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Business is Business PT 4 Page 2

  Just as Derrick was about to go peek his head out of his cell and see what was going on, a Columbian man with a long ponytail ran up in Derrick’s cell screaming with a shank in his hand. The Columbian man swung the shank with bad intentions and sliced Derrick across his chest. The Columbian went to land another knife strike when Derrick caught him with a quick left hook that snapped The Columbian man’s head to the left. Derrick quickly grabbed The Columbian man’s knife hand as the two fought and struggled for possession of the knife as they tore the small cell up in the process. They both tossed each other against the wall back and forth before Derrick kneed The Columbian man in the groin as the two men went spilling out of the cell on to the tier. The Columbian man landed a vicious head butt that instantly drew blood from Derrick’s nose. Derrick went to grab his nose and, the Columbian didn’t waste any time jamming the knife into Derrick’s shoulder all the way to the handle.

  “Arghhh!” Derrick screamed in pain as he felt the sharp blade pierce through his flesh. The Columbian tried to take advantage of the situation and land a powerful right hook, but Derrick ducked the punch just in time and used the Columbian’s momentum to toss him over the banister and off the top tier. Several other inmates cooed with a loud, “ooooooooooh!” When they saw The Columbian man’s body smack violently onto the floor.

  “Shit!” Derrick growled as he snatched the knife out of his shoulder and tossed it on the floor. Before Derrick could do anything else, he was roughly tackled down to the floor by several big correction officers. One officer placed his knee on the back of Derrick’s neck while his partners handcuffed him and dragged him away yelling and screaming.

  Chapter 6


  Mike laid in the hospital bed with a stressed out look on his face. At the foot of his bed sitting in a foldout chair was another detective questioning him. The detective was asking the same questions over and over again but in different ways and it was really beginning to piss Mike off.

  “Listen man. I told you over and over again that Jimmy Mason broke into my house and tried to kill me. I fought him off and barely escaped with my life.”

  “Any reason why Jimmy Mason would want you killed?” The detective asked with a raised brow. “I mean if he went through all the trouble to break into your home and try to kill you it has to be for a reason.”

  “Well I wish I could have stayed and asked him but I was too busy trying to dodge bullets,” Mike said sarcastically. He was tired of being interrogated and was ready to be released from the hospital.”

  “Thank you for your cooperation detective Brown,” the detective said as he finally stood up and exited the room leaving Mike all alone with just him and his thoughts.

  Mike winced in pain as he sat up and looked down at his watch. Every cop in world was already looking for Jimmy, so he knew it would only be a matter of time before he was caught. Now it was time to focus on getting rid of Eric. Mike felt bad about putting the entire family in jail, but he had no choice as long the Mason family was free and alive they wouldn’t stop coming for him until he was no longer breathing that’s why he had to strategically take out each member of the family one by one. The good thing about the situation was that Mike knew all of the family’s secrets and was willing to use that to his advantage. Derrick was already in jail, Jimmy was on his way to jail, and now all that was left was Eric.

  Chapter 7


  Eric stepped foot into the empty nightclub with Pistol Pete right behind him. It was three o’clock in the afternoon and the club wasn’t scheduled to open for hours. Eric and Pistol Pete weren’t there to party; instead, they were there because the owner invited them to the club so they could talk business. Eric approached the bar and spotted a beautiful Latin woman cleaning a few glasses; her long wavy hair was pinned up in a sloppy bun. “Excuse me; I’m looking for Winston, would you happen to know where I can find him.”

  “Sure,” The Latin woman said with a bright smile on her face. “Give me one second and I’ll go get him for you.”

  “Thank you,” Eric said as he watched the woman’s ass switch all the way upstairs. “Damn, Miami might not be that bad after all.”

  Two minutes later Winston walked down stairs dressed in a gray suit, the top four buttons on his dress shirt were left unbuttoned, showing off two thin gold chains that hugged his neck. “Gentlemen it’s nice to meet you,” Winston said with a smile as he extended his hand.

  “Pleasure’s all mines,” Eric gave Winston’s hand a firm grip.

  “If you gentlemen don’t mind, would you follow me to my office?” Winston led Eric and Pistol Pete upstairs to his office and poured three strong drinks. “Okay so I’m not going to waste you guys time. I’m going to get straight to it,” he handed both men their drinks. “I want you to invest in my club,” Winston said looking at Eric. “I want you to be a silent partner this will be a great investment for you because you’ll see an instant return on your investment.”

  “Well if business is doing so well then what do you need me for?” Eric raised his glass up to his lips and took a sip.

  “Well it’s like this. I want to buy a few supermarkets, but I don’t have the cash handy,” Winston explained. “So the money you invest will make us 50/50 partners and I’ll use that capital to get my supermarkets. Sounds like a win-win to me, not to mention, I’m sure I’ll be able to learn so much working beside a business mastermind like yourself.” Winston knew all about the Mason family. He had done his research and became very fond of Eric Mason and his business endeavors. By doing research, Winston realized that it was Eric Mason’s businesses that really put the Mason family on top. With all of Eric’s businesses, the Mason family was able to clean boatloads of drug money and Winston wanted a person like that on his team.

  “I don’t know too much about Miami so I’ll have to think about it,” Eric sipped his drink. “I’m sure you’ve heard about my family’s reputation.”

  “Why yes of course I have,” Winston answered quickly.

  “Good because the first sign of any shady business from you and I’ll have your brains blow out and mailed to your family,” Eric said looking Winston straight in the eyes. “I’ll be in touch,” he said as him and Pistol Pete stood then headed for the exit. Once outside the club, Pistol Pete spoke freely. “What you think? Does it sound like a good deal?”

  “Not for me,” Eric paused. “But it sounds like a good deal for you.”

  “Yeah right, I wish I had that type of cash laying around,” Pistol Pete chuckled feeling a little embarrassed that his money wasn’t as long as it should have been.

  “I don’t want nothing to do with that club,” Eric said in a serious tone. “But what I am going to do is put up the money for you.” He looked at Pistol Pete and flashed a smile. “Congratulations, you are about to be a club owner.”

  “Nah I can’t take that much money from you,” Pistol Pete waved him off. His pride wouldn’t allow him to take Eric’s money Pistol Pete was from the old school.

  “This is nonnegotiable,” Eric said quickly. “It’s free money all you have to do is let Winston do all the work while you collect free money maybe go check on the club twice a year just so your face can be seen here and there and you’ll be good.”

  “Thank you so much Eric, I really appreciate all this, and I promise I’ll work this debt off cause as you know, I won’t be able to sleep until I pay you back every penny.” Pistol Pete said.

  “I’ll have Mr. Goldberg fly out here in a few days and get all the paper work squared away,” Eric winked. “You are now officially a business man, congratulations.”

  Chapter 8

  The Black Dragon

  The tall, muscular Colombian guard walked back and forth with his A.K. resting on his shoulder. A cigarette hung loosely from his lips as he scanned the area. He loved his job especially since he knew there wouldn’t be anyone crazy enough to ever try and attack Chico at his mansion, so in his eyes, this was free money. The guard lea
ned up against the iron gate, removed a flask from his pocket, and enjoy himself a sip of vodka. He went to take another pull from his cigarette when a gloved hand roughly covered his mouth as a sharp icepick was forced repeatedly down into his neck, spilling blood everywhere. The Black Dragon quickly dragged the guard’s body over into the bushes where he was sure that no one would find it at this time of night. The Black Dragon quickly glanced over both shoulder before hopping the iron gate. He landed on his feet, removed his silenced 9mm from its holster, and inched his way towards the front of the mansion. The Black Dragon made his way towards the front door when out of nowhere, the front door opened, and two guards stepped out. The Black Dragon quickly put the two guards down with headshots. Before he had a chance to move their bodies, another guard came around the corner followed by a canine dog.

  “Hey!” The guard yelled before a bullet hit him right between the eyes. When the canine spotted the guard drop to the ground, he quickly took off in the direction of the assassin with his sharp teeth showing. Without hesitation, the Black Dragon raised his silenced weapon and blew half of the dogs face off.


  The Black Dragon slammed a fresh clip in the base of his gun and then entered the mansion. He stepped foot inside and quickly hid behind a statue as three guards came running towards the front door. The Black Dragon patiently waited for the trio to run past him before he sprung from behind the statue and put all three gunmen down with headshots. He moved throughout the mansion with the stealth of a cat burglar. The Black Dragon crept up on another guard from behind, grabbed him, and slit his throat from ear to ear before the guard’s body hit the floor. The Black Dragon felt a fist smash into the back of his head from behind. The blow staggered him but didn’t drop him. The Black Dragon spun and saw the guard raising his A.K. He quickly took off in a sprint as the guard squeezed down on the trigger and swayed his arms back and forth. The Black Dragon ran as fast as he could and dived out into the hallway just as bullets decorated the wall right where his head used to be. The guard kept his finger down on the trigger as he followed the Black Dragon out into the hallway, when the guard stepped out into the hall the assassin was nowhere to be found.

  “Shit!” The guard mumbled under his breath as he slowly inched his way down the hall, he heard a noise behind him, and then suddenly his feet were swept out from under him. The guard’s head bounced violently off the hardwood floor. Just as the Black Dragon readied to put a bullet in the guard’s head, he felt a strong pair of arms grab him from behind in a bear hug. He quickly pushed himself backwards and rammed the guard’s back into the wall. From there, the Black Dragon delivered an elbow to the guard’s rib, and then hip tossed him down to the hardwood floor. Before he could finish the guard off the other guard peeled himself up off the floor and charged the assassin. The guard hit the Black Dragon hard and lifted him off his feet as the two men went crashing through the door of one of the guest rooms. The Black Dragon made it to his feet and delivered a lightning-fast eight-punch combination that left the guard’s face a bloody mess. He then finished him off with a crushing openhanded blow to the nose. Before the guard’s body even hit the floor, the other guard entered the room swinging with bad intentions. The Black Dragon easily weaved five punches back to back, and then landed two punches of his own. From the way that the guard took the punches, the Black Dragon could tell that the man standing before him couldn’t take his power. The Black Dragon landed a jab that violently snapped the guard’s head back he went to finish the guard off with a roundhouse kick to the face, but the guard caught his leg along with the rest of his body in midair and forcefully slammed him down to the floor. The guard climbed on top of the assassin and started raining blows down on his face. “Yeah motherfucker! What’s up now?” He growled as he unloaded on the assassin.

  The Black Dragon took the first two punches well, but on the third punch, he caught the guard’s arm and slipped it into an armbar. He applied pressure on the guard’s arm until he heard it snap.


  “Urrrgh!” The guard howled in pain as he felt the assassin slip behind him and put him a chokehold. The Black Dragon violent snapped the guard’s neck, and then tossed the man’s body to the floor as if it was trash. He pulled his back up gun from his leg holster and continued on throughout the mansion.

  * * *

  Chico and his daughter’s mother laid in the bed watching a new web series called, The Hand I Was Dealt. He had been hearing about the series, but this was his first time actually getting around to watching it and he had to admit that it was very good from the first episode. The web series was interrupted when a loud series of gunshots ripped through the air.

  Chico quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed the dessert eagle that rested under his pillow. The first thing that came to his mind was to protect his daughter who was asleep in her room down the hall. Chico snatched his bedroom door open and froze when he saw a gunman holding a gun to his eight-year-old daughter’s head.

  “Whoa!” Chico said raising his hands in surrender. “Listen man I don’t know who you are but if you want money I have plenty of it. It’s yours just let the girl go.”

  “I was sent by Eric Mason. He asked me to deliver a message,” The Black Dragon said as he pressed the barrel of his gun even further into the back of the little girl’s skull. “Drop your weapon.”

  Chico quickly laid his gun down on the floor. “Whatever you want just don’t hurt my daughter,” he pleaded.

  “Eric Mason asked that you call the hit off or else everyday one of your love one’s will die!” The Black Dragon said. “If you do not agree with these terms trust and believe you will be seeing me again.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want just please don’t hurt my daughter,” Chico begged.

  “Call the hit!”

  Chico slowly grabbed his cell phone and made a call. “Yeah it’s me leave the Mason family alone. The hit is off!” He yelled into his cell phone. “Call it off!”

  “You sure boss because we have eyes on Eric Mason right now and he’s only with one other guy. I can take him out right now if you want?” The caller on the other end said.

  “I said the hit is off, do you hear me? It’s off bring all the troops back home!” Chico yelled then ended the call.

  The Black Dragon looked Chico in the eyes and pulled the trigger as Chico’s daughter’s lifeless body crumbled down to the floor.


  “Noooo!” Chico yelled.

  The Black Dragon then lowered his gun and shot Chico in the leg. He then turned his gun on Chico’s girlfriend and put a bullet right in the middle of her forehead. “Leave the Mason family alone because trust and believe me, you don’t ever want to see my face again!” The Black Dragon growled before he disappeared out of the bedroom leaving Chico laid on the floor with a bullet in his leg and a lot to think about.

  Chapter 9


  Jimmy Mason laid on the bed in his hotel room staring up at the ceiling. Every cop in the world was looking for him, not to mention he still feared for his life. Yeah Eric had called him and told him that the bounty on the Mason family’s head had been removed, but Jimmy didn’t trust Chico or the rest of those Colombian assholes.

  The bathroom door opened and Cherokee stepped out dressed in a nice form fitting, tight black dress. She sat on the bed next to Jimmy and rubbed his back. “Don’t worry about nothing baby. Everything is going to be okay.” She said. “The lawyer said that you’ll only be in there for 72 hours, max.”

  “Yeah I know but that Columbian fuck, Chico has hitters everywhere, especially on the inside,” Jimmy said. He had heard about how one of those Columbian hitmen had tried to take out Derrick while he was on the inside and knew there were plenty of more Columbian hitmen on lock down likely waiting for him to show up.

  “You’re going to be fine and I’ll be right here on the outside waiting for you when you get out,” Cherokee leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. Jimmy sat
up when he heard a knock at the door. He quickly grabbed his .45 from off the nightstand and made his way over to the door. Jimmy peeked through the peephole, then opened the door and stepped to the side. Mr. Goldberg stepped inside the room with a pleasant look on his face. “How you feeling today Jimmy?”

  “Like shit!” Jimmy capped back. Today he was turning himself in to the police, something he vowed that he would never do.

  “All that the cops have is speculation,” Mr. Goldberg began. “And even if what Mike is saying is true, they would have to prove that.”

  “You sure I’ll be getting right back out?” Jimmy asked with a nervous look on his face. Jail was the last place that anyone wanted to be especially by choice.

  “Positive,” Mr. Goldberg said with a smirk on his face. “You are innocent until proven guilty, besides all they really want to do is question you about all those bodies they found left behind at the Mason family’s mansion. You’ll more than likely be out by tonight. I just said 72 hours as worst case scenario.”

  “Come on, let’s go and get this over with,” Jimmy huffed.

  Chapter 10

  Jack Mason

  Jack Mason sat in his powder-blue Benz with the top down; talking to some white girl with long blonde hair and breasts that she paid for, which were the size of baby watermelons. He had been enjoying his life and enjoying his wealth even more. Jack let his hand slip down to the white girl’s ass as he kicked his best super fly game he could think of. “So how about you go out with me for dinner to tonight?”