone.

  “Looks like you done gone and got yourself caught up in the middle of some shit, some serious shit at that,” Truck pointed out.

  “Yeah I know.”

  “So how do you plan on getting yourself out of this one?”

  “I have no idea,” Cam said with a defeated look on his face.

  Seconds later Honey came storming down the steps with a duffle bag in her hand and an attitude on her face.

  “Where you going?” Cam asked.

  “I ain’t fucking with you no more,” was Honey’s response. “You still wanna play these childish games and I’m too old for that bullshit.”

  “So that’s what you do? When shit get a little rough, you break out on a nigga?”

  “I ain’t breaking out nothing. If you were to treat me the way I treat...”

  “Just get the fuck out!” Cam said rudely cutting Honey off. If she wanted to leave, he wasn’t about to beg her to stay. “You ain’t doing shit but slowing me down anyway,” he said with a flick of his wrist in a dismissive manner.

  “You ain’t shit! I hate you!” Honey spat and then walked out the front door.

  “I better go with her to make sure she’s okay and doesn’t do anything stupid,” Truck said.

  “Fuck that bitch!” Cam slurred. He was tired of all the bullshit. If Honey didn’t want to be with him no more than so be it. She would now be another man’s problem.

  “I’mma go make sure she’s alright,” Truck said as he went after Honey.

  Chapter 11


  When Yolanda pulled up in front of her house she spotted an unfamiliar car parked by her driveway. She couldn’t see who was inside, but from where she sat it looked to be a man’s silhouette. When she pulled into the driveway she noticed both the driver and passenger door of the mystery car open and out hopped two men. At first Yolanda was nervous, that was until she recognized the two men as Peanut and Red.

  “Well look what we have here,” Red said in a slurred tone as he undressed Yolanda with his eyes.

  Yolanda rolled her eyes and then looked at Peanut. “What do you two fools want?”

  “Just here looking for Cam,” Peanut said in a neutral tone.
“Why don’t you go inside and tell him to come out here?”

  From the two men’s body language, Yolanda could tell that they were strapped and probably planned on doing harm to Cam. Her and Cam might have been beefing at the moment, but he was still the father of her unborn child and she didn’t want to see anything bad happen to him. “He ain’t here.”

  “Then where is he?” Peanut asked with a raised brow.

  Yolanda said, “I don’t know. I don’t fuck with him no more.”

  “Word?” Peanut said with a disbelieving look on his face. “Listen, stop playing and tell us where this nigga Cam is at.”

  “I just told you, I don’t...”

  Before Yolanda could finish her sentence, Peanut backed out a chrome .45 and put it to her head. Right on cue Red snatched Yolanda’s two thousand dollar bag out of her hand, removed the house keys, and let himself inside her home.

  Peanut roughly shoved Yolanda through the front door and tossed her down to the floor.

  “Peanut why are you doing this?” Yolanda cried. “Cam is your cousin,” she pointed out hoping that, that would make him rethink the foul act that he was getting ready to commit.

  “That nigga ain’t my cousin,” Peanut said with his face crumbled up. “That nigga is a sellout.”

  Peanut was jealous of Cam’s success and he hated him for not giving him a free handout and letting him ride his wave for free. In Peanut’s mind, he felt that Cam took better care of his women than he did his own family.

  “Peanut please don’t do this. I’m pregnant,” Yolanda pleaded.

  “Now niggaz is pregnant.” Peanut shook his head with a disgusted look on his face. “I thought you just told me that you don’t fuck with Cam no more?”

  After searching the entire house to make sure they were alone Red returned and handcuffed Yolanda’s hands behind her back.

  “Where the bread at?” Red asked with a hungry look in his eyes.

  “Tell us where the money is and I won’t hurt you,” Peanut said. “Please don’t make me do something that I don’t want to do.”

  Yolanda could tell that if she didn’t tell Peanut where Cam’s stash was, that he would make good on his threats.

  “There’s a safe in our bedroom, in the back of the walk in closet. The combination is 55,4,15,” Yolanda told him. She watched as Red ran upstairs towards their bedroom.

  “You used to be cool,” Yolanda said looking up at Peanut. “What happened to you?”

  “You know what they say… Niggaz is cool until they ain’t cool,” Peanut smirked. “It didn’t have to be like this. All Cam had to do was look out for his family.”

  “You’re a grown ass man! Why would you even want another man to have to take care of you?” Yolanda spat. She then received a kick to the face from Peanut for her disrespect.

  Minutes later Red returned with a half full pillowcase in his hand. “Jackpot,” he said with a smile smeared across his face.

  Before Peanut had to chance to reply, the front door came busting open catching everyone off guard. In charged a man wearing all black with a black ski mask covering his face and a gun in his hand followed by a second gunman.

  Yolanda watched in horror as the gunman blew Peanut’s head off right in front of her sending blood and brain fragments splashing across her face. The gunman then turned his attention to Red who stood frozen like a deer caught in the headlights. The first bullet exploded in his chest while the second one placed a gaping hole in his throat.

  The gunman then turned his focus on Yolanda.

  “Please don’t do this,” Yolanda pleaded with tears running down her face.

  The gunman fired off two more shot and then he was out the door. The two bullets exploded in Yolanda’s chest with extreme force leaving her lying on the floor to die in a pool of her own blood.

  * * *

  Cam laid sleep on the couch when he was awakened by a loud knock at his door. Cam jumped up and the first thing he thought was it had to be the cops at his door. He opened the door and on the other side stood one of Yolanda’s friends, a skinny chick by the name of Rose. Cam and Rose never really seen eye to eye due to the fact of Cam and all of his other women. Rose always went out of her way to tell Yolanda some foul shit about him.

  “Fuck you doing here?” Cam asked giving Rose an ugly look.

  “Yolanda has just been shot!” Rose said in a panicked tone of voice. “We have to get to the hospital!”

  “What happened? Slow down... Shot, who got shot?”


  “Bullshit! “Cam said in disbelief. “She just left here no longer than an hour ago.”

  “Fuck all that! We need to get to the hospital!” Rose said with urgency.

  Cam threw on a pair of jeans, a white tee, and was out the door in a flash. Him and Rose hopped in his Benz and made a beeline straight to the hospital.

  “Who in their right mind would want to shoot Yolanda?” Rose said out loud. “Does she have any enemies?”

  “No everyone loves Yolanda. You know that,” Cam said keeping his eyes on the road.

  “Mmm...hmmm,” Rose huffed giving Cam the evil eye. “Probably one of your crazy ass bitches, who shot her.”

  All Cam could do was shake his head. He thought about replying, but decided against it. At the moment he didn’t feel like going back and forth with a man basher like Rose.

  “You ain’t gonna learn about playing with a woman’s heart until one of these women fuck around and kills you,” Rose said. “People like you don’t get it until it’s too late and that’s sad.”

  “Do you have a man? No I didn’t think so!” Cam said not even giving Rose a chance to respond. “It’s always you chicks that ain’t got no man trying to give relationship advice. If you were such an expert on relationships, then why are you single?”

  “Cause I choose to be, that’s why.”

  “Yeah I know,” Cam said sarcastically.

  “Can’t no man do nothing for me that I can’t do for myself,” Rose capped back. “I have my own. I’m not one of those chicks that have to put up with a whole bunch of bullshit to keep a man. If a man is too stupid to not know my worth, then I’ll just be by myself.”

  “You just jealous because Yolanda got a man and you don’t,” Cam said.

  “Jealous?” Rose echoed with her face crumbled up. “Let me explain something to you,” she said turning to face him. “First of all, Yolanda doesn’t have a man, she has a little ass boy that thinks he’s God’s gift to women when in all actuality he’s more of a curse than a gift. You don’t even know what it is to be a real man, so don’t speak that jealous shit to me.”

  Cam got a kick out of ruffling Rose’s feathers. To him it was funny to see her get all worked up over nothing. “Like I said, you jealous cause if you wasn’t you would be happy for Yolanda.”

  “Happy that she’s in the hospital probably because one of them ratchet bitches you fuck with done shot her?” Rose shook her head. “Yeah I’m super jealous, matter fact don’t say shit else to me. You’re an ignorant classless fool!”

  Cam pulled up to the hospital and stormed inside with Rose hot on his heels. He tried to enter Yolanda’s room, but was stopped immediately by a detective.

  “Sorry no one is allowed pass this point,” the detective said placing a firm hand on Cam’s chest.

  “That’s my girl. I have to make sure she’s alright,” Cam said.

  “Sir the doctors are in there operating. No one is allowed back there at the moment,” the detective told him.

  “Is it bad?”

  “Detective Washington,” the detective said extending his hand to Cam.

  Cam looked down at the detective’s hand like it had just been removed from a toilet bowl and left him hanging. Hood rule #101, fuck the police.

  “Did Yolanda have any enemies that would have wanted to hurt her?” Detective Washington asked as he removed a pen and small pad from his pocket.

  “Yo check this out,” Cam said
in a frustrated tone. “My shorty is laid up in a fucking hospital bed. I’m not really in the mood to be answering no bullshit questions.”

  “With or without you, I’m going to get to the bottom of this,” Detective Washington told him.

  Right at that very moment, a light bulb went off in Cam’s head. He quickly turned and exited the hospital leaving Rose and Detective Washington just standing there with a confused look on their faces. He hopped in his Benz and peeled out of the hospital parking lot like a mad man.

  Chapter 12


  Blondie stood in her kitchen dressed in all black with a shot glass in her hand. She quickly threw back the Vodka and downed the liquid fire in one gulp. She knew what she was getting ready to do was wrong, but to earn Cam’s love she was willing to do whatever it took.

  “Get it together,” she coached herself as she heard a loud strong knock at the door. Blondie walked over to the door, looked through the peep hole, and smiled.

  “Heeeey baby,” she sang in a happy tone as she opened the door and saw Cam standing on the other side.

  “Bitch!” Cam growled as he wrapped his hands around Blondie’s neck and forced her back inside of her apartment. Before Blondie got a chance to say a word, Cam had already slapped the taste out of her mouth.

  “Cam stop please!” Blondie yelled as she did her best to cover her face and stop Cam from rearranging her face.

  Cam got up and kicked Blondie in her ribs. “Bitch I told you to hurt Yolanda, not shoot her!” he yelled as he delivered another kick to her ribs.

  “What are you talking about? I didn’t shoot anyone!” Blondie yelled from down on the floor. She had a scared and nervous look on her face.

  “Stop lying!” Cam yelled and faked like he was going to hit Blondie again causing her to flinch.

  “I’m not lying! I swear to God!” Blondie yelled through a bloody mouth and a busted lip. “I was just getting ready to go handle that now,” she pleaded.