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Never Be The Same Page 13

  Jeezy stood there with a stupid look on his face as he watched Paige storm up the stairs to their bedroom and slam the door behind her.

  "I fucked up" Jeezy said to himself burying his head into his hands. He knew for sure once all this was over Paige would definitely leave him for good and he couldn't blame nobody but himself if she did.


  Hov sat at his kitchen table with an assault rifle within arm’s reach. He still couldn't believe him and his team managed to let the Gambino Brothers escape without a scratch on them. It really didn't matter because the Gambino Brothers were going to have to pay for what they did to Hov's son one way or another. Hov poured himself a shot of Vodka when he heard someone ringing his door bell. Hov looked through the peep hole and quickly opened the door. "Hey baby what's up?"

  "I need to talk to you." Pink walked up in Hov's house crying.

  "What's wrong baby?" Hov asked his voice full of concern.

  "I just got attacked,” Pink cried. "My neighbor’s boyfriend just attacked me,” she lied. She knew Hov had a soft spot for her and hearing that she had been attacked would definitely grab his full attention.

  "Calm down baby and start from the top" Hov said sitting Pink down on the couch.

  "I was coming out of my house and out of nowhere my neighbor’s boyfriend attacked me,” Pink lied with a straight face.

  "Don't worry about it baby I’mma take care of it,” Hov said in a calm voice as he walked in the other room to take a phone call.

  Pink had been seeing Hov for the past month and she still didn't know what he did for a living. Every time his phone rung Hov would always take the call in another room. Pink didn't know exactly what Hov did for a living, but from how secretive he was, she figured it was something illegal. Minutes later Hov returned to living room. "I have to go take care of something but I'll be back later," he said leaning down kissing Pink on the lips. "Don't leave until I get back," he told her as he made his exit.

  Outside Alpo sat in the driver seat of his Range Rover waiting for Hov. Montana had wanted to see them and speak to them about what had went down the other night with the Gambino Brothers.


  Montana sat in his office going over a few stock updates with his stock broker. Ever since the hit with the Gambino Brothers went sour, he made sure he upped his security just to be on the safe side. Montana had money so he wasn't afraid of the Gambino Brothers. What bothered him was the fact that now he had to look over his shoulder every five minutes.

  Montana quickly dismissed his stock broker when Hov and Alpo walked in his office. Once the stock broker was out of earshot Montana spoke. "How in the world did y’all let the Gambino Brothers get away?"

  "Them pussies’ were running for their lives,” Alpo replied. "I thought you said these guys were heartless killers? Those bitches ain't look like no killers to me."

  "Trust me these guys are the real thing," Montana said. "And now since y'all missed the hit these wild cowboys are going to be on my ass."

  "I still have my people's hunting for those clowns," Hov said in a calm tone. "They are going to have to pay for shooting my son."

  "The easiest way to find those guys is to piss them off" Montana smiled. Then you wouldn't have to go looking for them, they would definitely come looking for you."

  "You should have been told me that,” Alpo said. He didn't like the Gambino Brothers or anybody else who thought they were bullet proof. His motto was simple, “you don't fuck with me, and I won't fuck with you,” but now since his right hand man's son had been shot in an attempted robbery it was on.

  "Listen I called you two down here cause I got some info for you" Montana said sliding a picture across the table to Hov. He looked at it for a few seconds. "Who is this bitch?"

  "Her name is Peaches,” Montana smiled. "One of my hoes told me they heard her in the nail shop crying about how she had to leave her man Alex Gambino. Now if this is the same Alex Gambino I know then we got his ass. All y’all have to do is follow the chick and wait for Alex to show up."

  "You sure this is his bitch," Alpo asked while looking at the picture.

  "Only one way to find out,” Montana said. "I just hope y'all find them before they find me."

  "I'm on it," Hov said as he and Alpo stood up to leave. "When I get a lead on this I'll give you a ring."

  Montana replied with a simple head nod. He prayed that Hov and Alpo caught up with the Gambino Brothers before things got too out of hand.


  Outside the Gambino Brothers pulled up across the street from Montana's house. Just as they were about to get out the car Alex spotted Hov and Alpo leaving.

  "You see I told you Montana set us up" he pointed out. Victor grabbed his two 45's and was about to get out the car until Alex stopped him. "Hold up, one thing at a time. We are here for Montana. They’re next."

  Once the Range Rover was out of sight, the Gambino Brothers exited their car.


  Montana sat in his hot tub, trying to relax and take his mind off of the Gambino Brothers. Just as he leaned his head back and rested, his eyes they shot back open when the sound of loud gunfire could be heard coming from downstairs. Montana quickly hopped out the tub butt naked, dripping wet, slipping, and sliding all over the place.

  Bits of broken glass crackled under Alex's boots as he made his way upstairs in search for Montana.

  Upstairs Montana scrambled to the master bed room searching for a gun, but the footsteps he heard coming from behind him made him nervous to where he couldn't think straight.

  "Looking for something,” Alex asked cocking his shotgun. When Montana heard the paralyzing sound of the gun cock behind him he nearly shitted on himself. "Wait I can explain,” he said turning around butt naked with his hands up in a surrendering position.

  "It's not what you think."

  "Oh really," Alex said with a smirk as he aimed his shotgun at Montana's leg and pulled the trigger. Montana hit the floor with a hard thud as if he had been thrown off of a roof as he screamed out in pain clutching his leg.

  "Please don't do this,” Montana begged.

  "Why did you set us up" Victor asked entering the bedroom.

  "Because y’all robbed a heavy hitter, a Made-guy," Montana said with pain written all over his face. "Someone that was untouchable."

  "Everyone is touchable,” Victor said putting another bullet in Montana's other leg. "Now who's the untouchable guy?"

  "His name is Hov," Montana told him. "If you kill me the people I'm connected with will hunt you forever and they will find you."

  "We look forward to it," Alex said blowing Montana's brains out to the other side of the room. Next on their list was Hov.


  When Hov made it back home, he saw Pink sleeping on the couch. He smiled at how innocent she looked while she was asleep. Hov really liked Pink, but he needed to know a little bit more about her before he could take it to the next level with her. Hov and his crew were called "The Untouchables,” no matter what crew went up against them Hov's crew always came out on top. Hov never had any problems. That’s why when his son was shot it really messed with him. He couldn't believe someone had the balls to try and take something from him and shoot his innocent son in the process. Things like that didn't happen to made men. The beef between him and the Gambino Brothers wasn't business it was very personal.

  "Hey baby I didn't even hear you come in,” Pink yawned and stretched at the same time.

  "You were looking so peaceful I didn't want to bother you," Hov said pouring himself a shot of dark liquor. Pink quickly went in the bathroom and brushed her teeth before she returned and gave Hov a big kiss. "I missed you while you were gone,” she kissed him again.

  "What's been on your mind? You have been kind of distant lately?”

  "Just thinking about my son," Hov said honestly.

  "So why don't you go get him and bring him here?" Pink asked.

  "Recently one of my other houses were robbe
d and in the process my son took a bullet to the leg. Now his mother is so scared that she took him and moved out of town," Hov said. "Now when I go to see him, he is so scared to be around me thinking someone is going to try to kill us."

  All Pink could say was, "Damn,”.” Just by looking at Hov, she wouldn't have been able to tell that he was such a powerful player in the game. "Do you know who shot your son?"

  “I have a possibility," Hov said not wanting to reveal too much information.

  "I know just what you need,” Pink said leading Hov upstairs to the master bedroom. Upstairs Pink stripped Hov naked and made him lay flat on his stomach. Then she slid on his back and gave him a nice massage. After the massage, Pink rolled Hov onto his back, slid down on top of his already hard dick, and rode him nice and slow.

  I Need This Gig

  Jeezy woke up on the couch when he heard movement in the kitchen. When he looked up he saw Paige in the kitchen dressed in a pair of black slacks and a nice black blouse standing in front of the counter making her something to eat.

  "Good morning baby,” Jeezy stretched.

  "Hey,” Paige replied dryly.

  "Did you make me something to eat?"

  "Why don't you tell your bitch to make you something to eat,” Paige said still mad about the whole Pink situation. Jeezy knew better than to try and talk to her while she was in one of these kinds of moods so instead he just went upstairs to go take a shower.

  When he returned back downstairs, he noticed that Paige was gone. Jeezy pulled out his cell phone and sent her a text that said "Good luck on the audition today baby."

  Jeezy sat on the couch and thought about everything he had been through in the last three years and asked himself was it worth it? Was it worth losing the best thing that had ever happened to him? No matter how many times he asked himself that question the answer was always the same; NO. Jeezy hated that he had to break the news to Paige the way he did, but he could no longer go another day being Pink's sex slave. Jeezy's train of thought was broken when he heard a knock at his door. Thinking Paige must have forgot something. Jeezy opened the door without looking through the peephole. On the other side of the door stood Alpo and another man, standing nearly 7 feet tall.

  "Can I help you?" Jeezy asked.

  "I'm looking for a Jeezy," Alpo said.

  "I'm Jeezy," he answered. Once he said that, Alpo stole on Jeezy sending him stumbling back inside the house. Before Jeezy got a chance to catch his balance, the 7 foot monster grabbed the back of his head and began raining knees into his stomach and chest area. Then he finished him off with a powerful uppercut.

  "Stay the fuck away from Pink" Alpo huffed sending a sharp kick to Jeezy's ribs. "If I have to come back again, it ain't gone be no talking,” Alpo said as he took a step back and hog spit in Jeezy's face. Alpo and the 7 foot man laughed loudly as they left Jeezy lying on the floor in the middle of his living room.

  Jeezy stayed down for a few minutes trying to get his thoughts together before he peeled himself up off the floor and headed to the bathroom to see how bad the damage was. As he examined the big knot on his head, he desperately tried to figure out why the two men came to his house talking about stay away from Pink when it was he who wanted Pink to stay away from him.

  Jeezy went to the kitchen, grabbed an ice pack from the freezer, and placed it on the knot on his head as he went, grabbed his 40 caliber, and sat in the living room hoping the two men came back again.

  Lights, Camera, Action

  Paige sat outside in the waiting area waiting for her number to be called so she could show the producers what she could do. She tried to read over her lines one last time, but she wasn't in the right frame of mind. Every time she closed her eyes she would see pictures of Jeezy and Pink having wild sex. Paige still couldn't believe that Jeezy let her become best friends with the chick that he was fucking while she was locked up without telling her. All of the trust that she had for Jeezy flew out the window after a stunt like that. Not only did Jeezy cheat on her, but also he made her look stupid in the process and that's the part that most hurt Paige.

  "I can't do this," Paige said to herself. Just as she was about to get up to leave, a white lady holding a clipboard called her name?

  Paige took a deep breath, put on her professional face, and entered the audition room.

  "How are you doing my name is Mike,” the producer said extending his hand.

  "Nice to meet you Mike, I'm Paige," she said as the two shook hands.

  "You'll be reading from pages fifty-five to sixty. Good luck" Mike said taking a seat with the rest of his staff.

  Paige relaxed herself as she read her lines. It just so happened that the scene was a dramatic one so it was easy for Paige to shed a few tears to give a more dramatic performance. Especially with all the drama that was going on in her life right now.

  When Paige finished her performance, Mike and his staff gave her a standing ovation.

  "That was great!" Mike smiled. "Do me a favor and wait outside for a few minutes. I would like to have a word with you when this is all over."

  Paige could tell by the glow on his face that she had gotten the part hands down. "Okay I'll be right out front."

  When Paige made it back to the waiting area, she said a quick prayer thanking God for giving her another opportunity to do what she loved to do. Paige was so excited she pulled out her cell phone and was about to call Jeezy and tell him the good news, but after thinking about it she slid her iPhone back inside her purse.

  She hated having to be like this with Jeezy, but what he did crossed the line in her eyes. If he had to sleep with someone else the least he could of did was keep the chick away from her and not allow the chick to move right next door. The more Paige thought about it the angrier she became and the more she started making up her own version of Pink's and Jeezy's relationship.

  Paige decided to pull out her ear phones and listen to some music hoping it would take her mind off of Jeezy. Just as Paige got ready to stick her ear phones in her iPhone, she looked up and saw Pink heading in her direction. At first, she thought she was seeing things. The harder she looked the more certain she was that it really was Pink.

  "Remain calm" Paige told herself while taking a deep breath. When she saw the jeans and Ugg boots and head scarf that Pink was wearing she already knew what time it was. Just as Paige stood to her feet Pink rushed her swinging wildly. The two collided like two rams. As both women tried to kill the other one, Pink and Paige crashed through the little coffee table in the waiting area as they both scrapped as if their lives depended on it.

  Mike and his staff rushed out of the audition room and tried to separate the two women.

  "Bitch, stay the fuck away from my man," Pink yelled. "If I catch you next to my man again I'mma beat your ass again!"

  "You wish that was your man bitch.” “You weren’t anything but something to do to pass the time," Paige yelled as security escorted Pink out of the building.

  Once Pink was gone Paige realized she had just acted like an animal. She had the same feeling that she had when she was locked up. She looked over at Mike and when he rolled his eyes at her and went back inside the audition room, right then and there she knew she had just fucked up her second chance of being an actor.

  "Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave the building," Security said sternly. Paige exited the building with her head hung low. Her confidence and self-esteem was at an all-time low. She hopped in her car and headed straight to the liquor store to get herself something to sip on.


  Jeezy sat on the couch listening to The Blue Print 3, thinking about how he could make things back right with Paige. He knew he had messed up big time, but was willing to do anything to get back on her good side.

  Jeezy's head snapped to the right when he heard someone coming through the front door. When he saw Paige walk through the front door with her hair all wild and a few scratches on her face Jeezy quickly rushed to her side. "Baby what happe
ned? Are you alright?"

  "I'm fine," Paige said pushing Jeezy away from her.

  "What happened?"

  "Your bitch came down to my audition and ruined any chance of me getting back into the acting world," Paige said looking Jeezy up and down. "This is your entire fault!” “I hate you,” she said as tears rolled down her face as she headed upstairs and slammed the door.

  "Fuck!" Jeezy cursed loudly as he turned and punched a hole in the wall. He could no longer take all of Pink's games. It was time to end it all once and for all. Pink had ruined him, his woman, his happiness, and now his woman's job. It was now time for her to pay.